A Couple Updates…
Yes, I Am Still Reading… Over this last week I read a bunch of stories from the Monetize and Writing a Pulphouse Story workshops. And even made offers on two of them for Pulphouse. But since I am really working to give every story a fair shot, meaning my eye isn’t tired and I have time to read the entire story if need be, the process is slow. But I think I have about 15 stories left is all, so with luck by the end of the week. So hold on, folks. I will announce when I got them all. Tomorrow I will post here my 70@70 list and more.…
A New Challenge
Working On It… Kris spent time with me today as I worked over a possible new challenge for next year. Not going to start anything from my birthday to my birthday again. The new challenge I am thinking about is going to take some build-up, so it will start on January 1st, 2022. And sorry, not yet going to say what the writing challenge is going to be because nothing is set. But I can say that to do this challenge, I need to lose about 20 pounds and be in shape for some distance running starting in January. Yes, losing the weight and being in shape again will make…
Visions of the Future Storybundle
Introduction (Here is the introduction the Visions of the Future StoryBundle I wrote. It explains it pretty well. This is a good one.) Back almost two years ago, in February 2020, just before the pandemic started, I did a Storybundle with the title Visions of the Future. Thankfully, nothing about the last two years was in that bundle of great novels and stories. I don’t think many people, including the best science fiction writers, saw any of this coming in the way it did. So now I get a chance to find writers to look into the future again, only on the downward side of the pandemic. And there is…
Ends At 7PM West Coast Time Thursday!!!
Only Hours Left… And we hit the 5th stretch goal, so more free books and another free Pop-Up writers’ workshop for all backers of any reward. As I write this there are just 20 hours left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. But that is enough time for you to back a reward and get everything, including the nifty 38 original stories calendar. And remember the two special classes in this one. And discounts for other workshops at the bottom. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st. That is 38 original stories. Yes, original stories!! If you are…
Some Fun Pictures
Writers of the Future Awards Ceremony… Got some nifty pictures in so thought I would share a few since I don’t have time tonight to do a real blog because I have to be up early in the morning for a fun run. Getting up at the crack of dawn is not fun, but the 5k runs always are. I had signed up for the 10K tomorrow, but I am too heavy still to try that. Anyway, some fun pictures. Hope this makes those of you eligible to not miss a deadline. First off a picture of the awards ceremony with me standing at the podium doing a presentation to…
Gaining On the Next Stretch Goal…
Which Means More Free Books… And another free Pop-Up writer workshop. There are six days left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. And the higher we go, the more free stuff every backer gets. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st. 38 original stories. And yes, if you are going to give the calendar as a gift, it needs to be given early so the person who gets it will love it over the entire holiday season. But if you do give it late, we catch the person up by sending out what they have missed every Monday.…
Five Collections
Part of My 70 in 70 Challenge That’s right, five collections published in one day. I had a lot of fun putting these together. And I did the covers and everything, just as in the collections classes. I seldom, and I do mean seldom, ever tell anyone here about books I publish, but having five collections in one day is kind of fun. So figured I would mention it. And yes, I will tell you the exact titles and dates of publication of all 70 books when I hit it. Still going, but these five take me to 66 books of the 70 needed. And a little under a month…
I’m Home…
And Will Be Catching Up Tomorrow (Sunday) Great fun as I have been saying all week. And the award ceremony was amazing like normal for Writers of the Future. You can see it at WritersoftheFuture.com The five hour drive back was five hours because one again this year I got lost coming out of Hollywood, got on the wrong freeway, and went a few miles out of my way before correcting course. Met a lot of great new writers and a lot of old friends I hadn’t seen for years. That was a lot of fun as well. So going to cut this short and leave you with two pictures.…
Busy Day But Not As Expected
Original Plan: Run Two 5K… I have so much stuff to do to get ready to leave on Tuesday, I decided to skip the first run and stay home and work. And for the second 5K I walked a mile. Kris and Lisa did both and I am impressed. But doing both runs would have wiped me out and I needed the hours of writing and work. Most of the time I just powered on finishing the new Thunder Mountain novel. And I am finishing up all the refunds on the game. (Not done yet, so no panic. Still got a lot of letters to send.) And tomorrow I will…
Went to “Cats” Broadway Touring Play
Amazingly Good and Fun… The Smith’s Performing Arts Center opened back up tonight after what they call the longest intermission in history with a performance from the touring company of “Cats.” I had never seen it, and I found it fantastic fun, amazing dancing, and great music. Everyone had to show their vaccination card to get in. Three women were walking toward the entrance behind us when one said to the others, “Get out your cards and driver’s license and get your mask on. (We had to wear it the entire time. No big deal.) One woman said, “I don’t have a card.” I glanced back as two were putting…