Challenge,  Licensing

We Got Our Badges

Attend the 2024 Licensing Expo With Kris and Dean…

Has sort of started. Kris did a series of ten really short videos about the walk from near the entrance to the Mandalay Bay parking garage to the expo on our way to get our badges. One of the major factors with this is the distances.

So we drove to Mandalay  Bay (30 minute drive from our place), took 30 minutes to walk and get the badges, and then headed for the gym. I made some business phone calls while Kris was running.

Tomorrow in that class, I will have a bunch of videos about why the Licensing Expo is important at one point or another in your career in this new world. Then the entire thing starts on Tuesday morning. (Yes, I said morning. I will be up and around and functioning.)

The class is open if interested on Teachable.

I might report a few fun things here over the next four days. We shall see.

But this entire expo is certainly on topic for branding. At all levels.