Day Three…
Book One… The move is still the focus. Way too much, but we are gaining on it slowly each day. But another week before most of it is in place. How it Went… Once again I didn’t get to the writing computer until almost 10 pm, just way too late when I spend all day moving boxes and working on the move. And today I hung white boards in my office. Impressive looking, but wow was that a lot of work. Kris had to help me because of things like ladders. And took an almost two hour nap, something I tend to not do. (15 minutes is my nap length.)…
Day Two
Book One… The Challenge is to write four novels in one month. General aspects of life at the moment is that Kris and I just moved and we are both exhausted, but still putting things away. All standard after a big move. We are lucky in one way with the move. We still have both of our original condos, the place we lived and also our offices. So we have the entire month to get them finished and cleaners in to clean them. That helps. How It Went… Second day standard blahs for me. I actually didn’t even get to my writing computer until 11 pm at night and managed…
Day One…
Book One… The challenge is to write four novels in one month. Today is July 1st, so started up today, even though I am totally exhausted from just moving four days ago and I have a ton of stuff to do still. In fact, today, I brought in some more stuff for my office from my old office and will do even more tomorrow. So writing while still putting things in here from moving. And having mouse issues with my computer. Very annoying. But I knew was that as tired as I am, if I didn’t get started, I wouldn’t start for a long time. Besides, writing is great fun…
Nothing Today…
Taking a Break… Mostly from time at the screens. Tomorrow I work in about four hours of writing time into my normal daily schedule. Then also about a half hour to write a blog here about the writing of the day. Openings for me are slower than the center and end of the book, so my hope is 5,000 words tomorrow, but might not hit that right off the bat. Lots of things have to change and come together to make this challenge work. So this could be interesting to start with. Most certainly the hardest part of the entire challenge. So now getting away from here. Going to rest…
Day Two Prolog…
For July Challenge Writing Four Novels in July… Plus during the same time I will write this nonfiction book as a series of blogs here every night. So if this works, five full books in one month. This blog here will be (in altered form) the prolog to the book. Chapter One will be the first day of writing. This prolog is basically about my attitude and what I am doing to get ready for the challenge. First off, I can say what I am not doing. I am not planning any book ahead. I do know that the first book will be a Pakhet Jones novel, the first one…
Writing Four Novels in a Month…
Again… This challenge is nothing new for me, but since I did this challenge the first time, I have felt that I have slowly lost control of my time in general and writing time in particular. And I can’t think of a better way to snap back into controlling my time and my sense of time than a writing challenge. Not challenging anyone else or suggesting any of you even try this. Just doing this for myself. My challenge is to write four novels in July. Pretty simple. I write 40,000 word novels, so about 160,000 words of fiction. (Pulp Speed 4, but with also doing these blogs to form…
I’m In My New Office…
After Working On It All Day… Finally got all four computers and two secondary screens in place, shelves in place, a few boxes of books on the shelves, and this computer running enough to do some email and a prompt. (Sound echoes and lights not right yet, but I’ll get it.) A lot of trips down to our old office condo on the main floor. And since this office is up a flight of stairs here in the condo, I climbed basically 15 flights of stairs carrying boxes and computers. Yup, going to feel that tomorrow. A bunch of time on my back on tile floor putting desks together as…
It Is Amazing…
After A Long Night… Today all three cats are getting along great. In fact, they all seem to be fine. Last night was a lot of hissing and such after we released them together. None of that today at all. We spent the day doing all the crap you do on the day after you move into a new place. Cable guy appointment (who was great) securing shelves, napping, and reading a lot of instructions on high-end appliances. I never did get my office together, but Kris got hers in good shape. So tomorrow I will be in my new office, will get email caught up, will record some workshop…
A Long Move…
Still a ton to do, but we are in the new place!! At the moment I am not, because I didn’t have time to put my new office together, so I am sitting in a mostly empty former business condo (#143), at a large dining room table we will give to a charity at some point, doing this and running through my email. Tomorrow I put my office together. Move started a little after 7 am when Kris and I rounded up the two boys from #907 in two carriers and put them in a bathroom upstairs in #1401. Then I got the little girl into her carrier and we…
Really, Really Tired of Packing Boxes…
But This Was the Last Day… By noon tomorrow the movers will be gone and we will mostly be in our new place. It will take a month to clean up the other two condos and turn in the keys, but there will be no massive amount of things to do. Get some stuff to storage, some things to give away to charities. So tomorrow is the big move. Then we unpack all the boxes we have been packing for a week. And tomorrow is the first day of the craziness with the little girl meeting the two boys, all in a brand new place. I am sure Kris will…