Challenge,  publishing

Very Close To Third Stretch Goal!!

As I Write This…

Only $90 away on the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter. (See posts below for links.)

And when we hit that, everyone will get an electronic copy of my novel Death Takes a Partner: A Mary Jo Assassin novel. (Yes, I know, I write books no one has every heard of, but actually have two in that series and some short stories.)

Also, you get your choice of a classic workshop.

And still have three days left and if we can hit the next stretch goal, everyone will get a copy of my Earth Protection League novel, Life of a Dream.  And your choice of any of the 20 Pop-ups, worth $150.

So help pass the word. This support on this has been great. Thank you all!!

The Move…

Third day of 12-14 hours of packing boxes and moving them. One more tomorrow and then I head back to Vegas.

Remember, those of you taking classes, the week will start on time but you will not get a response on your week #2 assignments until Thursday. But they still need to be in one time. I just can’t write that many letters from this iPad.

One guy who came to look at a display case asked when we had to be out and I said August 1st and he just shook his head and said that looked impossible. He’s right, it does. But I have had some great help.

And giving away stuff sure helps as well. Got rid of a beautiful antiuque poker table today and four chairs. When the person asked what I wanted for it, I said the cost was that he had to get it out of my life in the next week.

He’ll be back with a truck. (Grin)

I’m keeping five large filing boxes full of watches, five or six filing boxes full of jewelry, four boxes of stamps and a hundred or more large boxes of Kris and my books. Amazing how many books we wrote over forty years. I will have pictures here on Thursday after I get back of the entire place.

Tomorrow is another 12 plus hour day, so off to sleep.

And sorry if you wrote me expecting an answer like I always do. This blog is about all I can manage on this iPad. So I will respond on Thursday.