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    I’m Home…

    I Was At Writer’s of the Future… If you want to watch me give a speech about the 40 years since I was in the first book, here is the link to the entire ceremony. There is a cool video about that first year with me looking like a child (even though I was 34) and then I give a speech. The entire ceremony is worth watching, but my talk is just after minute 40 or so…   And this picture is of me and two of my long-time friends, Rob Sawyer and Kevin Anderson. Long time meaning about 37 years. I will answer emails and stuff tomorrow.

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Uncategorized,  workshops

    Kickstarter Is Live!!

    WMG Holiday Spectacular 2023 Kickstarter! We just went live. WMG Holiday Spectacular. We have some fantastic art and a fun design to this year’s campaign, plus this year we have THREE holiday Special workshops and we have merchandise. And, of course, the Holiday Spectacular Calendar which has 40 original stories in it, one per day from Thanksgiving through January 1st.  You get the Calendar with any reward, including the workshops. The three special workshops you can only get through the Kickstarter are: EDGE OF YOUR SEAT…  Writing short thriller holiday stories. DON’T MESS WITH THE BIG ELF… Writing contemporary or historical holiday stories. MAKE THE READERS SMILE… Writing short romance…

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    Holiday Spectacular 2022 Kickstarter Campaign Is Live!!!

    Launched!! This is the fourth year of this really fun, and really difficult project for us to do. We found wonderful new art at the Licensing Expo so we could rebrand everything. And start to take this brand and this wild idea to the next level. WMG Holiday Spectacular 2022 Kickstarter Campaign. Take a look. Tons of different holiday books for gifts, not counting that this year there are 39 different holiday stories in the calendar by over thirty professional writers. Delivered with an introduction to you every day to read on any device you want. All edited by Hugo Award winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch. And two fun special…

  • Challenge,  Smiths Monthly,  Uncategorized

    Smith’s Monthly #62

    Laying It Out Now… June issue. It will be out later in the month. Yes, issue #62 of a monthly magazine that has about 70,000 or so words in it every month. All written by me. No one else. Do the math. That’s is over 800,000 words per year in just Smith’s Monthly, not counting anything else I do. Except for a light copyedit and the actual loading to the accounts, I do everything else on this magazine. I do all the covers for the short stories and the rest of the contents and the magazine itself. I do the layout into trade paper in a two-column format in InDesign.…

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    Eight Books Published

    Year of the Cat #11 and Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #11 That is so much fun. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine has now hit its new issue every two months schedule now solidly after taking some time off in the pandemic. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #12 is now turned in and I am about to turn in #13 which is the August issue. Exciting and I am working through some fantastic stories I got from writers back before the pandemic, finally getting them in print. Year of the Cat #11 is also out and #12 will follow in May. I am behind on talking about the stories. But should be completely caught up by the…

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    Card Sharp Silver… Day 12

    Got Smacked by Monday… Life and business must continue, and tends to happen on Monday a great deal. And this Monday was no exception. I started off climbing out of bed at a little after 8 am and by about 8:50 am I was at Smith’s market. You see, they only let old people like me into the store from 8 to 9 and the shelves were stocked. Since the planet was hoarding paper products, and we were using paper towels much faster than normal, figured I needed to go in search to make it through the next few weeks. So a little success at Smiths (All stores limit to…

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    Card Sharp Silver… Day 3

    Another Rest Day… Got to my internet computer around 11 am and worked there on different projects until around 2pm. Cooked Kris and I a light lunch, then we both went back to work. My attitude today was to keep resting, although I have to admit I felt a lot more rested today than yesterday. Still not pushing anything too much. Not sick or anything, just recovering from too much stress, which tends to knock me down for a few days at this age. So more work at the internet side of things, then a nap, then around 6:30 pm Kris and I went out for a walk to get…

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    Card Sharp Silver… Day 1

    More Like a Prolog Day… Sort of got things focused and started. And managed some writing, about a prolog’s worth. As I will be doing, and have done in the past, I will detail out my day, all the good and the bad. In general, of course. But you get a chance to see how a business person and a professional writer live and write. And I will keep this up until Card Sharp Silver: A Cave Creek Novel is done. I will have other blogs between the writing blogs at times. And I might even put these blogs together in a book at some point if they end up…

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    Early Bird Discount Ending

    Sunday is Last Day to Pay… Anthology Workshop will be March 8th through the 11th, 2021. I WAS WRONG WHEN I POSTED THIS THE FIRST TIME. 8TH THROUGH 11TH. MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY. Group list will start in late summer. Writing will start in late November. We have made it cheaper for the writers to attend by moving it into weekdays, when room rates are very low, and also having it be only four days. Plus plane fare is cheaper flying in on Sunday and out on Friday. We will still do at least six anthologies, so that will not change. Just cheaper to attend. And we are making it one…