• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Visions of the Future Storybundle

    Introduction (Here is the introduction the Visions of the Future StoryBundle I wrote. It explains it pretty well. This is a good one.) Back almost two years ago, in February 2020, just before the pandemic started, I did a Storybundle with the title Visions of the Future. Thankfully, nothing about the last two years was in that bundle of great novels and stories. I don’t think many people, including the best science fiction writers, saw any of this coming in the way it did. So now I get a chance to find writers to look into the future again, only on the downward side of the pandemic. And there is…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Storybundle GETTING JUSTICE Now Live!!

    Just Went Live An Hour Ago! I am really proud of this Storybundle because not only is it a great idea for a bundle of books, but for the fantastic writers who are in it. The reading in this will be amazing on so many different levels. So here is my introduction I did for the bundle. The link to the bundle is here… Introduction Justice: A Great Word Dean Wesley Smith I learned that if you ask a writer for a story about justice, you get all kinds of books and genres. But mostly when you say the word “Justice” you get mystery and crime fiction. And that was…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    Lots of Fun!!

    Kickstarter and Bundle… Not only did we launch a fun Kickstarter today that funded in an hour and hit the first stretch reward in four hours, but I curated a StoryBundle that is starting later today in the evening. The Kickstarter I have been talking about the last couple of days. And it is just about to hit the second stretch reward with another story for everyone, plus a Pop-Up writing class. Check it out by clicking here. The StoryBundle that I curated and that will start later today is called GETTING JUSTICE. Man there are some great authors and books in the bundle. Especially if you love all kinds…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  News

    Cattitude Story Bundle

    Great Fun!!! A Cat Storybundle… And wow does it have cats in it. Lots and lots of cats. Get it at https://storybundle.com/cats Kris curated this one and it is named after a Pulphouse book Cattitude that I edited. I’ll let Kris describe the bundle here. Don’t miss this one!! ——— The 2021 Cattitude Bundle – Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch This bundle thrills me. Often, I curate StoryBundles filled with books I’ve read. Always, I curate with authors whose work I like. But as I curate them, I’m aware that I am a moody reader who rarely wants to read what’s prescribed. So, with the books I have only read…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    Dealing with Toxic People Pop-Up Class Valued at $150. You can get it and 9 writing and business books by top professional writers for exactly $15.00 Not kidding. And it is going away in three days. Yikes!! Go to Storybundle.com/writing Kris has a book in the bundle about dealing with Hollywood and I have the Writing a Novel in Half a Month book I did as blogs here. And Loren Coleman’s book on Crowdfunding for Writers is worth far more than the total $15. Some amazing topics for writers. Don’t miss it. And seriously, 9 great writing and business books for $15 and toss in a $150 writing class as…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Write Stuff Story Bundle

    Holy Smokes is This A Great Bundle!!! 9 writing books and a $150 Pop-up, all for $15.00. Kris did a stunning job rounding up these books. Storybundle.com/writing Every time I look at this bundle, I think “Wow, I want this one.” (Luckily, I get a copy. (grin)) So here is Kris’s blog about the bundle once more. Remember, these bundles are limited time offers. After that you could still get them all but instead of $15 it would cost around $200 total. Just saying. The 2021 Write Stuff Bundle  Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch When it comes to the publishing business, most writers believe that the only way to make…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    It Just Went Live…. The following is Kris’s blog that is on Storybundle.com. I read earlier about each book and got done and went “Wow, I want this!” So check out each book in the bundle and for $15 plus a little donation to a great charity, you will want it as well. Here is the blog that Kris wrote for this, copied her in whole cloth. The 2021 Write Stuff Bundle  Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch When it comes to the publishing business, most writers believe that the only way to make money is to do what the big publishers do. Writers put their books in bookstores and pay…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Some Fun

    Secrets and Lies Storybundle Almost Done… Just a little over two days now. So Mark Leslie and a few of us who have books in the bundle are going to have some fun on a Live Stream talking about the books and writing and whatever comes up. The time for the live stream is Wednesday, April 14th at 4:30 pm East Coast Time. (1:30 pm my West Coast Time) The links to watch it live are: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uBBuemHsbE Facebook https://www.facebook.com/110374909040102/posts/3851492791594943/ Listening to writers talk can sometimes be a lot of fun and Mark tends to make sure it is. Also, you might want to grab the bundle ahead. You can…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Secrets and Lies

    A Storybundle… If you love mystery stories and novels by top writers, Kris has put together what I think might be one of the best mystery StoryBundles in a long, long time. And I feel really lucky to have a book in this one, let me tell you. Here is the link to get it:  https://storybundle.com/mystery Once again I am going to put here Kris’s blog introduction to the bundle… —– SECRETS AND LIES STORYBUNDLE by Kristine Kathryn Rusch Want me to pick up a book? Put the word “secret” on the cover. Secret histories, secret lives, or heck, just the word “secrets” by itself. I love secrets. Secrets imply…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    A Fantastic Gift to Give…

    Maybe the Best Gift to Give in this Crazy Year… To help your family and friends stay safe this holiday, give them the gift of a bundle full of great holiday books to stay home and read. Novels, short novels, and a ton of short stories. Plus a classic book full of the traditional L. Frank Baum stories. The Good Cheer Holiday StoryBundle if full great reading by great authors. And it is scary easy to give as a gift. There is just a check box that asks, “Is this a Gift?”  You check that and pay at least $15 for all ten books. You tell them who to send…