Well, Next Week…
Kickstarter Seems to Have Forgotten Us… Said our campaign would be approved by the 15th. Nope. It is now the 16th. I don’t think there is a problem, just they seemed to have gotten busy or something. First time in 15 times that has happened. So now the 2020 Holiday Spectacular will launch next Tuesday, if they approve it. Not sure why they wouldn’t, but you never know these days. It is 2020 after all. (grin) So I’m going back to finishing up some writing and editing this weekend plus exercising. Turned in a book yesterday to WMG, like to finish up a couple more. Did seven miles today, even…
Kickstarter Campaign in the Works
Working On and Off On It All Weekend… New WMG Holiday Spectacular 2020. If you remember from last year, this is the cool idea Kris came up with to basically do an Advent Calendar with fiction. People who sign up get an original story a day to read from November 26th to January 1st. What a fun way to end this year, huh? Over 25 professional writers wrote stories for basically three books. 37 stories will be sent out in 37 days. And then the books will come out next October. In fact, the three books from last Holiday Spectacular 2019 will be released this week. How cool is that?…
Doing Something New…
Late Pledges on a Kickstarter Campaign… This is only new for us. Many large campaigns do this to one level or another. We have done 14 campaigns before this one and never tried this. One of the reasons we wanted to do this is because it makes the surveys much nicer. Now granted, the standard Kickstarter surveys are just fine, but with an after-sale company, the surveys look better and allows for a clean ability to get the person’s add-ons. Also, it would have made fulfillment quicker, except for the fact that WMG Publishing had to evacuate our offices last week, and I was slow putting the entire thing together…
The Return of Boss
Three Full Days Doing the Survey And almost ready to go. Waiting on one more detail and it will finally head out. I’m learning a great deal, actually, since this is the first one we have gone with a fulfillment company on. It should be pretty good, even though this time they are only doing the survey and we are still doing the actual fulfillment. But it is a ton nicer and a ton more work. And also we will have a site up for a time to take late pledges. In other words, if there is something you missed during the Kickstarter, you can still pick it up, or…
Fun Interview
Robert Jeschonek Interviewed Me… A fun and short discussion with Robert about different things science fiction and 1970s, because he’s doing that SPACE: 1975 Kickstarter Campaign. When we recorded it, it was about 60% funded, but now the campaign has made the funding and first stretch goal and is doing great. I am excited because I get to write a story for it. The interview happened when I was in the worst of the allergies from the smoke and I wore big headphones, so I looked a little more beat-up than normal. (grin) But it was fun. And since I sold my first couple of short stories in 1974, I…
Working on the Survey…
For The Return of Boss Kickstarter… It ended tonight and thanks, everyone, for the great support. Really fun. But now I am working on the survey that will get sent out in a week or so. Basically I am rebuilding the entire campaign… twice. Not kidding. And adding some extra stuff people can grab if they want, or if they missed it in the campaign. At some point, Loren and I will do some videos in the Kickstarter Best Practices about surveys and the many ways they can be handled after you run a successful kickstarter. Kickstarter itself gives you a decent tool to use. And using that is pretty…
Last 18 Hours…
As I Write This… The Return of Boss Kickstarter campaign ends at 8 pm West Coast Time tonight (Thursday) and looks like we are going to go past the 6th stretch goal. So writers, you get four Pop-Ups as stretch goals, worth $600 total. We already have two of them recorded and will be finishing up the last two and have them all up before the survey goes out in a week or so. Also a lot of great reading as well as stretch rewards, plus everyone who backs this gets the new Diving novel Thieves as well. So make sure you don’t miss it. This turned out really well…
Best Workshop Deal Ever….
In the Return of Boss Kickstarter Campaign… Kris’s wonderful Diving Universe novels and novellas and short stories are all in the subcategory of Science Fiction called Space Opera. So back when Kris finished the new Boss novel and we were talking about what cool things we could do for the campaign for writers, we came up with the idea of teaching a special three-week workshop called How to Write Space Opera. It will only be offered through this special Kickstarter campaign and now only for two more days. Ends Thursday Evening! But since the Diving Books are space opera and learning how to write great space opera is a tough…
The Return of Boss Kickstarter…
Is Down to Counting Hours… As I write this, 65 hours left. Only that much time left to sign up for the new special workshop, or get the two new Diving novels early. Or a bunch of other great stuff. We have made it through five stretch goals, which means there are some great extra books and for writers three Pop-Ups that everyone will get automatically. And there is still time to hit that last stretch goal and add in even more. So help us pass the word. Or if you haven’t looked at it yet, click over to The Return of Boss Kickstarter campaign and look at all the…
Just Hit 5th Stretch Goal!!!
How Cool Is That? I am, of course, talking about the Return of Boss Kickstarter campaign that is going on now. And we have a nifty sixth stretch goal and a seventh waiting in the wings. So I figured that with 5 days left (ends Thursday evening), and since we still have another stretch goal we are aiming for, I should detail out what every backer at the $5 level and above gets at this point in time. To start off, anyone, backer or not, can follow the link in the campaign story and get a free electronic copy of the novella “Diving into the Wreck.” That is the award-winning…