• Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Last Day!!!

    On Storybundle.com This is a great bundle folks. Kris put this one together and it has ten amazing books in it. (Yes, I am calling my novel CARD SHARP SILVER amazing. It is in my opinion.(grin)) But all the others are amazing as well. Three of the books are original to the bundle. And it has one more day and then it will vanish forever!! Here is what Kris said about the bundle after she put it together… The Fantasy Steampunk Bundle – curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch: The best steampunk gives us fantasy with an attitude and weird mechanical somethings or other. When we expect magic, we get machines. When…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    The New Diving Novel Kickstarter

    Almost At the Next Stretch Goal The New Diving Novel Kickstarter came close and backed away and now is close again. And this third stretch goal gets another book for all backers, plus another fun workshop on writing science fiction. One thing that is really cool is the full set of all Diving Universe books is available in electronic, paper, or hardbacks. Wow, would this be a fantastic set on your shelves. And there are so many other great rewards, and no matter the reward you take, you get the new book. So take a look at the Kickstarter for the New Diving Novel, The Court Martial of the Renegat…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading,  workshops

    Almost March

    Fun New Classes Starting In March!! The big one is the nine-week Advanced Character Development class in the advanced series. This will be on the same level as Advanced Pacing. Expect to really stretch yourself. And get better and deeper and richer characters when you are finished. I’m excited about this one. And you can still get all six of the Advanced Classes, since we will make sure there will be a time to take them all again down the road if you missed one or two this year. Go directly to Teachable to look for them. COLLECTION CLASSES… Four different nine-week collection classes also start in March. You write…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing,  Smiths Monthly

    Smith’s Monthly

    New Place for Smith’s Monthly… We have all of them on our new Shopify store. Right now only the electronic editions are there, but given time, with luck, the paperback copies will be available as well. Check it out. When you see all 67 issues one right after another, you realize how amazing it is. Remember, each issue is about 60,000 to 70,000 words of only my fiction. Four or five original short stories every issue, plus a novel or something else large, plus other stuff. Every month. The November 2022 was the 67th issue. That was the last one I did at the moment because of my eye issues.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some AI Opinions

    Watching AI Like Everyone Else… And getting a ton of questions about the different aspects of AI as it applies to writing and the Indie world of publishing. So let me give you my opinions on the three areas right now here in February 2023. This will date quickly I am sure. So if you read this six months from now, I hope to do another update about then. AI Audio… It is here, pretty amazingly good, and getting better by the day. And numbers of companies are jumping on board (I know of at least three major.) As always, read the terms of service. I see no reason not…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    New Picard Show Surprising…

    Almost Like Next Gen Trek… Kris and I gave up on Picard season 2 about halfway. Too stupid for words and I have hated “Q” from the very start. I hated buying “Q” stories for the Strange New Worlds anthology series for a decade, but them some writer would write a great “Q” story and make me buy it. Annoyed me every time. So this year we decided to watch the first episode tonight of Picard when it dropped and shocker!!! It was actually Trek, with the cool ships, the great characters, big bad unseen aliens, and battle scenes. So much fun. Worth watching it. Sort of like Next Gen…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  Recommended Reading,  workshops

    Diving Universe Kickstarter Doing Well!

    Launched at Noon on Tuesday… So as I write this, it is less than two days and it is about to hit the second stretch goal and trigger the new series of workshops that will be on Teachable. To say that Kris and I are excited to teach some basic concepts and tropes of science fiction with the help of Rocket-Fuel Rachel and Space-Cowboy Pete would be an understatement. That is going to be so much fun. And got a hunch those two will be around in different genres and in different forms in different classes. So back the Kickstarter, get Kris’s wonderful new Diving Novel called COURT MARTIAL OF…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    Funded and Flashed Past First Stretch Goal!!!

    A Fantastic New Novel and Kickstarter Campaign! Here is a fun ad first!! Court Martial of the Renegat Renegades is Kris’s new Diving Universe novel. Even if you have never read a Diving novel before, you can read this one. And it is amazing. Get to the New Diving Novel Kickstarter here… Also in this one are two really cool science fiction writing workshops, plus discounts on regular workshops and a brand new lifetime subscription to everything on Teachable. And no matter the award you pick, you get a copy of the new Diving Universe novel and the stretch goals as we go higher. Plus something really fun…A brand new…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    We’re LIVE!!!

    THE NEW DIVING NOVEL KICKSTARTER IS LIVE!! Court Martial of the Renegat Renegades is Kris’s new Diving Universe novel. Even if you have never read a Diving novel before, you can read this one. And it is amazing. Get to the New Diving Novel Kickstarter here… Also in this one are two really cool science fiction writing workshops, plus discounts on regular workshops and a brand new lifetime subscription to everything on Teachable. And no matter the award you pick, you get a copy of the new Diving Universe novel. Plus something really fun…A brand new writing series that will be a ton of fun that we are giving away…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    New Kickstarter Launching at Noon

    West Coast Time… The New Diving Novel by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is launching on Tuesday, February 14th at noon. Promotions Page is here… The Court-Martial of the Renegat Renegades is a stunning new novel in the Diving Universe. And we have some really fun rewards and some brand new things in the stretch goals. And some workshops that are really cool. And everyone backing any reward will get an electronic copy of the book. So don’t miss it. And this book you do not have to have read any other Diving novel to enjoy it. Stands alone. And is an amazing read.