• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Licensing

    Playing with Licensing

    Masks… Annoying and Fun… About a month ago I ordered thirty WMG masks from a company. All good except that once I was done they said they would deliver them on the 8th of August. Haven’t seen them yet, but not a chance in the world I will ever use that company again. I felt scammed. So no matter how good they look, nope, just nope… So I found another company that promised quick turn-around and reasonable prices, so I ordered a four-pack of Pulphouse masks from them and got them five days later, from London. Not kidding. And they were easy to do, looked wonderful, were comfortable, decent priced,…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing

    Diving Kickstarter

    More On The Diving Kickstarter I said this before. There are not one, but two new Diving novels for this one campaign. For those of you who are fans of the Diving Universe, Kris finally returned to Boss and the boneyard in a novel called THIEVES. And it has some surprises that will just keep you twisting. Amazing book. And it is a Boss book. And then Kris, in one of her moments of wanting to explain something to herself, wrote another novel that is set at the same time as the novel BONEYARDS and this one is called SQUISHY’S TEAMS. So two brand new Diving novels you can get…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing

    Diving Kickstarter Doing Great!

    An Understatement There… It funded in one hour (not a small ask, either) and hit the first stretch goal in ten hours. Still got twenty days to go. So for those of you who supported this, both Kris and I want to say, “Thank you!” Wow. And trust me, the novel THIEVES is going to be worth your time to read. Amazing and gripping. Especially if you are a fan of Boss and the universe in general. (And I just love this title image for the campaign, so putting it here again. Josh at WMG did a fantastic job with that using PhilCold’s original art which we commissioned for the…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing

    New Diving Kickstarter… NOW LIVE!!

    Launched Today  Not one, but two new Diving novels for this one. For those of you who are fans of the Diving Universe, Kris finally returned to Boss and the boneyard in a novel called THIEVES. Oh! My! God!  It is good!!! And has some surprises that will just keep you twisting. Amazing book. And it is a Boss book. And then Kris, in one of her moments of wanting to explain something to herself, wrote another novel that is set at the same time as the novel BONEYARDS and this one is called SQUISHY’S TEAMS. So two brand new Diving novels you can get early, way before publication dates,…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Doing a Workshop

    Kris and I Are Putting Together a Kickstarter Basics Workshop… Every detail to think about when putting a Kickstarter campaign together, what to do first, second, third, and so on, all the way through the process and afterwards into fulfillment. So one of the best ways to research the details needed for the workshop is to do another Kickstarter campaign. And just write down the details as I go along. Since I have done fourteen or so now, I just automatically do things that I now have a memory of really struggling with the first few times through. And wow are there a lot of details. The one we are…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Kickstarter Full Workshop

    Finally Going to Do It! Kris and I have been talking about this for some time, but it just never seemed like a right time to launch it. And we have the Best Practices on Teachable already that is free, but without a workshop structure, that can only cover so many details. But today, as we were talking about different aspects of what Brandon is doing and why over the years more writers don’t use Kickstarter and other sites like it, the reason became clear. The details. Writers are overwhelmed by the details. What do you do first, what do you do next, how do you set stuff up, how…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    4 New Videos

    On Kickstarter Best Practices That is a free service that Loren Coleman and I are doing on Teachable, trying to help fiction writers get started and understand fiction on Kickstarter. Right now, Brandon Sanderson is over 5 million in three days on his fiction Kickstarter. So this is worth studying and looking at, even as a new writer with no fans. I have seen new writers make nice money on Kickstarter. Just have to know what you are doing and follow some best practices, and that is what Loren and I have done on that location, detail out and talk about the best practices for fiction writers on Kickstater. Again,…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Brandon Sanderson Kickstarter

    In the Fiction Section under Publishing… This is huge and great news for all of us writers because finally the fiction section of Kickstarter will start getting some attention. Loren Coleman and I have been trying to get fiction writers to put up Kickstarter campaigns. And put them in the fiction section. Why? To get readers and buyers used to looking in Kickstarter for new books and authors, just as gamers go first to Kickstarter for new games. But just like with the gaming side, it needed a huge name to come in and blow the number out of the water so that the entire category will get more attention.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just Eight Hours Left!!

    Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter Campaign… Almost to the fourth stretch goal. If we manage to hit that, everyone will get 5 extra books, plus $35o in lectures, Pop-Ups, and Classic Workshops. Plus, remember that the only place to get into the special Writing Mystery Series workshop is in this campaign. It is a three week workshop and the reward level is $150. You have your choice of taking it in July or August. And there are discounts on lectures and regular workshops as well. Ends at 6 PM tonight, West Coast Time, so not much time left. Here is the link to the campaign… Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Very Close To Third Stretch Goal!!

    As I Write This… Only $90 away on the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter. (See posts below for links.) And when we hit that, everyone will get an electronic copy of my novel Death Takes a Partner: A Mary Jo Assassin novel. (Yes, I know, I write books no one has every heard of, but actually have two in that series and some short stories.) Also, you get your choice of a classic workshop. And still have three days left and if we can hit the next stretch goal, everyone will get a copy of my Earth Protection League novel, Life of a Dream.  And your choice of any of the…