• Challenge,  publishing

    Fun Box of Books

    A Very Heavy Box Arrived Today… Turns out it was 47 of my novels. Not copies the same book, but 47 different novels. One copy of each. Not at all sure which books I am missing still. I will have to go back through and compare them to Smith’s Monthly, which has 52 books out at the moment that were in there. (Actually 53.) I know I don’t have the two of the last three. But still missing a few besides those. But still a really fun sight. Very large piles of COLD POKER GANG NOVELS with the new covers and branding. Very nifty. Another bigger pile of THUNDER MOUNTAIN…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Another Quick No Topic Post

    Some Close Calls… Internet and web site seemed to be having a night. Trying to decide which will stay up and for how long. Some sort of game they are playing I’m sure. I have been putting Pulphouse Fiction Magazine anthologies together and luckily haven’t needed either. Then noticed the fun they were having and thought I had better stop and write something here to keep my blogging streak alive. 3,327 days without missing a blog. So if this posts, the streak is alive. And make sure you check out the Spade/Paladin Kickstarter campaign. Almost to the 4th stretch goal and another Pop-Up class. Fun.  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Some Pop-Up Descriptions

    A Deeper Description… Although some of the Pop-Ups that we are working through on the most recent Kickstarter are fairly clear. Or I thought they were, but I guess I was wrong considering some of the questions I have gotten in the last few days. So over the next week or so I’ll talk a little about what these are about and why we picked them. The first one that every backer of the Kickstarter campaign will get without charge is the Pop-Up How to Make Your Red Herrings Invisible. Now in fiction, a red herring is something you write that is meant to distract from the real plot line…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Storybundle GETTING JUSTICE Now Live!!

    Just Went Live An Hour Ago! I am really proud of this Storybundle because not only is it a great idea for a bundle of books, but for the fantastic writers who are in it. The reading in this will be amazing on so many different levels. So here is my introduction I did for the bundle. The link to the bundle is here… Introduction Justice: A Great Word Dean Wesley Smith I learned that if you ask a writer for a story about justice, you get all kinds of books and genres. But mostly when you say the word “Justice” you get mystery and crime fiction. And that was…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    Lots of Fun!!

    Kickstarter and Bundle… Not only did we launch a fun Kickstarter today that funded in an hour and hit the first stretch reward in four hours, but I curated a StoryBundle that is starting later today in the evening. The Kickstarter I have been talking about the last couple of days. And it is just about to hit the second stretch reward with another story for everyone, plus a Pop-Up writing class. Check it out by clicking here. The StoryBundle that I curated and that will start later today is called GETTING JUSTICE. Man there are some great authors and books in the bundle. Especially if you love all kinds…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Launched!!

    For Kris’s New Novel TEN LITTLE FEN. And this campaign is a typical WMG Kickstarter campaign, with lots of great reading, mystery collections and such from Kris, and more. You can also get half-price workshop and Pop-Up deals and two very special three-week workshops. — Rule of Three: And How to Use It. — Making Place a Character Plus all the fun books and Pop-Ups if we hit some stretch goals. But most importantly, with every reward you get an electronic copy of Kris’s fantastic new Spade/Paladin novel TEN LITTLE FEN. Take a look! Just launched for a short 16 day campaign. Click here.

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Launching Spade/Paladin Kickstarter

    Another Fun Campaign… This campaign is for the new (and first) Spade/Paladin novel. This new book is great fun and a great read, just as all the Spade/Paladin stories have been. A mystery puzzle novel set at a science fiction convention. Everyone who backs the campaign for any reward will get a copy of the book. Plus we have a lot of other books, plus two great special workshops to never be offered anywhere else. And, of course, some amazing stretch goals including more Spade/Paladin stories and some nifty Pop-Up writing classes for writers. And for five of the hardbacks, we will bind in a full first page dedicated to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Come Looking For Anger

    Trolls Are Everywhere… But seems for me, they have to come looking. The reason is that I just ignore them and eventually, because they are starved for attention, they go away. Now, I know clearly that my opinions of professional fiction writing are only based on how it is really done, not on how some beginning writers think it should be done. I actually write and publish and make a lot of money, and that just pisses off a large part of the younger writers as well. But if a person doesn’t want to hear how it is really done, they tend to stay away from this blog and anything…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Update on My 70 in 70 Challenge

    Got a Shot at Making It!!! Not kidding. I might very well actually publish 70 major books in my 70th year on the planet. Kris and everyone at WMG Publishing is super supportive of this crazy idea, and have been from the start last November. And amazingly I have not forgotten the challenge, sort of just kept at it. At the moment I have 52 books published this year so far with 2.5 months left to go. (I consider major books as any book with my name on the cover. Novel, novella, collection, or anthology where I edited it. I also considered an omnibus a major book but am not…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    The Rule of Three

    Most Writers Don’t Understand It or Use It… Today, at lunch, Kris and I were talking about a ton of ideas we have for Pop-Up classes we wanted to do for the Spade/Paladin Kickstarter we will launch next week. We like giving writers Pop-Up classes in the stretch goals if the campaign hits a certain amount. And we liked them to sort of match the genre of the campaign, which this time is mystery. We decided and laid out some really good Pop-Ups. For example, a Pop-Up titled HOW TO GET AUTOMATIC DEPTH. Yes, there are ways to do that. Honest. And they are fun and it is perfect size…