• Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Something Fun…

    For Cave Creek Kickstarter Backers… I have decided to give all the backers of the Cave Creek a short story or two. As a way of saying thanks for the support in the Kickstarter. First one will go out later this week. “If Twilight Zone had a home town, it would be Cave Creek.” That’s how we are describing Cave Creek, and I have those writers in the Shared Worlds Class (still open to sign up) going and getting up to speed on the early Twilight Zone episodes. Because they are all going to be writing Cave Creek stories if they want. So I figured I would give the supporters…

  • Cave Creek,  Fun Stuff

    Cave Creek Kickstarter Live!!

    We’re Up and Going!! So anyone wants to see what this is all about, give it a check. And make sure you watch the really fun video that Gwyneth and I did (mostly her, I just talked.) Wow, this is a fun project. We have a gift card reward now, something that is limited and collectable and you can get all three anthologies on. And we added in retail discounts as well. And wow, are we giving away a lot of workshop stuff if this thing takes off. So pass the word and join the Shared Worlds class if you want to be a part of this. But first take…

  • News,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two Hours Left!!

    We Hit the 4th Stretch Goal!!! Thank you, everyone!!! So that means that anyone supporting this really fun Kickstarter project gets not only five extra books, but a choice of any of our lectures $50 value and a choice of any of our $150 Classic Workshops. Pretty cool, huh??? So still a few hours time left to grab some great reading. And get a lecture and Classic Workshop on your Teachable dashboard. But only two hours as I write this at 11 in the morning. Thanks again. Kris and I are really excited to put these twelve cat anthologies together. 100 cat stories. Going to be a blast. Year of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Just Hit Third Stretch Goal!!

    Working On the Fourth… So all supporters now, for sure, get a lecture of their choice for supporting our Year of the Cat Kickstarter. That’s worth $50.00. And you can help us get to the next stretch goal in the next 65 hours and get not only more books, but a choice of Classic Workshop worth $150. And remember, I just moved about eight workshops to classic status a few months ago. So below is the update I just posted to the Kickstarter. I hope you will help us hit that next stretch goal. Thanks!! And the nifty video Gwyneth did about finding Ruby, the cat character in the third…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just Three Days Left

    On Year of the Cat Kickstarter… And we are gaining on the third stretch goal, which will have a free lecture included, and I think there is time we could hit the next stretch goal as well with a free Classic Workshop. But we need help. Pass the word, grab a discounted workshop, don’t forget the Kickstarter only How to Write a Cat Story Workshop, or the nifty study of all 100 stories over a year class. You can get books, subscriptions to magazines, lectures, all kinds of discounted stuff and help us get this crazy and really fun project off the ground. We have already hit two stretch goals…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Year of the Cat Covers

    Wow, Are These Cool!!! I wanted to show you these twelve covers. And we are headed toward the second stretch goal with just over a week left on the Year of the Cat Kickstarter campaign. (Thank you, everyone!!) Now, please help pass the word so we can get up to those stretch goals with lectures and workshops involved. And get these twelve anthologies, one per month. And also, on Teachable, every month, I will be doing a Year of the Cat Class for a full year, talking about each story in each anthology and why that story worked and the writing techniques the writer used to make it work. A…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Almost To First Stretch Goal

    Just Over a Week In… And we are only $400 from the first stretch goal on the Year of the Cat Kickstarter campaign. Thank you, everyone!! Now, please help pass the word so we can get up to those stretch goals with lectures and workshops involved. Not even half way through the time yet, so more than enough time to make it. Thanks again, everyone. Link to Year of the Cat Kickstarter.

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing

    Kind of Fun Cat Video

    About Our Making Our Kickstarter Goal… Gwyneth at WMG Publishing did this for fun and I thought I would show it here. Nifty that we are past our goal, but we could use a bunch more help on getting the cat books, all 12 monthly anthologies, break even. And if anyone has any ideas for some rewards we hadn’t thought of, write me. Glad to consider just about anything. And by the way, if you are thinking about the mentor program with me, when this Kickstarter is over, that’s the end of them. I won’t offer them again. I’ll just keep working with the great writers I am working with…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Kickstarter Made It!!

    Yes, We Hit Our Ask… And it was no small ask, either. Yet we still hit it in just over four days. Wow, and thank you all who have supported it so far. Very much appreciated!! The reason we had to ask for $5,000 is because of the costs of publishing 100 stories, mostly by other writers. $5,000 doesn’t cover it, but it was enough to get us going and even if we don’t go much above that, we can cover the rest of the costs to produce all twelve books, plus the large one at the end. But we hope to go above that ask amount and get readers…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Kickstarter Workshops

    Details of the Kickstarter Workshop Deals… I thought I would outline the fun details of the workshops being offered in this nifty Year of the Cat Kickstarter project. — Year of the Cat Detailed Study of All 100 Stories. The books will come out one anthology per month for 12 months. Each anthology will have either eight or nine stories in it. Kris and I will talk about what makes each story work and I will do a video focused to fiction writers at learning craft on why the story worked, what makes it work, and so on. ALL POSITIVE. You will get all twelve books and read the stories…