• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/10/17 Daily… Some pictures

    Another daily post outside of the book chapter… Compared to the first two days, this was an easy day. Got to Vegas in six plus hours, no issues. All settled in. Some pictures of where I will be writing. This suite in Vegas is huge and comfortable. I will not be suffering. (grin) First picture is looking from the front foyer past the living room area toward one window. This is a corner suite on the 17th floor. Fantastic views. Second picture is of where I have the computer set up. What I Learned Today (Streak Day 10) For some reason, every time I come to Las Vegas, I realize…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Chapter One: Writing a Novel in Five Days While Traveling

    WRITING A NOVEL IN FIVE DAYS WHILE TRAVELING… CHAPTER ONE… Second day of traveling and I will be starting the novel in two days. So doing introduction and preparation chapters first for the nonfiction book as I go along. A sort of writing travel book. Sort of. Besides the cover and the series the novel will be in, do I have anything plotted out for the novel? Nope. Not a thing and I’m not going to, actually. I didn’t even think about it once today. But I have done a few basic preparations besides making sure I had a computer with me that I could write on. But before I get…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/9/17 Daily

    Doing this daily post to track numbers every couple of days… As I go through this travel challenge, every couple of days I’ll just do a standard daily post as well that won’t be part of the nonfiction book. Also, I killed the running and writing on the side of the page here. I could never remember to update it. (grin) What I Learned Today (Streak Day 9) I am from Idaho. I have driven back roads that I thought rivaled anything in the country as for pure beauty and scary and narrow and twisted. And I’ve been on a few back roads in Oregon as well. Not as tough as…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Introduction: How To Write a Novel In Five Days While Traveling

    WRITING A NOVEL IN FIVE DAYS WHILE TRAVELING… INTRODUCTION… Yup. A crazy idea. Especially considering I have not once been successful at writing while traveling. How’s that for a negative start? So I figured it was about time to teach myself how to do this and as I figure it out I might as well write this nonfiction book as well as the novel. Win… win… If I pull it off. Otherwise, it will be an entertaining failure for you all to watch right out here in public. And what’s really silly is that I will be doing all my normal e-mail, normal workshop stuff, and still doing the CFO job…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/7/16 Daily

    For the Second Day I Hope Everyone Stays Safe… As I write this both coasts and a bunch of the middle part of the US is getting pounded by some nasty storms. Really nasty stuff. Hang in there, this winter will pass eventually. Run from This Guy At a Poker Table Not kidding. Remember I played poker professionally for a few years between my traditional days and my indie days, meaning I made my living at it. (grin) What I Learned Today (Streak Day 7) I learned that some people have far too much time on their hands. Some guy wrote me all angry that I had a typo here on…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/6/17 Daily… Stay Safe

    I Hope Everyone Stays Safe… As I write this both coasts and a bunch of the middle part of the US is getting pounded by some nasty storms. Really nasty stuff. Hang in there, this winter will pass eventually. What I Learned Today (Streak Day 6) I learned once again how easily distracted I am. This challenge project coming up starting Sunday has my imagination, so the novel I am working on just sort of stopped. Actually, it came to a halt at a perfect cliffhanger. I wrote the cliffhanger, started to put in the next chapter header and went, “Nope, perfect place to put this book on hold for…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/5/17 Daily… Gaining Speed

    Getting Ready for a Writing Challenge… I have a writing challenge that will be starting on Sunday, at least in a partial way, and I am slowly trying to do two things at the same time. First, I am trying to pull back my sleep schedule, getting up earlier and going to be earlier. Second, I’m trying to slowly get up to speed on the writing. Managed that today with three sessions and 3,700 words. Might not get this book done by the time the new challenge starts, but it will be easy to finish when the new challenge is over. Also managed some meetings, a bunch of running around,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/4/17 Daily

    Day of Meetings and Planning and Meetings and Planning… Yeah, one of those days. Actually great fun. Not only were we planning for the coming year and beyond at WMG Publishing, but I was doing some planning on a new, short-term challenge I’m going to try starting on Sunday. So stay tuned. It will be just over a week long and is one of the crazier things I have tried to do. At least crazy for me. And I did three sessions of just over 3,000 words. Last session was short. Got tired. What I Learned Today (Streak Day 4) Learned a bunch of stuff today about podcasts. How they make…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/3/17 Daily

    Date Not Sinking In Yet… Still getting settled into the new year. But I really like my new system of tracking over on the right of the page the running days and the writing amounts per day. And by having to pay attention to what I learned each day, that seems to be giving me some focus as well. So with the adjustment yesterday, I have a hunch this new system will really work for me. With all the workshop stuff today and me shifting my schedule back slightly, I only managed 1,200 words on the novel, but I also got five miles on the exercise. What I Learned Today…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/2/17 Daily… Adjusting Slightly

    Learn How To Adjust… My goal of starting streaks with both the writing, learning, and exercise got started in two of the three areas. But I realized that was going to not work exactly as planned in both exercise and writing. So I adjusted. Something I would suggest everyone be willing to do quickly when needed. My adjustment came in how I am tracking this as well as the streak format. I will still try my best to maintain a streak of a fact or detail I learned each day. Some will be minor, some will be topics of entire blog posts. And at the end of the year they…