New Fantastic Stretch Goal
We Do A Zip Line ($25,000) In celebration of reaching this level, Dean will strap a camera on his head and go down the zip line on Fremont Street in Las Vegas and post the film on the web site. But even better, we will add two very special books and a very special writer’s award. Hugo Award Winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch will put together a very special Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine and we will give every supporter of this kickstarter an electronic copy. And editor Dean Wesley Smith will, at the same time, put together a very special Best of the Original Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine…
Kickstarter Workshops
Some Great Deals On Kickstarter… Yes, we have put some great offers as Kickstarter rewards for workshops and lectures and things to do with writers learning craft and business. But I wanted to be clear here for a moment because of three questions over the last two days. The workshops on Kickstarter are basically credits toward anything on Teachable (including lifetime subscriptions) or toward the fees for Las Vegas Workshops. Let me run down the workshop and lecture rewards and show you exactly what I mean. — $40 pledge toward a lecture is basically a $50 credit. — $100 Writer’s Special not only includes the books and the chance to…
You Get Books…
Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter… The Subscription Drive hit its third stretch goal, so everyone backing the kickstarter at this point gets the following: 1… An extra issue of the magazine. 2… Two special anthologies. 3… Choice of a WMG Lecture And we are on the way to the next stretch goal, which will get a third book for everyone and choice of a Classic Workshop, and considering six workshops are being added to the classic list this next month, that’s perfect timing. So I hope you back the subscription drive. Some great reading. And for you writers, there are numbers of options there for workshops as well, one spot in…
Just Hit 100 Backers!
Wow, just Wow!… Thank you everyone, for the support so far on this on Kickstarter. It has been fantastic and now, hitting 100 backers is so very cool! Not only are we a “Project We Love” with Kickstarter, but that backer number helps us get found in the Kickstarter world as well. So thank you, everyone, for the quick and wonderful support. And we have some great stretch goals on the horizon as well, including one we won’t announce until we make the next one. The Zip Line stretch goal. So check it out here and remember, with the add-ons, you can combine awards very simply if you want more…
A Fun Book and More Videos
Pulphouse Kickstarter Hit Second Stretch Goal… That’s right, in just three days. Wow! So everyone who supports the campaign gets a free electronic book. A brand new one that will be out in the summer next year. It’s called Aliens Among Us: At Least In the Pages of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. And going forward, if we hit more stretch rewards, there are more fun books and workshops and lectures for writers. Check it out at NEW VIDEOS Also, I added five new videos into the Licensing Transition, talking about aspects of how to make certain decisions when it comes to licensing your work. A lot of videos so far in…
Almost to Another Stretch Goal
The Diving Universe Kickstarter Going Fantastic… Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge, meaning 260,000 words. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so she is doing a Kickstarter project. The name of the novel is THE RENEGAT. If you back the campaign at any level, you will get a copy of the book early, months before it comes out regularly. Also, Kris did two really cool special books for this Kickstarter. She took all her deleted sections and pieces from both THE RENEGAT and other Diving novels, did some essays, and put them together. It takes up two…
Free Lecture, Classic Workshop, and Workshop Discounts
Plus Some Fantastic Reading… Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge, meaning 260,000 words. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so she is doing a Kickstarter project. The name of the novel is THE RENEGAT. If you back the campaign at any level, you will get a copy of the book early, months before it comes out regularly. Also, Kris did two really cool special books for this Kickstarter. She took all her deleted sections and pieces from both THE RENEGAT and other Diving novels, did some essays, and put them together. It takes up two books and…
That Went Well!
Diving Kickstarter Got a Fast Start… Understatement there. It funded in about twenty hours and is well on its way to the first stretch goal. And almost every reward taken so far is about the books, which is even cooler. I love the Diving Universe and I know a bunch of fans do as well, and it has sold many millions of copies around the world since it started, but still it is wonderful to see this take off like that. Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so that is her…
Kickstarter Update
Books and Stuff… Over the next few days WMG Publishing will be sending out my collections that are now available to the supporters of my crazy Make 100 Paperbacks Project. Both stretch goals had collections involved. So everyone should be getting an email with those links to get the four collections. (Stories from July and three shorter collections.) Give us some time to get those out to everyone. The three collections that everyone will get of the Make 100 Books won’t be done until the fall, of course. Also, over the next few days you will be getting a letter from me on how to get into the first five…
Last 24 Hours
Only One Thing I Can Write About Tonight… Last 24 hours of the Smith’s Stories: Make 100 Paperbacks Kickstarter campaign. You can get regular workshop credits through the campaign to use any time in the future. Get lectures and other stuff as well. And eight of either my mystery novels (Cold Poker Gang) or eight of my sf novels (Thunder Mountain). Not counting the 100 short stories either solo or in three collections. (Every award level gets the three collections in electronic form when I am done.) And, since the campaign made its first stretch goal, everyone gets another large collection of my stories (Stories from July) and a Classic…