• Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Misc

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 6

    Going to Ramp Up Speed Tomorrow… Since the Cave Creek Kickstarter that this novel Card Sharp Silver is a part of has been extended a week, I am going to see if I can finish this book in that amount of time. So got to ramp up to about 4,000 or more words a day to do that. Possible. Only four hours a day. Artificial deadline, I know, but a fun one. Today however, I managed about 1,000 words again. Just too much other stuff and no focus. Started off at 11 am doing email on my internet computer. Did that and some business until around 12:30 pm. Then with…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing

    Kickstarter Extended!!

    Now We Have Eight Days Left!!! We could use the help passing the word on this to hit the next stretch goal where all backers get another free book, plus a lecture of their choice worth $50. And the stretch goal beyond that gets yet another free book to read plus writers a $150 workshop. This campaign got caught, as many of us did, in this virus shutdown. But Kickstarter has done something they never do and allowed us to extend the campaign from its set end date. Fantastic support from Kickstarter on this. So if you haven’t given this campaign a look yet, you have no idea what book…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 5

    Book Surprising Me… Of course, I had no idea what I was going to write when I started this thing, but what is happening is not at all what I might have expected in hindsight. Really fun and I have no flat idea where it is going or why. I love that. So the day was yet another rest day. At this rate it’s going to take me a few weeks to finish this thing. I hope to speed up at some point, but it was Monday and a bunch of business to do and things. And even worse, I didn’t roll out of bed until almost noon. Got to…

  • Cave Creek,  News,  Recommended Reading

    Cave Creek Kickstarter

    Only Three Days Left!!! We could use the help passing the word on this to hit the next stretch goal where all backers get another free book, plus a lecture of their choice worth $50. This campaign got caught, as many of us did, in this virus shutdown. But if everyone could pass the word in these last three days, that would be helpful and also get everyone some free books to read fairly quickly while they are stuck at home. So if you haven’t given this campaign a look yet, have no idea what book I am writing in my daily blogs (Cover above), check it out. And remember,…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 4

    Wow Was Today Another Rest Day… Worse than yesterday, actually. Not one, not two, but three naps. All 15 minutes or so, and I am finally starting to feel awake. Amazing how stressed I was over the last few weeks. Glad I can take the time now to just rest. So made it to my internet computer around 11 am again and worked business and letters and stuff there until around 1 pm. Then I decided I would give the novel some time, so after a first quick nap, I got to the writing computer and managed about an hour and just at 1,000 words. Really enjoying this book. So…

  • Uncategorized

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 3

    Another Rest Day… Got to my internet computer around 11 am and worked there on different projects until around 2pm. Cooked Kris and I a light lunch, then we both went back to work. My attitude today was to keep resting, although I have to admit I felt a lot more rested today than yesterday. Still not pushing anything too much. Not sick or anything, just recovering from too much stress, which tends to knock me down for a few days at this age. So more work at the internet side of things, then a nap, then around 6:30 pm Kris and I went out for a walk to get…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 2

    Pretty Much A Wash-Out I hit the internet computer with my trusty protein bar at 11 am, and spent three hours working on various emails and business stuff. Typical Friday morning for me. Then I went for a mile one-way walk to see if one of our favorite restaurants was open for take-out. Nope. All shut down. Everything in Nevada is locked up tight these days except for essentials. So Kris called in lunch to another restaurant and I picked it up on the way back. 4,500 steps to start off the day. Took a nap (exhausted from the long last three weeks), then did more email and had another…

  • Uncategorized

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 1

    More Like a Prolog Day… Sort of got things focused and started. And managed some writing, about a prolog’s worth. As I will be doing, and have done in the past, I will detail out my day, all the good and the bad. In general, of course. But you get a chance to see how a business person and a professional writer live and write. And I will keep this up until Card Sharp Silver: A Cave Creek Novel is done. I will have other blogs between the writing blogs at times. And I might even put these blogs together in a book at some point if they end up…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Main April Workshops Up!

    Just In Time For Final Hours of the March Sadness Special I have the April regular workshops up and listed. At least the ones I am sure will be done in April. I might add a couple more later and maybe a new workshop Kris and I have been talking about. But for now, the April workshops available are: #31… Endings #34… Speed #35… Teams in Writing #36… Depth in Writing (Start with this course if new here) #39… Information Flow Those are available for a few hours in the Special. REMEMBER!! Special ends exactly at 5 pm today West Coast Time. And I have shut off Collaboration Class. It…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    March Sadness Special Last Day!!

    Ends at 5 pm West Coast Time Today (Thursday) I am working to get the April workshops up as quickly as I can, so they should be there three or four hours ahead of the end. I hope everyone is staying safe. Thursday I start, finally, the Cave Creek novel and will be writing about my writing day here every day, reporting problems, sessions, word counts, and so on. But for now, here is the information about the March Sadness Special one more time. No one traveling. And all of us stuck at home making sure we do not spread this virus, it’s time to turn attention to writing and…