Card Sharp Silver… Day 10
Ups Need Downs…
Today was a slight down instead of an expected up. Got a very late start for me and didn’t even get to the internet computer until 1:30 pm. Yes, I slept that late. I normally get out of bed at 10:30, didn’t make it this morning until noon.
Had some lunch around 2:30 pm or so, then a little more email and got to the writing computer at 3:15 pm. By 4 pm I had just over 1,000 words done and went for a long walk with Kris.
Then a nap.
Then I cooked dinner and watched an episode of Picard, then back in here to do a bunch of research on Kickstarter around 8:30 pm. The free Kickstarter Best Practices on Teachable has been studying and finding other Kickstarter Fiction campaigns.
Wow, is everyone stalled at the moment. This virus thing has not only brought Cave Creek Kickstarter campaign down to a crawl, but every one I have studied. Makes sense, that’s for sure. But now is the time to study Kickstarter campaigns if you are thinking of doing one in the future and that is why Loren Coleman and I got this going.
And the Cave Creek Kickstarter is easing toward the second stretch goal where writers get free 50 lectures. And you get discounted workshops in rewards as well.
Then around 10 pm I went off to take another short nap, then another walk with Kris, then we watched a strange show, then I watched the late news. I didn’t get back to my writing computer until 12 midnight.
Managed another 1,000 words before calling it a night right at 1 am and writing this.
Book is going great. Not a clue where it is going and if I would just focus and give it more time, I would have some big days writing. The story is that much fun to write. But like many in this strange time, I am scattered at times. Ah, well. And really enjoying napping which has my stress down finally after weeks of it.
Don’t forget that the book I finished a few weeks back is now exclusive to a Storybundle. Give it a look if you want to inexpensive, but great and fun reading to get through this time.

Mark Kuhn
I think I may have learned something today, even amid all the negative news going on.
Sitting at the computer, tapping into whatever force gives birth to the creative voice. It’s there. It’s there for all of us. The desire to escape.
Just write the next sentence.
Yup, works every time. Problem is writers forget that simple thing.