• Challenge,  On Writing

    March Sadness Special

    With All Conventions Cancelled… No one traveling. And all of us stuck at home making sure we do not spread this virus, it’s time to turn attention to writing and learning. So that money you had set aside to head to a conference or writer’s retreat, how about some online workshops instead? Allyson and Kris both suggested we give writers some real deals on workshops right now to help out through these coming stuck weeks. We want to encourage you to stay safe and learn and write. So to do that stated goal, we are doing something very special for the next 48 hours only. Every Workshop, Lecture, Pop-Up, Class,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    So Much Business is Timing… Kris and I earlier were out for a walk (doing all the correct social distancing things, honest.) We can walk in downtown Las Vegas and not get close to anyone because this town is a ghost town, for the most part. Even the major casinos on The Strip are shut or shutting down. We are also supporting our local small restaurants where we can. Tonight, we walked to a restaurant that we love that had only been open for a month. We were the only two in there, plus one guy in a corner working on a computer. So real social distancing there. Never got…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Pop-Up Available

    Pop-Up #19… How Can Your Business Survive the Downturn? Kris in upcoming blogs talks about the Black Swan event we are all going through right now. And we put together this Pop-Up to help as well. Step-by-step things you need to think about and maybe act on or maybe not. But at least with this you will not be flying into the dark so much because Kris and I have made it through three major black swan events with businesses before this one. So might be worth your time, folks. BRINGING ALL POP-UPS BACK LIVE… Until yesterday the only Pop-Ups you could get were the last couple or buy the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Mentorship Open For One

    I Said I Was Closing This… But I had one of the writers who just started a few months ago have a life roll (besides the silliness going on in the world where we get to stay home and write.) The writer asked if I would put her on hiatus for a year and I said sure, no problem. So that opens one spot I didn’t expect, and I also closed the mentorships with one spot still remaining open. But I am still only taking one this time and then shutting it off for the last time. So if you are interested in having me be your cheerleader, read your…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Licensing Expo Postponed

    No Surprise… Now scheduled for August 11-13. Same place, and if you had rooms, you can just kick them back. Licensing Transition Class (that is still open for sign-ups) will be extended into September now, so all of you in that class get a bunch of extra, besides free access to the Licensing 101 class going on now. Got a hunch that licensee’s are going to be hungry by August. I was about to book a couple of appointments with two movie studios, but will now do so for August. Fun stuff. Sign up on Teachable. OTHER THINGS… Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers is up on Teachable for free.…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    All Good Ideas

    It Was a Good Idea to Start the Next Novel Today… Just didn’t pan out because of so much business stuff. Got up at my normal time and spent the entire day on business. (Yes, WMG Publishing is a business and is impacted by what is happening just as everything else on the planet.) Kris and I have been through three Black Swan events with businesses before this one. First Gulf War which was the first war live broadcast. We had Pulphouse and our reaction to the event was the doom of the first incarnation of Pulphouse. The second one was 9/11 and we reacted quickly with business and got…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Finished a Novel

    Tomorrow Will Be Starting New One… I have a big project to put up on Teachable tomorrow that will be free for everyone, but past that I am going to be getting ready to start the Cave Creek novel. How do I get ready? Simply put, I file the stuff from the novel I finished and turned in tonight. Get a blank yellow pad ready, and maybe start writing, depending on the time of day or night. So starting tomorrow I will be talking about my days and the writing of this next novel, including starting up. THE FINAL THIRTY-FOUR Now out for sale. We will be sending it to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Pop-Up Coming

    How Your Business Can Survive a Downturn… It will be Pop-Up #19. Available in a few days. It will be put inside of the Decade Ahead First Quarter class. We had always planned on putting it in there, with Pop-Up #18 in February and this new one in March. But we did not expect what is happening now when we planned this. Scary times. This Pop-up will help. So the Pop-Up #19 will be available in the Decade Ahead First Quarter or as a stand-alone or in the bundles for Pop-Ups. I will announce it here when it is posted. Honestly, the best deal is the Decade Ahead Bundle, get…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Writing in Public

    What Is Writing In Public?

    Got That Question Twice Today… Because I mentioned it when talking about writing the first Cave Creek novel. So even though I will show this and talk about it later this week when I start the novel, here is what I mean. I have, over time, basically did a chronicle here of my day, most of the details, and how much writing I got on a certain project. I did that when I wrote the novel in five days while traveling, and that is the name of the book that came out of the blog posts. And I started the practice when I wrote a novel in ten days as…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Something Fun…

    For Cave Creek Kickstarter Backers… I have decided to give all the backers of the Cave Creek a short story or two. As a way of saying thanks for the support in the Kickstarter. First one will go out later this week. “If Twilight Zone had a home town, it would be Cave Creek.” That’s how we are describing Cave Creek, and I have those writers in the Shared Worlds Class (still open to sign up) going and getting up to speed on the early Twilight Zone episodes. Because they are all going to be writing Cave Creek stories if they want. So I figured I would give the supporters…