Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  workshops

Last Day for Holiday Spectacular!!

Ends at 7PM Today…

That’s right, ends at 7pm today (Thursday). Kickstarter is counting down the hours. The campaign hit the 5th stretch goal and is on the way to the next one. More stories, more workshops for everyone.

And every backer this year gets 39 original holiday stories, one delivered every day from Thanksgiving, November 24th, through January 1st. Over thirty professional writers wrote for it. Hugo Award winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch did all the editing.

Talk about fun. We call the 39 stories the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2022 Calendar. And they make fantastic gifts. Who wouldn’t love to get a gift that goes and goes and goes for the entire holiday season. Something new every day.

Basically an advent calendar of fiction, only longer and better.

And there are two special workshops on the topics of two of the anthologies Kris will be editing for next year, so the third assignment in each workshop is to write a story for Kris for the Holiday Spectacular 2023. Only place those workshops will ever be available is through this Kickstarter Campaign that ends today. Don’t miss them. One is how to write Hardboiled Mystery Holiday Story and the other is how to write surprises in stories without cheating.

Only have today to get them.

Plus if you back the campaign at any level, for anything, not only do you get the 39 stories in the Holiday Spectacular Calendar, but because we have hit five stretch goals, you get five extra stories plus a number of free writing workshops. That’s right, free workshops!!

And there is a chance we can hit one more stretch goal before this is over for even more workshops and another book.

Plus, since there will never be any more sales on Teachable, we have added in a few ways to get workshops in the campaign, plus lifetime subscriptions. But only today.

Take a look at the campaign right here.

Or watch the video with Kris talking about the campaign.

Remember, ends at 7pm tonight.


  • Thomas Bennett

    Hey Dean,

    I love the stories last year nacked this year too. Thanks for continuing the tradition.

    Also, I sent the week one assignment for applied depth twice using different email addresses. Did you get it? Congrats on the success of The Holiday Spectacular. Hope you and Kris are doing well! Happy holidays.

    • dwsmith

      Got it fine, both of them, just haven’t been through my email yet at that level, and set up next month’s stuff. And thanks for the kind words. Appreciate the backing.