Card Sharp Silver… Day 16
I Hate Restarting… Five days or so since I wrote anything on this novel, and that makes it kind of rough to get restarted. Annoying is a better term. The day started off as I did a few emails, then around 12:30 headed out into the wilds of empty Las Vegas. A stop at a vegan bakery for deserts for Kris, then a stop at Cinnaholic, another vegan deserts place with cinnamon rolls to die for. Then off to the grocery store. Made it back and got decontaminated by 3:30 pm. A nap, then more email, then a walk with Kris, then dinner and a television show. Back in here…
One More Day Off
Actually, Working Like Crazy… Just off from the novel. And that’s why I am taking the time, and planned on it five days ago, because I knew how much work was coming at me. I just didn’t expect it to last more than two or three days. But I did succeed at one thing today (besides a ton of work). I managed to get my steps up over 12,000 steps (about 6 miles for me… No running, just walking). Had to get away from the computer screen to rest my eyes, so went for a walk downtown past the construction on the new resort. Parking garage has topped out at…
Workshop Half Price Sale Ending
Today, Friday, at 5 pm West Coast Time… We did this sale to help writers get workshops and lectures and subscriptions to focus on while the planet is shut down. The world will come back, and while we are waiting, we can all be having fun writing and learning. So this sale is almost over. We hope it has allowed a few of you to get the class you feel you need for your writing and publishing business. So to make sure you have all the information, here is the original post from a few days back explaining everything. (And on a personal note, tomorrow I will be back with…
Got Some Question On The Half Price Workshop Sale
IS EVERYTHING HALF PRICE? That was the first question I got a few times. — Are all the pop-ups half price as well? Yes. — All the Lifetime Subscriptions? Yes. — Even the bundles of other workshops, like the Classic Bundles? Or Pop-up bundles? Yes and yes. — Every WMG Publishing Workshop, Lecture, Pop-Up, Class, or Subscription on Teachable is HALF PRICE! — At least until 5pm on Friday, West Coast Time. So all day tomorrow and a ways into Friday. That’s right, on anything available on Teachable (hit “See All Courses) right now, just use the code SpringTraining2020 and get any class or workshop half price. (And if you…
Spring Training Half Price Workshop Special
We Are All Stuck At Home… With the exceptions, of course, of the brave health care workers, police, grocery store clerks, and others struggling to help out, or to keep their restaurant alive with take out. No one is traveling. And all of us are staying at home making sure we do not spread this virus and give the hospitals a chance to beat this thing. So to stay sane, we need to keep focused. Back in March (a very long month ago that now seems like a year), Allyson and Kris both suggested we give writers some real deals on workshops to help out through the coming weeks. And…
Something Fun…
Listen to Me Babble for 45 Minutes… Live… At 10 AM West Coast time, I will be on the Draft2Digital Spotlight talking publishing and writing with super writer and editor Mark Leslie Lefebvre, who also works for D2D. It will be live and could get silly, because Mark and I tend to get silly at times. For those of you who don’t know, for a number of years now, Mark has been our anchor at both the Master Business Class and the Anthology Workshop. His depth of knowledge of fiction and publishing and his willingness to help writers goes beyond any words I might say. And he likes beer. And…
Thanks for the Positive Comments
Glad The New Look Is A Good One… I sure like it and am working every day now to update all the information here. I will shout out in a month or so when I think I have most things updated. Amazing how far a web site can get behind when a person like me doesn’t much care about promotion of my own books. I just like writing them and putting them out. But now I figure if I can get this new look caught up, I have a better chance of keeping it caught up. One can dream, right? (grin) And speaking of my books, I have three collections…
Licensing… Oh, My…
Taking A Day Or Two Away From the Novel… I will be back on Monday talking about my regular routine, but for today and tomorrow I don’t want to have to push the book into a small place and time as I have been doing. I want to give it more time. So going to get a ton of workshop and business stuff done first, then focus on the run to the end of the book. But in the mean time, licensing… It has now been suggested that we all wear face masks when going out. Now that “suggestion” from medical folks doesn’t mean we should all go out and…
Card Sharp Silver… Day 15
Strange Times… I know the world (because of really bad reporting) believes that Nevada was late locking down, but actually the governor shut all casinos and restaurants and developed the phrase “Stay Home for Nevada” about three weeks ago. Actually a few days ahead of when San Fransisco shut down. And a week later he put teeth in the order and started yanking business licenses that refused to close and arrested a few nut cases. He just finally had to call it by the official name five days ago to get national news reporters from spreading the rumor that Las Vegas was open for business. The Strip is a ghost…
Card Sharp Silver… Day 14
Ramping Back Up… The day was swallowed by a ton of detail stuff, mostly business. Made it to this computer around 11 am and did email and some details on this web site fixes. Also some work on the Cats Bundle (see below) and some work on the Cave Creek Kickstarter, which ended successfully. Yeah! And thank you, everyone, for supporting that project. I promise it will be some fun. And surveys will go out soon. Then Kris and I headed out around 1 pm for a long walk (about four miles total) to run an errand and then picked up take-out lunch on the way back. A ton of…