• Challenge,  Licensing

    Day Three of Licensing Expo…

    I Am Totally Beat Up… Sensory overload, far, far too much conversation, and way, way too much walking. But Kris and I had a great conference, especially with all the business garbage we are dealing with, so we did not go in as prepared as we had hoped to. But still some great meetings and contacts and steps forward in new licensing deals. And I found my sock distributor. (grin) This was a lark. I had been joking that I wanted to find a company that could get our brands on socks and get them into the sock stores and other markets all over the world. Hah, not so much…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    2nd Day Licensing Expo…

    As Normal, I Am Exhausted… And my shoulder is not up for this kind of grind. But tomorrow is the third and last day and I will be there focusing down on products to give everyone some ideas for their own Shopify stores. First two days was a very unsuccessful attempt by me and Kris to see even two-thirds of the entire conference. I will get to more of it tomorrow, but still won’t come close to even walking past every booth. Just stunning amounts of really cool stuff. Attending the 2024 Licensing Expo with Kris and Dean on WMG Teachable is where we are posting all the videos. We…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    We Got Our Badges

    Attend the 2024 Licensing Expo With Kris and Dean… Has sort of started. Kris did a series of ten really short videos about the walk from near the entrance to the Mandalay Bay parking garage to the expo on our way to get our badges. One of the major factors with this is the distances. So we drove to Mandalay  Bay (30 minute drive from our place), took 30 minutes to walk and get the badges, and then headed for the gym. I made some business phone calls while Kris was running. Tomorrow in that class, I will have a bunch of videos about why the Licensing Expo is important…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Tech Challenged…

    At A Stupidly Basic Level… This year Kris and I will be attending the Licensing Expo as we have always done. But this year both of us will be filming and giving our opinions on things we see like I did last year. We will be posting all this daily in the class ATTEND THE 2024 LICENSING EXPO WITH KRIS AND DEAN.  It is on Teachable. So Kris was attempting to show me how we could share files on our phones. Attempt is the operative word. I will get it if I have it written down on a little note card step-by-step. Maybe. I know I did fine last year…

  • Challenge,  Licensing,  publishing

    Fiction Branding… Part 6

    One More Preliminary Suggestion… Before getting into more details on branding in general. The suggestion: Have a Shopify store. Is it possible to build a brand with only books selling through Amazon and other bookstores world wide? Sure. My gut sense is that unless you have been living under a rock for the past 15 years or sticking your head in the traditional publishing cesspool, you have already been branding your own series. More than likely you have branded to genre. And your author name has a brand if you got out of your own way and didn’t hide your name in small print at the bottom of the cover.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Licensing

    A Little Group Help…

    Looking for Anyone Who Has Tried This… Or bought something from them. There is a new place that you can crowd fund a limited edition plushie. It is called Makeship.com. I have not signed up for an account to get behind the scenes, so I was wondering if anyone out there has tried it yet, either as a customer or started a campaign? Or has other information about them and their business. I know the campaigns run for 21 days, are very basic with one product (the plushie), and charge the customers retail value. I have figured out that they are limited editions and will not even start production unless…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Comments and Questions Here…

    Using This Blog For Comments and Questions… On the class called Attend the 2023 Licensing Expo with Dean. I will try to answer any question here so that those who didn’t take the class (but still have interest in licensing) can understand. It is still possible to sign up for the class. And in a couple of weeks I will add this class into the Licensing Transition class from a few years back as the last thing to be added in there. But not for two or three weeks. So did I learn anything this year? Yes, a ton. Am I going to make changes because of what I learned…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Licensing Expo 2023 All Done!

    Put Up 59 Videos from the Expo… Plus other regular videos. I will be spending the next two days in the class adding videos talking about some things that came clear this year, some observations, and some plans going forward. As expected, a smaller year because of the move to June and the fashion focus which made little to no sense at all. Very, very few booths had any kind of fashion. Still a massive experience. Expo is back in May next year. 21-23.  More than likely WMG will have a suite for writers to get together and talk after dinner each day, including the day before. One thing I…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Attending Licensing Expo…

    You Can Join Me Through Videos… A couple days of groundwork now up. A day of getting my badge. And now today 17 videos about what the place looks and feels like overall on the first day. Second day. (Wednesday) I will do more of that as well as get down into more details and sample cases and such for idea for writers to use. Third and final day even more down into the weeds with ideas. Then a couple days of how to think about it all from your IP perspectives. So if you are thinking of ever attending the Licensing Expo at some point in the future, I…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    More Licensing Expo…

    Attend the Licensing Expo With Me… Virtually… Great dinner tonight with friends in for the Expo. Lunch and dinner tomorrow with friends as well. I have three days of groundwork now up on the class. More Monday when I go to get my badge. This will be me attending the Licensing Expo and taking pictures and movies and describing things every day when the day is over. If you are thinking of ever attending the Licensing Expo at some point in the future, I would suggest you jump into this. It is still open on Teachable. It is called ATTEND THE 2023 LICENSING EXPO WITH DEAN. Direct link is https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/courses/licensing-2023…