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How Writers Fail…

A New Writing Book By Kris…

Just released…  How Writers Fail… Analysis and Solutions by Kristine Kathryn Rusch.

This a blunt, straight-forward book that might save your career or at least help you head off some really, really ugly bumps in the road. It is focused at indie writers. (If you are headed toward traditional publishing, you have already failed.)

Here is the sales copy…

“Everyone fails at times. Writers fail in predictable ways—ways both foreseeable and preventable.

In this WMG Writer’s Guide, New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Kristine Kathryn Rusch addresses the pitfalls writers face and offers solutions to help them overcome those obstacles.

Because the best writers push through their challenges to ultimately find success, as Rusch brilliantly illustrates in these real-world examples.”

Business and writing and so much more are in this, including a bunch of just trashing myths around all kinds of beliefs that hurt writers.

You can get this amazing book at… WMG Books

Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.


  • S. H. Miah

    Got this book as part of the last writing storybundle, can confirm that it’s really eye opening and has a lot of information that other ‘gurus’ won’t talk about. Definitely a lot of hard hitting truths in this one, would absolutely recommend.

  • Sam

    Just picked this book up. Sorry, i’m late to the party but i LOVE your online store. You did a great job on the redesign!

    • dwsmith

      It is going to get even better and easier to search and so on. We are working on it at top speed. Thanks for the kind words. Allyson and everyone at WMG will really appreciate them.