• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Got a Third…

    That’s Right!! While off shopping at the grocery store, I noticed the pharmacy wasn’t busy, so stopped by and got my third Covid shot, my booster.  Free. So two weeks ago I got my double-dose old-person’s flu shot and today got my third shot for Covid. Doing the best I can to protect not only myself, but people around me. Took me ten minutes and then I went back to shopping. I was marveling at how simple it was and how so many people are just too cowardly to spend the ten minutes to protect their own family. Even if you listen to Fox, at least have the courage to…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Fall Special Workshop Sale!!

    For One Week Only!!! Starts today and ends next Sunday, October 10th, so don’t miss this one. Just one week! Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL Lots of new workshops and writing classes. Two months ago when we did the last sale, we suspected it would be the last one, but we had thought that before. And over this last month we have gotten a lot of questions about doing another sale. So in the end, after two months, we felt we could do a week-long sale to help out and keep people learning this fall. Plus, we have some really amazing new workshops.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Kickstarter Ends Thursday

    Don’t Miss This One… It has already funded and hit five stretch goals. Check it out at… Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Campaign. And remember there are two special workshops in this one that are going to be great. How to Make Place a Character in Your Story and also The Rule of Three and How to Use It. So many people write me wanting to get into these special workshops after the campaign is over and we just don’t allow it. Only way into these is through this campaign and there is only three days left!! Both workshops are three weeks and you can take them either starting October 26th or November…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

    Results of the Race… And Pictures…

    A Fun Morning… What was not fun was getting up smack in the middle of my night with 4 hours sleep. Nope, not fun. But wow was this Candlelighters Run well done! They had over a thousand people in this nifty park and running in the 5K. It started off into a suburb near the park and never left. That’s right, I was running in Bryant Street. But all the kids and superhero costumes were so much fun. It got hot really quickly on pavement. Wow. Kris got about a minute’s head start on me in the crowds, but I caught her in about ten minutes and went past. I…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing,  Smiths Monthly

    Pictures of Fun Box of Books

    Photo of 48 Novels Not Easy to Take… Spread them on a work table Kris and I have outside our offices and then stood on a couch to take the photo. Kris came out and said, “That’s impressive.” I asked “What? The 48 novels or me standing on the couch?” She said “Both.” So some pictures of the 48 novels I got yesterday in one big box. All under my name, no pen names. Something I just realized this morning. Very unusual for me as well. The novel that you can’t see because of the light at the top is LAYING THE MUSIC TO REST, my first novel published in…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Last Day of the Cattitude Bundle

    On Story Bundle… Ten great books of cat stories. This ends on Thursday, so this is the last full day. I have a Pakhet Jones short novel in there called THE BIG TOM that is kind of fun and cool.  And I edited the title collection of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine stories called CATTITUDE. They are truly whacked out as you can imagine a Pulphouse cat story might be. An entire book of them. Kris put this incredible bundle together and to be honest it sort of surprised me that there is only one day left. For $15 bucks you can get all ten books of cat stories. This is the…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Smiths Monthly


    Of My Own Stories… I have 51 Issues of Smith’s Monthly published and #52 turned in. Those are, in a way, collections, since it is all my work. Novels, nonfiction, short stories, and so on. But I have also been maintaining a spread sheet of all the short stories I have published in Smith’s Monthly. The spread sheet is so I don’t duplicate any story and I have about 240 stories on that spread sheet. (Found a Poker Boy story tonight not published in there, but in one of my two Poker Boy collections.) Yes, I have two Poker Boy collections. They are called PLAYING A HUNCH and LUCK BE…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Couple of Photos

    And A Cat Picture… We are in the final stage of moving, basically getting some boxes of books on shelves and putting up art. The art is taking some time because some of it we can’t put in some places because it is original signed art and we have far, far too much bright light. And we have a ton of concrete walls. One such concrete wall is between two massive windows on our main floor (our condo is two floors) in our main living room (we have three living room areas). So I managed to use a few hooks and such that had been put in to the concrete…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Some Nifty Updates

    And a Fun Book If We Get There… On the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter campaign, I had added a Christmas anthology of Pulphouse stories at the top level. Yesterday, Allyson reminded me that we had a Christmas collection of Pulphouse stories as a stretch reward before that we never got to. It was titled JINGLE MY BELLS (love that title) and we even have a cover for it. (Cover below…) So I added that into the top level of the Kickstarter and put up the cover on the campaign. This time I hope we get to that level and I honestly think we have a shot. We have eight days…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Words Add Up

    Just Got to Let Them… First off, thank you everyone for the kind comments on the streak, both in the comments and privately. That means a lot to me that my blogs have helped in some form or another. A couple things about streaks. You don’t do them for other people or to match anyone else’s streak. You do them for yourself only. That is what gives them power. They drive you to do something that at some point in the past you thought was a good idea or that would help you. But remember with streaks. The idea is to let something build slowly over time. Right now I…