• Challenge,  Licensing

    We Got Our Badges

    Attend the 2024 Licensing Expo With Kris and Dean… Has sort of started. Kris did a series of ten really short videos about the walk from near the entrance to the Mandalay Bay parking garage to the expo on our way to get our badges. One of the major factors with this is the distances. So we drove to Mandalay  Bay (30 minute drive from our place), took 30 minutes to walk and get the badges, and then headed for the gym. I made some business phone calls while Kris was running. Tomorrow in that class, I will have a bunch of videos about why the Licensing Expo is important…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Attend Licensing Expo With Me…

    Just Started Up… A couple days of groundwork now up. More tomorrow and then more on Monday when I go to get my badge. This will be me attending the Licensing Expo and taking pictures and movies and describing things every day when the day is over. If you are thinking of ever attending the Licensing Expo at some point in the future, I would suggest you jump into this. It is still open on Teachable. It is called ATTEND THE 2023 LICENSING EXPO WITH DEAN. Direct link is https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/courses/licensing-2023 Again, it will be videos and photos that I will upload each night when I get home, along with videos…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Licensing Expo Is Over…

    Exhausted… Over the next few days here I will do some reports about what happened, once my mind slowly returns. And this coming week I will do videos for updates to not only the Master Business Class, but Licensing classes. I can say this right now, I learned a ton. Also helped the future of WMG Publishing a lot, talked with a large number of people, and had a lot of fun. I can not begin to tell you how amazing it was to be with eleven thousand others attending, plus the thousands in all the booths, who were all positive and looking toward the future and making deals for…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Licensing Expo

    Here in Vegas May 24th, 25th, 26th… I just put up a few more videos on the Master Business Class about the Expo. I will add in a full five to ten more videos on how to best use it this year, take your IP from your computer to a toy in a toy store, or a major game, or whatever license that would fit your IP. So those of you in the Master Business Class, watch the new videos and then stay tuned for more. Plus other  topics as well coming, including how to handle money and how to deal with taxes. Yes, it is still possible to sign…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing

    Catalyst Game Labs Press Release…

    Thought It Would Be Fun To See… We do press releases at times for different things at WMG Publishing. They are not easy and you need a real reason to do one and also know who you are sending it to and why and how they will use it. It is an old art that is still being used fairly regularly, just not by indie writers much. This is the press release that was also in the Catalyst newsletter that just went out, talking about the collaboration between Catalyst Game Labs and Kris. Those of you who have been following the licensing stuff, this has been in the works for…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Licensing

    Playing with Licensing

    Masks… Annoying and Fun… About a month ago I ordered thirty WMG masks from a company. All good except that once I was done they said they would deliver them on the 8th of August. Haven’t seen them yet, but not a chance in the world I will ever use that company again. I felt scammed. So no matter how good they look, nope, just nope… So I found another company that promised quick turn-around and reasonable prices, so I ordered a four-pack of Pulphouse masks from them and got them five days later, from London. Not kidding. And they were easy to do, looked wonderful, were comfortable, decent priced,…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    4 New Videos

    On Kickstarter Best Practices That is a free service that Loren Coleman and I are doing on Teachable, trying to help fiction writers get started and understand fiction on Kickstarter. Right now, Brandon Sanderson is over 5 million in three days on his fiction Kickstarter. So this is worth studying and looking at, even as a new writer with no fans. I have seen new writers make nice money on Kickstarter. Just have to know what you are doing and follow some best practices, and that is what Loren and I have done on that location, detail out and talk about the best practices for fiction writers on Kickstater. Again,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Playing With Licensing

    Once Again… I mentioned a while back for the Cold Poker Gang kickstarter that I created a set of cards with all the book covers as the backs. Looks way cool. And a few people will be getting signed decks from me from the Kickstarter rewards. (By the way, the surveys have all been sent out. I will be contacting you with workshop stuff later in the week.) I also got one test deck of cards with the new book only on it. Way cool looking. I also made a poker chip set with Cold Poker Gang on every chip in gold lettering and my new book cover on the…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Licensing

    Some Licensed Products

    Cold Poker Gang Licensed Stuff… In the mail today I got a nifty box with another metal box inside. It was a set of poker chips in a metal case with an image of the cover of Bottom Pair on the outside of the metal case. And inside each chip was embossed in gold with the words “The Cold Poker Gang.” I put two decks of The Cold Poker Gang cards inside it in exchange for the regular cards that came with it. I get to keep it for something down the road, because no one took a set in the Kickstarter Campaign. So I get to keep this first…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    Licensing Transition Class Extended One Year

    Now Two Years Plus Long… Thanks to this virus, the Licensing Expo was postponed to first August, now to May 2021. The Licensing Transition class was supposed to work on all aspects of licensing of IP up and through the May Licensing Expo this year, but now that the Expo has been pushed back one year, we’re just going to keep going on the Licensing Transition class until a month after the Expo in 2021. So wow is this going to be a great deal for the money. And it is still open to sign up. A lot of videos over the last year have already been posted, plus one…