• Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Two

    Book One… The Challenge is to write four novels in one month. General aspects of life at the moment is that Kris and I just moved and we are both exhausted, but still putting things away. All standard after a big move. We are lucky in one way with the move. We still have both of our original condos, the place we lived and also our offices. So we have the entire month to get them finished and cleaners in to clean them. That helps. How It Went… Second day standard blahs for me. I actually didn’t even get to my writing computer until 11 pm at night and managed…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Challenge Updates

    Publishing 70 Books Challenge On Target… Just under six months into the publish 70 books challenge in my 70th year and doing great so far. I have 27 books actually published and 10 more turned in for publication. And I hope by Monday to turn in three more. A new novel, a new issue of Smith’s Monthly, and a new issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. So before the halfway point I will have 40 books published or turned in and in line for publication. And if I just keep up with Smith’s Monthly through the middle of November, I will have 12 more turned in and published (six issues and…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    70 Publishing Challenge

    Half Way There… I turned 70 back in the middle of November of 2020 and set up a challenge for myself. Actually a number of challenges. One was to complete a marathon and I did that in late November. I plan on one or two more marathons this coming fall. But I also sat up a publishing challenge for myself. I wanted to publish 70 major books (not counting individual short stories) with my name on the front cover. I did an update back in January when I said I was way behind. Well, I am now caught up. Granted, I only have twenty books published in five months, but…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    More Reading To Buy

    All Done Now… Finished just as I lost an hour, vanished into some silly idea called “Annoying Savings Time.” I’ve been reading about time travel to different timelines now for a week, so that was kind of creepy. (grin) I wanted ten stories per volume in the Cave Creek Anthologies of Past, Present, and Future. Ended up (since this is getting turned in tomorrow) with nine, nine, and eight stories per volume. That works great, actually. I was thinking I could write a few stories to fill the gaps, but now no time. Into the publishing chain they all go. Deadlines. But there will be more Cave Creek volumes in…

  • Challenge

    Almost Forgot This Tonight

    Very Close… Had everything shut down, was heading to watch a little television before going to bed. Sort of felt like I had forgotten something. You all know that nagging feeling… I had just finished almost four hours on two major projects. I finished doing all the story and main introduction to Pulphouse Issue #12. A big issue this time. And then I had spent the next hour doing the introductions and catching up my spread sheet for all the stories and such in Smith’s Monthly #48. I am also this weekend, laying out #47 (the covers from last night). So I had been doing a lot of different things,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Fourteen of Writing a Novel in Half a Month

    Chapter Fourteen: Day Fourteen of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Second time in a row I didn’t get here a few times in the middle of the day to do entries. I just flat got so busy, I forgot. I hope to be less busy by next Tuesday. Today is Wednesday, so going to be a long week coming up. Day Fourteen, Entry One (And only). 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.  I got out of bed at 11:30 am and made it here by 12:30 with my protein bar. Did email until 2 pm. 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. I cooked lunch and we sat and talked about…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Thirteen of Writing a Novel in Half a Month

    Chapter Thirteen: Day Thirteen of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, but the allergies are still killing me, even with a pill today. And my hearing seemed to get even worse today. Clogged up it with that 30,000 foot in the air feeling trying to pop my ears. All day. On top of that, I was so stupidly busy, I flat forgot to come here and make some entries. Didn’t even think about it until 1 am in the morning. So I will reconstruct the day in one entry for this chapter. Day Thirteen, Entry One (And only).…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Twelve of Writing a Novel in a Half Month

    Chapter Twelve: Day Twelve of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, but the allergies are killing me, even with a pill today. I have hearing issues anyway, but today felt like I was at 30,000 feet and my ears hadn’t popped yet. And even put in my hearing aids and all that did was make it seem worse. Have I said in previous springs how much I hate allergies? (grin) Day Twelve, Entry One. 12:15 pm to 2:00 pm.  I got up around 11:30 and got to this internet computer at 12:15. Worked solid on workshop stuff and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Eleven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month

    Chapter Eleven: Day Eleven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, still woke up exhausted at 11:30 am, but realized after a bi that was because of the crazy level of allergies that the winds are kicking up. Yikes. So feeling better after a bit. (Better living with drugs.) Day Eleven, Entry One. 12:15 pm to 2:00 pm.  I worked straight through on email. Today is Sunday, which is a lot of deadlines for stuff, and writers always wait until deadlines, so email today has been brutal. So spent the entire almost two hours just cleaning that up.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Ten of Writing a Novel in Half a Month

    Chapter Ten: Day Ten of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Got to move my going to bed back to 4 am. Just too tired today after staying up until 5:30 this morning. So far doing that has caused me a number of naps today. So tonight I roll to bed at my normal 4 am and get a solid night’s sleep. That is the plan, we shall see how that goes. Day Ten, Entry One. 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.  Out of bed a little before noon and made it to the computer here by 1:00 pm. Worked on emails for an hour until 2:00 pm. 2:00 pm…