• Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops!

    These All Start In Just Over a Week!! Yes I know, what in the world happened to April? And to make that worse, the May workshops are starting up on the 2nd. A week from Tuesday. Yikes!! But good news is that there are some really nifty classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops


    And Thanks For the Feedback… I will give the new look a bunch more thought and maybe test something else down the road. But tonight I wanted to remind you of the Special Stretch Goal. If the campaign can reach 125 backers on CASE CARD KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN by Sunday Midnight, April 23rd, we will add in a special stretch goal. (We are at 116 backers as I type this on Friday night, so only nine more backers to go.) If the campaign reaches 125 backers by Sunday Midnight, April 23rd, every backer of any reward at $5 and up will get a free ebook copy of my mystery collection THE…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter Launched!!

    CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Plus lots of other stuff, including personally signed (and personalized if you want) limited edition hardback books. (Signed on the book, not a book plate.) Two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST MODERN Special Workshop Might be the two best special workshops we have done through a Kickstarter. Get them now at CASE CARD: A Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    My Eyes Are Better

    And I Am Catching Up… And writing again, solidly. But my eyes still only give me so much computer time in a day and I spend a lot of it on writing fiction now. So that means I am behind on some things, such as the free workshops on Kickstarters. But I am catching up. Allyson, Gwyneth, Josh, and the rest of WMG Publishing never miss a deadline, If they say a book will be shipping in February, it was shipped in February. They are fulfilling the final hardbacks from the Fantasies Collide and Diving Kickstarters. And all book stretch goal rewards and other rewards have been sent out from…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Last Day of the Sale!!

    No More Extensions… And this will be the last day I talk about sales here for a very long time. That will be good because I got a lot of other great stuff to talk about, including copyright value, writing stuff, challenges, licensing, AI, and you name it. I might even talk about some of my own books at times. Yikes!! But no more talking about sales after today for a very long time. So here is the information one last time. Ends Friday night (April 7th) very late (meaning when I get done writing around 3 am West Coast Time.) At that time I flip the switch. ALL APRIL…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Sale Now Ends Friday Night!!

    Yes, One More Extension… Just two days and the reason is that three people asked and since it will be a long time until another sale, I didn’t see a reason why not end it on Friday. Also, a number of people are interested in the Lifetime Subscription to Everything I talked about last night. Here are a couple of things me and WMG got worked out today. One… if you have the Everything subscription, and are in a challenge, WMG and I will find you some really fun and maybe unique awards if you hit the challenge. We instantly came up with some fun ideas and I will talk…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Lifetime Subscription to Everything!

    Yes, That Means Everything… I just worked it out with WMG Publishing today to put up a LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION TO EVERYTHING, meaning all things on WMG Teachable. Now and everything new we add in the future. Here is what it covers… All the classes and lectures and workshops covered under all the other Lifetime Subscriptions… All Collection Classes… All Advanced Craft Classes All stand-alone challenges and classes. And everything we add going into the future in any area… No exclusions… Everything. The cost is $10,000. (You can get that on Teachable now.) If you have one lifetime subscription, the cost is $8,000. (You must write me.) If you have three…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Some Suggestions…

    Sale Still Going On… I thought I would give a few suggestions as to classes and workshops I think might be a good idea to think about grabbing at half price. Earlier I recorded the first weeks of the second quarter of both the Decade Ahead and Bite-Sized Copyright. The first quarter is done for both, starting on Monday into the second quarter. The first quarter would be easy to catch up on and then just go forward with the four videos every Monday morning through the rest of the year. No assignments, just knowledge and help. You can still get the full year (all four quarters) at half price.…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Sale and New Workshops

    April Workshops Now Available… The April Regular workshops start on April 4th, so you can get them with the sale going on now. We talked about starting some new workshops, but will hold off until May and also start new ones in June, July, and August. So this sale is a great time to get the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. Not only is it jammed packed with classes, but new ones coming through the summer. The April workshops are: Class #32… April 4th … Heinlein’s Rules Class #34… April 4th … Writing into the Dark Class #35… April 4th … Teams in Fiction Class #36…April 5th … Depth in Writing Class…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Five Months Ago…

    We Did “The Last Sale” in October, 2022… That’s right, that was five months ago… Since then we have played with a small sale only for lifetime supporters, another sale to see who would open their mail from Teachable, and one more short fun sale to see who read to the bottom of one of the posts on my site. But the monthly big sales were over last October. And they still are. But a bunch of factors have come together to suggest we should do a surprise half-price sale right now. So we are using the code: Surprise Just hit purchase on anything on WMG Teachable and then on…