False Start On Buffet Book!
Really, Really False Start Headed out to go to the Palace Station Hotel and Casino. It is an off-strip casino fairly close to downtown. We often go there because they have a great movie theater upstairs and for years I had been looking forward to trying their buffet. It seems that less than two weeks ago, the buffet closed down for good. They have some other great-looking restaurants, but no longer a buffet. Well, that was a bummer. Never went by the place when there wasn’t a good line to get in. My sense is they couldn’t find enough employees to keep it going. That is a big problem here…
Last Day for Fey Kickstarter
Counting Down the Hours… Ends at 7 PM West Coast Time!! Brand New Fey Novel Kickstarter Campaign. Amazing books, amazing workshops, and everyone gets the first Fey novel in 22 years, THE KIRILLI MATTER. We just hit the 7th stretch goal and climbing, which means that all backers not only get seven more stories by Kris, but writers get six months of Motivational classes. And I think it is possible to another stretch goal before this is over if we can all pass the word. Again, ends at 7pm Thursday West Coast Time. This is the last hours. At that point the special workshops go away. And you will have…
Counting Down the Hours, Now!! Brand New Fey Novel Kickstarter Campaign. Amazing books, amazing workshops, and everyone gets the first Fey novel in 22 years, THE KIRILLI MATTER. We just hit the 7th stretch goal and climbing, which means that all backers not only get seven more stories by Kris, but writers get six months of Motivational classes. And I think it is possible to hit a bunch more stretch goals before this is over if we can all pass the word. Again, just 35 hours left. At that point the special workshops go away. And you will have to wait until February to get THE KIRILLI MATTER. Brand New…
2 Days Left In Fey Novel Kickstarter
Brand New Fey Novel Campaign In Final Days… Remember, there are two special workshops you can’t get anywhere else but in this campaign in the next two days. Brand New Fey Novel Kickstarter Campaign The Two Special Workshops are… HOW TO WRITE MAGIC SYSTEMS SPECIAL WORKSHOP Three weeks long, and you have the choice of starting either October 4th or November 1st. This is completely focused on how to create and write magic systems at all lengths, from epic fantasy short stories to major series like The Fey. If you have an interest in ever writing fantasy that involves magic of any kind, this is a workshop you will need. And…
Why Do We Do Kickstarters?
I Got That Question Today… The question sort of caught me by surprise, to be honest. First off, surface reasons. 1… It gets new books to readers ahead of the publication date and at a discount. Fans of a series or a writer enjoy that. I know I do, which is one of the reasons why I back so many campaigns. 2… It gets our work out to readers we might never find and they might then buy more of our work. This is called discoverability. 3… It is amazing promotion and advertising and you don’t have to pay for it. In fact, if you do it right, you get…
Repeating Details About the Workshops In the Kickstarter
FOUR DAYS LEFT!!!! Yes, there is an amazing amount of great reading in the Brand New Fey Book Kickstarter campaign. We have already hit the fifth stretch goal, which means that every backer of any reward not only gets the first new Fey novel in 22 years, THE KIRILLI MATTER, but also five of Kris’s stories. And you can get all of the Fey original books in brand new editions with the fantastic covers. And more! But also in the Brand New Fey Book Kickstarter campaign, there are some great workshops. I talked about this a couple days back, but wanted to repeat it now that there are only four…
Fun Video
Lessons from the Writing of the Fey… This is a really fun video, and on the BRAND NEW FEY NOVEL Kickstarter for six more days you can get the videos at a discount, or get them through the major workshop we are offering there, or buy the entire group of them on Teachable under Lessons from The Writing of the Fey. Gwyneth and Allyson did this the last day and Kris and I thought it fun. And trust me, those videos Kris did for Lessons from the Writing of the Fey will amaze you if you are a writer or a reader. Really stunning.
Got Closer to Buffet Challenge
Took My New iPad to a Buffet… Sort of a test run. Didn’t plan on doing any writing, just mostly setting up a bunch of programs on my iPad, including Microsoft Word and Outlook. Got interesting, to say the least, but 90% there. Only killed the only email I have left twice, but managed to save it both times. Yikes… Even set up a word doc that I can use sort of for a template. And wrote the start of a story. The first line of the story is… “The 1950s called and they want their food back.” Yup, the buffet I was in was that bad. And I like…
The Workshops in the Fey Kickstarter
And Great Reading!! Yes, there is an amazing amount of great reading in the Brand New Fey Book Kickstarter campaign. We have already hit the fourth stretch goal, which means that every backer of any reward not only gets the first new Fey novel in 22 years, THE KIRILLI MATTER, but also four of Kris’s stories. And you can get all of the Fey original books in brand new editions with the fantastic covers. And more! But also in the Brand New Fey Book Kickstarter campaign, there are some great workshops. Just backing the campaign at any level, you get three months so far of the Motivational Monday videos. (And…
Fey Kickstarter Funded!
In Just Slightly Over One Hour… Doing great! And almost to the first stretch goal in the first couple of hours. Starting with the second stretch goal, we will be offering months of the Motivational Mondays classes. If you have been taking the classes on Teachable, we will be giving you credit on Teachable for as many as we hit in the campaign if you back the Kickstarter. So no worries there. If you backed the Kickstarter and we hit all the stretch goals, someone taking all the Motivational Monday classes will get $500 in credit. If you only took one quarter, you will get that in credit (if you…