Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

Lots of Fun!!

Kickstarter and Bundle…

Not only did we launch a fun Kickstarter today that funded in an hour and hit the first stretch reward in four hours, but I curated a StoryBundle that is starting later today in the evening.

The Kickstarter I have been talking about the last couple of days. And it is just about to hit the second stretch reward with another story for everyone, plus a Pop-Up writing class. Check it out by clicking here.

The StoryBundle that I curated and that will start later today is called GETTING JUSTICE. Man there are some great authors and books in the bundle. Especially if you love all kinds of mysteries, some even mixed with fantasy. Just go to and you will see it when it launches.

And even more fun, I have a book in the bundle that only has 22 hours left called Cosmic Visionaries. Check it out on But just 22 hours left.

Here is an image of the ten books. Great covers. And yes, I put one of my Cold Poker Gang novels in there. Fit the topic perfectly which is one of the many reasons I wanted to do this bundle. Watch for it going live later today. (Wednesday)