• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Words Add Up

    Just Got to Let Them… First off, thank you everyone for the kind comments on the streak, both in the comments and privately. That means a lot to me that my blogs have helped in some form or another. A couple things about streaks. You don’t do them for other people or to match anyone else’s streak. You do them for yourself only. That is what gives them power. They drive you to do something that at some point in the past you thought was a good idea or that would help you. But remember with streaks. The idea is to let something build slowly over time. Right now I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Nine Years

    Talking About the Power of a Streak… Nine years ago today, 3,285 days ago, I started a blogging streak. The idea was to blog about something, anything every day. (I had been doing a few blogs before that on the Star Trek boards and so on.) No excuses. Traveling, sick, computer failures, other more important things to do. None of that mattered. Blog had to be done. And for some reason that got into my DNA and now every night Kris even asks me if I got a blog done. As with all streaks, I had other motives at the start and never, in a billion years, did I think…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Fun YouTube Ad…

    Gwyneth Did This One… It is a very short ad, very fun, for the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription 2021 campaign.  Give it a watch. It is only about 30 seconds long. Fantastic job, Gwyneth. And by the way, Josh at WMG did that nifty cover for the campaign. It is five or six of the upcoming year’s covers all blended together. How cool is that? Wow do we have talented people at WMG Publishing. Thanks!! So when you get a chance check out the campaign. It is doing great and on its way to yet another stretch reward. Thanks for all the support.

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Some Updates…

    Just Because… A lot of stuff happening at once just as I finished this monster move today. Now just a few small things left to do over time like hanging art and putting books on a few remaining shelves. All minor so I can get back to really writing and exercising. So figured I would list a few things that happened in the last few days, besides me getting stupidly behind on my email. (grin) — SMITH’S MONTHLY #51 published today. You can get all the information about it at https://www.wmgpublishinginc.com/ I posted the story art and covers last night.  Very proud I got this issue out. Thanks, Gwyneth and…

  • Challenge,  Cover Fun

    Some Covers…

    Just For Fun!! Since I might have had the hardest workout today moving since I ran that marathon in November, I have no brain for anything tonight, so since I had not displayed Smith’s Monthly #51 covers yet, thought I would do so. Cover for #51 and #52, as well as all five short story covers. #51 is the July issue and will be out shortly, meaning the next day or so. The move pushed it back in the month. All short stories each issue will be up for sale about the time the next issue comes out. And The Big Tom short novel is also now in a cat…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  News

    Cattitude Story Bundle

    Great Fun!!! A Cat Storybundle… And wow does it have cats in it. Lots and lots of cats. Get it at https://storybundle.com/cats Kris curated this one and it is named after a Pulphouse book Cattitude that I edited. I’ll let Kris describe the bundle here. Don’t miss this one!! ——— The 2021 Cattitude Bundle – Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch This bundle thrills me. Often, I curate StoryBundles filled with books I’ve read. Always, I curate with authors whose work I like. But as I curate them, I’m aware that I am a moody reader who rarely wants to read what’s prescribed. So, with the books I have only read…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Almost to Fourth Stretch Goal…

    Just $500 Away… I am talking about the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Kickstarter campaign. When we hit that 4th stretch goal, all backers will get a really fun book called GHOSTS AMONG US which are stories out of Pulphouse Magazine that I am editing. And all backers will get another $150 value Pop-Up writing class called WRITERS DEADLY DELUSIONS. This pop-up is designed to help you avoid the many things that can stop a writing career cold. And wow are there a lot of them. This subscription drive is doing fantastic and I want to thank those of you who have backed it. Keeping Pulphouse going and healthy is wonderful…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    August and September Workshops…

    All Now Live… Here they are: It will take you about three hours per week on your own pace to do each of these if you do the assignments. These are the starting dates of upcoming regular workshops on Teachable.com Class #11… Aug 3rd … Covers 101 Class #12… Aug 3rd … Attitude Class #13… Aug 3rd … Publishing 101 Class #14… Aug 3rd … Writing with Speed Class #15… Aug 3rd … Teams in Fiction Class #16… Aug 4th … Depth in Writing Class #17… Aug 4th … Kickstarter Class #18… Aug 4th … (to be announced) Class #19… Aug 4th … Stages of a Publisher Class #20… Aug…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Misc

    Three Kickstarters I Think Are Worth Supporting…

    I Back A Lot of Kickstarters… In fact, as of today, I have backed 81 campaigns and done 20 on my own. Sometimes, if I back enough campaigns quick enough in a row, Kickstarter labels me a “superbacker” whatever that means. So on this Saturday night, I not only would suggest you back my newest campaign, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine 2021 Subscription Drive, but there are two others campaigns I think are fantastic and worth backing. First off, a nifty historical fantasy novel campaign for a book called A Wish Upon a Star by Kathryn Kaleigh. This campaign is just about a hundred bucks from funding with 4 days to go,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Copyright And Value and Estates

    Yes, I Know… Sounds Boring… But has some real world aspects to it that come clearly to the front with this Kickstarter Campaign for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Let me give you two examples. A negative one first, then a very positive one. Kris and I were doing two anthologies for stretch rewards for the last Pulphouse Fiction Magazine campaign two years ago. I was doing Stories from the Original Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine and Kris was editing Stories from Pulphouse: A Hardback Magazine. (Both are now published.) Seems simple, right? Pick my favorite stories, contact the authors, make them an offer, sign a contract and publish the story in the…