• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Holiday Spectacular BOGO…

    Available Only For a Short Time… Get two of the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2022 Calendar for the price of one. Just go to www.WMGPublishingInc.com for more information. (It might not be up and running until around noon West Coast Time.) Remember, the Holiday Calendar is getting an original holiday story every day in your mail to read on any device you want. 39 stories one per day from November 24th through January 1st. Just $25 for all that original fiction, but now you get a second one for a friend as a gift when you bu one. Or use both as gifts. Get as many as you want. An amazing…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    I Don’t Care!

    I Really, Really Don’t… I constantly get letters from people talking about traditional publishing in one fashion or another, assuming, I suppose, that I still care about the buggy-whip factories of publishing. And sometimes, like a few days ago, I post about something going on in traditional publishing that just makes me laugh.I do posts like that to entertain myself because I had to live in that traditional publishing world for decades. I can make snorting noises at it now if I want. I do have interest when copyright issues are being hammered out in court by a traditional publisher, or a trademark issues. But past that legal interest, or…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Behind On Email…

    For Reasons Out of My Control… I am behind on email responses to people. Please be understanding and I will get caught up shortly. If you have been waiting for a response from me for over two weeks on an email, chances are it is lost and you need to send it again if you still need a response. As for stories waiting in workshops, I am under twenty stories left to read in four different workshops, so gaining on it. Maybe one more week on that if luck holds. Tonight I am under deadline getting in the holiday issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. And then after that I have…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    An Interesting Opinion…

    From a Very Surprising Source… Some of you may be familiar with Mike Shatzkin, the great traditional publishing apologist for the last decade or more. I honestly stopped paying much attention to his Shatzkin File posts four or five years ago. But I still sort of follow his comments at times. It seems lately he just can’t ignore data anymore with indie publishing and with the blocking of the merger of two of the big five traditional publishers, he seems to be a little clearer on their position. And indie publishing and smaller publishers in general. Mike spends a bunch of the November 2nd letter talking about how Ingrams is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  workshops

    Last Day for Holiday Spectacular!!

    Ends at 7PM Today… That’s right, ends at 7pm today (Thursday). Kickstarter is counting down the hours. The campaign hit the 5th stretch goal and is on the way to the next one. More stories, more workshops for everyone. And every backer this year gets 39 original holiday stories, one delivered every day from Thanksgiving, November 24th, through January 1st. Over thirty professional writers wrote for it. Hugo Award winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch did all the editing. Talk about fun. We call the 39 stories the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2022 Calendar. And they make fantastic gifts. Who wouldn’t love to get a gift that goes and goes and goes…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Two Days Left in Holiday Spectacular

    Less Than Two Days Left Ends at 7pm on Thursday. Kickstarter is counting in hours. The campaign hit the 5th stretch goal and is on the way to the next one. More stories, more workshops for everyone. And every backer this year gets 39 stories, one delivered every day from Thanksgiving, November 24th, through January 1st. Over thirty professional writers wrote for it. Hugo Award winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch did all the editing. Talk about fun. We call the 39 stories the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2022 Calendar. And they make fantastic gifts. Who wouldn’t love to get a gift that goes and goes and goes for the entire holiday…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Holiday Spectacular In Last Days!!

    It’s Doing Great!… Just about three days left, although Kickstarter is counting in hours. The campaign is just about to hit the 5th stretch goal, which will unlock more books for everyone, and more workshops as well. 39 stories this year, one delivered every day from Thanksgiving (November 24th through January 1st. Over thirty professional writers wrote for it. Hugo Award winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch did all the editing. Talk about fun. And they make fantastic gifts. Who wouldn’t love to get a gift that goes and goes and goes for the entire holiday season. And there are two special workshops on the topics of two of the anthologies…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    One Day Extension of the Sale

    Because It Took Me So Long On the Classic Workshops… But finally got all six up late tonight, so extending the Last Sale for one day to give everyone a chance at the six new classic workshops, or other workshops you might have missed. I will pull the plug on the sale late Monday evening. The six classic workshops that are now available are: Covers101 Heinlein’s Rules Writing with Speed Writing Short Stories Writing Sales Copy Media Kits And everything else is still available as well. Everything is on WMG Teachable. Everything is 50% off if you use the code: TheLastSale after you hit purchase. I do mean everything. Any…

  • Challenge,  workshops


    Three Classic Workshops Added… Three more tomorrow afternoon, before the sale ends. The three new classic workshops that are now available are: — Covers101 — Heinlein’s Rules — Speed in Writing All three were regular workshops, now are classic. They are exactly the same, six weeks of videos, only as classic you do not turn in the assignments. And I was stunned tonight to discover there are 44 classic workshops. Wow, that’s a lot of videos. (grin) And tomorrow, if I am not totaled by the run, I will try to add the classic workshops Short Stories, Writing Sales Copy, and Media Kits before the sale ends. Everything is on…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Workshops Not Ending… Only the Sales

    Thank you for the kind words, everyone… But a lot of you are making it sound as if the workshops are going away. Nope, just the sales, and I do understand that will limit a number of you going forward. Just nothing we can do if we want to get these out to as many writers as possible who might need them. So here is what is happening that we have planned now for the workshops that I can talk about or announce… First, we will keep doing new regular workshops. The six that are there for November are the core. Other new ones will be added in and then…