• 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge

    Something Big!

    Trying to Figure Out What Big Thing to Do! I am in my 50th year since selling my first two short stories. And this fall I turn 74 and I would really like to challenge myself in that year before I turn 75. It has been a hard few years for me and I want to come out of them screaming forward. (grin) I keep coming up with all sorts of really fun (for me) ideas. And really crazy. I mean really, really off the beam when it comes to writing and publishing. Asimov is known for doing a lot of books in his lifetime. A vast number of them…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge

    Thank You!

    For All The Congratulations and Well Wishes… I am going to spend some blogs over the next few weeks talking about segments of the challenge from last year and my thinking on them. Down into the details on how much time and effort I spent on each of the 70 books. And how much WMG did. And I got a few other things planned with the challenge and then I will announce next year’s challenge, not from Birthday to Birthday like this one was, but for the 2022 year. So the post yesterday was like the opening chapter in a book about how to do this sort of craziness. I…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge

    The 70 @ 70 Project

    THE SUMMARY… This challenge was to publish 70 major books from my 70th birthday to my 71st birthday. (A major book is a novel, a novella, a collection, and any major editing project with my name as editor on the cover.) Individual short stories do not count. I published 51 total of those stand-alone. And see the image of all the books in order at the bottom of this post. Keep in mind this started a week after the election here in the States and months ahead of any vaccine. Yes, this was that year… Here is a list of all publications and the date and type. November Nov 10th:…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Couple Updates…

    Yes, I Am Still Reading… Over this last week I read a bunch of stories from the Monetize and Writing a Pulphouse Story workshops. And even made offers on two of them for Pulphouse. But since I am really working to give every story a fair shot, meaning my eye isn’t tired and I have time to read the entire story if need be, the process is slow. But I think I have about 15 stories left is all, so with luck by the end of the week. So hold on, folks. I will announce when I got them all. Tomorrow I will post here my 70@70 list and more.…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Filler Tonight

    Just to Keep the Blogging Streak Alive… Night like tonight I wonder why I bother, but this streak after nine-plus years of not missing a day doing a blog is so powerful, I have to acknowledge it. Annoying. Granted, I am writing here, but can’t begin to tell you how many times I wished this streak was nine-plus years of fiction writing without missing a day. Maybe that will be part of the new challenge for 2022. More than likely not. I have a few more chapters of the Wet Blanket Reality written, just don’t feel like putting them up right now, so will do so in the next week…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    What Next?

    Almost Done with 70@70 That’s the title that WMG Publishing has been calling my challenge of publishing 70 major books in my 70th year on the planet. 70@70 I kind of like it. And actually I am done with my part of the challenge, now just waiting for WMG to send the last four books out wide on Monday or Tuesday next week. Four final collections. I did the covers, all the introductions, table of contents, and so on. They were already proofed except for my introduction. So all ready to be put in Vellum and launched, which will happen on Monday or Tuesday to hit 70 in the year.…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge

    Update on 70’s Challenge…

    With Just Under One Month Left Before I Turn 71… My number is 65. So far. 54 books published, eleven in and scheduled to be published this month. (5 publishing tomorrow, actually) Allyson and Gwyneth at WMG Publishing are just amazing, and are stunningly supportive of this craziness. None of us want to try it again, granted, but we are all focused on making it this once. And Kris has been very encouraging even though it has taken me a vast amount of time and energy. I will list here the titles of each book and when it was published when this is over, so no worries there. (And we…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    70 Publishing Challenge

    Half Way There… I turned 70 back in the middle of November of 2020 and set up a challenge for myself. Actually a number of challenges. One was to complete a marathon and I did that in late November. I plan on one or two more marathons this coming fall. But I also sat up a publishing challenge for myself. I wanted to publish 70 major books (not counting individual short stories) with my name on the front cover. I did an update back in January when I said I was way behind. Well, I am now caught up. Granted, I only have twenty books published in five months, but…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Ramping Back Up Exercise

    Got So Crazy Busy, I Let It Slide… Also had some blood blisters that I kept making worse (wrong shoes, fixed that problem). So finally today I got back up to 4 miles, and will keep that and ramp up a little more to 5 miles plus a day starting Monday. Then in a few weeks after that ramp up to six miles a day minimum. (Starting a streak.) Also starting Monday cutting back to 1,200 to 1,500 calories, with a lot of protein to start dropping a few of the winter and injury pounds. Like a lot of us, I have gained a few pounds since the marathon in…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Time to Look Ahead…

    And We Can!!! Finally, the end of this year is in site, a vaccine is in sight, and here in the States a new government is in site. So it is the 7th of December and time to slowly start making plans for the new year. Writing plans, business plans, exercise plans that were almost impossible to make four months (or even two months) ago. On exercise, since I finished the marathon, I overate and gave my feet time to heal, so gained five pounds. Winter/holiday weight I am sure, but going to drop it back off plus more after the holiday. So I am in the process of setting…