Might Be A Few Minutes of This Site Being Down…
Tuesday Morning and some through the day… Yes, the site is moving to a new host after that last stupidity. Everything is already moved as I type this, but tomorrow morning all the direction stuff will be switching over. Site this place might experience a little downtime, but should be short. And for a short time it will read “Not secure” as things switch over, but it is and will read secure in short order. After that I will spend a number of days cleaning up stuff that has desperately needed to be cleaned up for a few years now. Other than the slight breaks, and the “not secure” for…
Heinlein’s Rules and Media Kit Workshops
All July Workshops Now Available… Both new workshops starting in July are available now. (Both are on the Lifetime Subscription as well.) Heinlein’s Business Rules Workshop will be far, far more than just going over the five simple rules. It will be how those simple five rules can turn you into a full-time professional fiction writer. They really are a major secret to writing and for the first time, Kris and I are going to give those business rules six full weeks of attention. You will be stunned at what you think you know about then, but really do not. Media Kit workshop is going to be for those really…
Keeping Track
So Much Stuff To Keep Track Of… I have been talking this last half year with the challenge about how not being able to keep track of a lot of stories has flat stopped me a number of times. And two days ago I was looking for a Poker Boy story I remember writing, but it was not in my Smith’s Monthly spread sheet and I ended up finding two other Poker Boy stories that I had written and lost in files that had never seen the light of day, but still did not find the story I have a memory of writing. Sigh… And then there is keeping track…
Steve Martin and Martin Short
Time Off… Shocker… Even two people who never take much time away from writing and publishing, take part of a night off at times. Dinner in a great restaurant at the Wyn, And we even had deserts. Real shocker. Then walked around to get some steps before the show, mostly over to the big poker tournament to see how things were looking there. We had great seats. Mezzanine level, front row. Perfect. I went in not knowing what to expect, but wow were they funny. Hour and forty-five minutes of funny. Haven’t laughed that much in a long time. And as with any good comics, they pulled no punches on…
Finished Kris’s New Fey Novel
Stunningly Good! I’m not going to say anything about it in detail, because I don’t want to ruin it for all the fans, but I will just say this: It is amazing and I can hardly wait for her to finish the next one (third one). And now the first novella makes a ton of sense. How she does it is beyond me. Bunch of stuff coming out this coming week. A new Smith’s Monthly and a new issue of Pulphouse Magazine, among two of them. And working on a new Pulphouse Magazine Kickstarter subscription campaign that will be out in a few weeks. That will be a fun one.…
Close Call…
My Blog Streak Almost Got Broken… 40 days from 10 straight years of blogging every day and it almost got broken last night. Luckily, I did that blog and posted it early in the evening, like I am doing this one. Because sometime later in the night, the horrid server that I pay far too much money every year for their (lack of) services, decided without warning to completely update all kinds of things. And the sign on my site said “Out of Service” and they left it at that. In essence, their updates just broke about everything. I was asleep when the fine folks at WMG Publishing discovered this…
Make More Than Coffee Money
The First In a New Series of Classes… Kris and I tend to spend a lot of lunches out in restaurants with a notebook, planning workshops. Usually we have a focus, like a certain week in a class that needs to be recorded. We make sure that I am recording the workshop we want it to be. Between the two of us, we think we hit good workshops more than we miss. And sometimes in these lunch discussions we just end up with new ideas for workshops that we think would be fun or valuable. A couple details have to be in place before we talk about it enough to…
Kristine Kathryn Rusch Starter Kit
Everything Sent Out… Except the Interview Stretch Rewards with Kris…She and I are recording those now and as soon as we are done and I get them loaded, we will send out codes to get into them on Teachable So if you didn’t get the ten books in the Starter Kit, or any of the other books, first check your spam filter, then make sure you are on your Kickstarter email, and if you still don’t have them by Tuesday, write to Subscriptions@wmgbooks.com and Josh will track them for you. Again, the interviews are not among this batch. Next and final batch. Also, an update on the Fey Kickstarter. LESSONS…
Recommended Classes of the Week
Finally Started It… Every Monday Kris and I will post new Recommended Classes of the Week (They have a picture of Cheeps on them). Normally each week will consist of a classic workshop with six weeks worth of videos on the weekly topic, a Pop-Up class on the same general topic, and a lecture. Plus there will also be a link to get an electronic book on the same topic. Total value for the class for each part bought on its own is $355. The price of the Recommended Class is $250.00. Since we are not doing sales much at all anymore, for one week only, the first week, the…
Reading Fey Novel
So This Will Be A Short Post… This is the second full NEW novel of THE FEY that Kris has finished since the Kickstarter. (Plus the novella, of course.) And she has finished the book about writing of the Fey and is almost done with the videos, so we can get that up and out. (I will do a Kickstarter Update this coming week.) I have been trying to hold myself to only reading three or four chapters a night because of my eyes. But that failed tonight (as I should have expected with Kris’s great writing combined with it being THE FEY.) So it is now going on 3…