Getting Set Up for 2022
Cleaning Up a Desk Cluttered with Yellow Notes and Legal Pads… Amazing how many notes I have on this desk around my internet computer. And I am working to clear those off. For example, I found a note about Motivational Monday idea and then a legal pad where Kris and I worked out the details and the first few videos. Tossed away the note, took the details and transferred them to a notebook where I will actually be keeping track of what videos I have done every Monday and when. I will do it that way for a time, then will transfer that to a spreadsheet at some point. Remember,…
Motivational Monday Again Since I Almost Missed This Blog…
Very Close… Was In Bed Dozing Off… When suddenly I went, “I didn’t do a blog.” Day 3,424 was almost the last one, but nope, I climbed out of bed and decided since Monday is when Motivational Mondays start, I would just rerun the announcement for it in case anyone missed it. Here it is and now I am going back to bed. We Finally Pulled the Trigger… Motivational Mondays have been launched on Teachable and our now live. Kris and I have been talking and planning this for some time and we think it’s going to be great fun and very valuable for those getting it. Here is how…
In Person and Study Along and Novella Classes
In Person Craft Classes in Vegas Return in 2022!!! That’s right, the limited craft in-person classes are back in 2022. We announced this last summer, but now, since the reading list is about to go out on the first class in March, Kris and I figured it was time to really go over these again. There will be six classes, all limited to 15 people each here at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas. For this new series, we have taken the overall topics of Caper, Spies, and Humor and smashed them into six different genres. March 21st-24th… Thriller Humor (taught by Dean) May 16th-19th… Mystery Caper (taught by Kris)…
Things To Do… And a Cat Picture
Had Ideas for a Blog Tonight… I was going to do Chapter Four of Wet Blanket Reality, but then, to be honest, I didn’t feel like being that negative at the moment. I’m in a positive mood about the new year and the new challenges and doing the Motivational Mondays, so I don’t need to rain on someone’s parade at the moment. I will return to that book and finish it in January. Besides, no one who reads this blog regularly is actually thinking of going to what is left of the traditional publishing world. But I still want to finish the book because I have a Storybundle I want…
Motivation Monday Starts in a Week…
First Three Videos on Monday 20th… Kris and I at lunch today got talking about the first two extra Motivation Mondays we are doing in December before the new year starts. And we figured they would be perfect for some motivational and helpful videos on how to get ready for the new year. So we came up with six videos for the first two Motivation Mondays, all of it focused on how to help get started into the new year in a fun way with the writing and publishing. Topics like Time Control, Preparing Your Office, Setting Schedules and a bunch more. As I said, over the year I’m going…
Three Weeks Until The First of the Year
I’m Excited to Be Started… Now that I finally decided on the challenge, I’m really excited to be going, and more than likely will write some practice stories over the next weeks just to get back into the feeling. And I still got some bookkeeping to get into place, something easy every day to keep track of things. And next Monday the Motivational Mondays start. Two extra Mondays in December for the first quarter of the year and the videos will be motivational about setting goals and challenges and such. And the positives in them. I am going to use these Motivational Mondays to help myself a lot along the…
My 2022 Challenge
Finally… Took a While… Going to take a little time to go through the process of how I came to do this challenge and what I considered. So you all can set your challenges and goals for the coming year as well. Remember, I have been at this for a very long time and I wanted to do something with writing I had never done before, to really be challenged. Things I Considered (that you also might want to think about). — What kind of time do I have to write? That is with all the other stuff I am doing that is important to me, such as exercise, doing…
Status of Classes On Hold
Still Cleaning Up Some from the Pandemic… So thought I would give everyone here a status report on the classes that we pushed back during the pandemic and what we are doing with them in the coming year. Thanks for being understanding, folks. — Decade Ahead bundle starting over completely. Everything has changed so much, we are just starting fresh in January. (Old videos will still be there, just pulled off to one side if they are not important.) But completely starting over and it is open for new sign-ups at this point. We feel the world is solid enough, at least in publishing, to give the decade ahead a…
Short Post Because I Was Reading…
Kris’s New Diving Novel… Yes, as with any of Kris’s books, once I got into it, there was no stopping, so it is late, I finished the book (of course) and it was impossible to put down (as normal). So nothing I have the energy or will to write here to keep my streak alive at this point other than to remind you of the fantastic Holiday Collections Bundle from Storybundle. 11 fantastic collections with some of the best holiday reading you can get. Don’t miss this one. A ton of short holiday stories of all types.
We Finally Pulled the Trigger… Motivational Mondays have been launched on Teachable and our now live. Kris and I have been talking and planning this for some time and we think it’s going to be great fun and very valuable for those getting it. Here is how it works: Every Monday on Teachable (actually Sunday night late so you can view them on Monday morning), Kris and I will put up at least three videos on some motivational topic or another concerning writing, publishing, and all the stuff around writing and publishing. See the partial list below of topics. The idea is to help writers stay on track, get unstuck,…