March Workshops Available
They Are Now Up… Including the new workshop, Licensing 101. It has also been loaded into the Lifetime Workshop Subscription and also into the Licensing Transition workshop. That’s right, inside the $500 year-long workshop you get a $300 workshop as well. Cool, huh? You can sign up for them on Teachable. Class #21 Mar 3rd Writing RomanceClass #22 March 3rd LICENSING 101Class #24 March 3rd Writing into the DarkClass #25 March 3rd Writing Sales CopyClass #26 March 4th Depth in WritingClass #27 March 4th Writing Short StoriesClass #29 March 4th Writing with EmotionClass #30 March 4th Advanced Depth Available on Teachable. Check out the Collaboration…
Quick Updates
Collaboration Class Still Open… Still have spots left if anyone wants to first learn all the ins and outs of collaboration, plus write a story with me for a special issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Find that on Teachable. I will close it when 15 are signed up. And 24 hours or so left on the Kickstarter. The only place you can get the How to Write a Cat Story Workshop. Plus discounts on other workshops and some great reading. Year of the Cat Kickstarter. Also, March workshops are now available on Teachable, including the new Licensing 101 Workshop and last month’s new workshop How to Write Romance Fiction. Plus…
Workshop Updates and Running
Saturday Night Quick Updates… — New video on the Publishing Challenge and new video on the Novel Challenge are both up. Story prompt for the Great Challenge for short stories will be Sunday evening late, as normal. You can sign up for the challenges, even though you don’t intend to start just yet, or aren’t sure when you are starting. Starting any of the challenges is your choice as to when. — Last few days to sign up for the February regular workshops. March workshops will take their place in a day or so. — Licensing Transition Class has five February videos up, more soon. — Decade Ahead Class has…
New Videos Up
On A Bunch of Stuff… I have posted new videos on the Shared World Class and the first quarter of the Decade Ahead Class. In the next few days I will do more videos for the Licensing Transition Class as well. I also put up another weekly video on the Great Publishing Challenge and on the Great Novel Challenge. On the publishing challenge, I am doing a weekly video about my publishing progress. There are very few signed up for that challenge, but even if you sign up later on, my videos will be there. I will be doing the videos all year since the challenge to myself is to…
February Workshops Take Two
Early in the Morning… I have been at this computer now mostly for going on 17 hours, with a few breaks and a nap along the way, so I am going to just repost the February regular workshops being offered and starting on the 4th. You will see in a couple days why I spent so much time here today. Fun stuff, I can promise, he said, vaguely about a nifty Kickstarter project featuring cats. (grin) So the post about the workshops again… Now Available Here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of…
Study Along Workshop
Science Fiction Craft Workshop Starting Up… And online, on Teachable, the Science Fiction Craft Workshop Study Along is starting as well. First stories are due on Friday evening. A ton of videos, more story assignments, a bunch of videos about sf books over the five days. Basically, the study along patterns what Kris is teaching here in Las Vegas. Of course, since it takes a couple months to read for the study along workshops, the science fiction one is well closed. And going to be a blast. I don’t have much to do, but I still have fun seeing people. Kris and the writers, however, are jamming. (grin) However, there…
February Regular Workshops
Now Available… Here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of workshops this month. And the Floating Viewpoint workshop has been postponed. Starting two workshops in three months is enough to start the year. Starting in March is “Making a Living” workshop. All workshops are on Teachable. February Regular Workshops Class #11 Feb 4th Endings in Fiction Class #12 Feb 4th Attitude in Fiction Class #13 Feb 4th Writing Romance Class #14 Feb 4th Writing with Speed Class #15 Feb 4th Teams in Fiction Class #16 Feb 5th …
I’m Still Up
Even Gavin Is Getting Annoyed At Me… Just finishing up the last of the stories that came in for the anthology workshop coming in February. Now writers are reading. A lot of reading. Next year has a few people signed up for the 2021 Anthology workshop. Everyone thinks there is a lot of time. But the group list for that will start in about six months and the writing starts in November of this year. So write me if interested. So I knew this night would be long. Turned out I was right. But I kept up my 10,000 steps a day streak on the exercising and slowly getting back…
Lifetime Workshops
And Other Nifty Things Such as Mentoring… I wanted to do a post here to let everyone know what was possible in the mass of workshops and lectures we have on Teachable. Lifetime Workshop Subscription… As more and more workshops and classic workshops and special workshops came on board over the last few years, we offered this. It has enormous advantages since you can do workshops at your own pace, are automatically signed up for new workshops, and can go through workshops that have been retired, yet still have value. This has over $17,000 in workshop value and the price is $3,000. Lifetime Lecture Subscription This is a subscription to…
Las Vegas Workshops
All 2021 Workshops Now Open… You can sign up for any of the four we have announced here today. And I know 2021 seems like a long ways away, but in reality we start the group list for the anthology workshop in September of this year and the writers start writing in November. Of this year. And the reading list for the January craft workshop will go out in October. And so on. Plus it takes time to set these up not only for us, but for all of you to make your travel plans to Las Vegas. — One note on the April 2020 Short Story workshop first. Invites…