• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    Funded and Flashed Past First Stretch Goal!!!

    A Fantastic New Novel and Kickstarter Campaign! Here is a fun ad first!! Court Martial of the Renegat Renegades is Kris’s new Diving Universe novel. Even if you have never read a Diving novel before, you can read this one. And it is amazing. Get to the New Diving Novel Kickstarter here… Also in this one are two really cool science fiction writing workshops, plus discounts on regular workshops and a brand new lifetime subscription to everything on Teachable. And no matter the award you pick, you get a copy of the new Diving Universe novel and the stretch goals as we go higher. Plus something really fun…A brand new…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    We’re LIVE!!!

    THE NEW DIVING NOVEL KICKSTARTER IS LIVE!! Court Martial of the Renegat Renegades is Kris’s new Diving Universe novel. Even if you have never read a Diving novel before, you can read this one. And it is amazing. Get to the New Diving Novel Kickstarter here… Also in this one are two really cool science fiction writing workshops, plus discounts on regular workshops and a brand new lifetime subscription to everything on Teachable. And no matter the award you pick, you get a copy of the new Diving Universe novel. Plus something really fun…A brand new writing series that will be a ton of fun that we are giving away…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading

    New Kickstarter Launching at Noon

    West Coast Time… The New Diving Novel by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is launching on Tuesday, February 14th at noon. Promotions Page is here… The Court-Martial of the Renegat Renegades is a stunning new novel in the Diving Universe. And we have some really fun rewards and some brand new things in the stretch goals. And some workshops that are really cool. And everyone backing any reward will get an electronic copy of the book. So don’t miss it. And this book you do not have to have read any other Diving novel to enjoy it. Stands alone. And is an amazing read.  

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Writing Classes

    Here Are The Pop-Up Classes… Kris and I have been working on a bunch of Pop-Up classes the last few days. We are first getting out the four stretch reward Pop-Up classes from the Pulphouse Kickstarter and at the same time I am working on the stretch reward Pulphouse anthologies. We promised them all this spring and the Pop-Ups will be ahead of that. Anthologies will be one per month. Here are the four that will go live on Teachable to buy and the backers of the Pulphouse Kickstarter will be sent codes for in the next few weeks. Pop-Up #80… Turning Big Ideas into a Short Story Pop-Up #81……

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    One Day Left in the Fantasies Collide Kickstarter!!

    Don’t Miss This One… Amazing Stuff in this one. I’m going to repeat much of what I said last night because only 1 Day Left. And we hope you will help us pass the word. You can find it at FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign. Here is what all backers get extra at this moment (besides the award they backed). All five FANTASIES COLLIDE collections in electronic format. ($30 Value) Eight fantasy novels or anthologies in electronic format. ($40+ Value) Seven writing classes focused on fantasy writing and topics. ($1,050 Value) Very possible to get all backers even more fun reading and workshops. And Pop-Up Classes that are in the stretch…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    2 Days Left!!

    In the FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign… I’m going to repeat much of what I said last night because only 2 Days Left. And we hope you will help us pass the word. You can find it at FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign. Here is what all backers get extra at this moment (besides the award they backed). All five FANTASIES COLLIDE collections in electronic format. ($30 Value) Seven fantasy novels or anthologies in electronic format. ($35 Value) Six writing classes focused on fantasy writing and topics. ($900 Value) Very possible to get all backers even more fun reading and workshops. And only two days left to get the very special writing…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    3 Days Left!!!

    In the FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign… And it is doing great, which means all backers of any reward (starting at the first one of $30) get lots of great extra stuff. And three days is a lot of time in Kickstarter land (Think the last five minutes of a football game.) So we can hit some more stretch rewards and get all backers even more. So help us pass the word. You can find it at FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign. Here is what all backers get extra (besides the award they backed) so far. All five FANTASIES COLLIDE collections in electronic format. ($30 Value) Seven fantasy novels or anthologies in…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Reminder of Stretch Challenge

    This From Last Night… UPDATE… SATURDAY AFTERNOON… Special Stretch Goal has been hit. Thank you, everyone. Now more fun stuff for all backers. Because it’s Friday night and my brain is too scrambled to finish the copyright valuation blog. So figured I would remind you about the challenge on FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter. I have put updates in all caps and italics. The FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter is doing great at the moment. With 7 days left, we have 155 backers. (ACTUALLY AFTER ONE DAY OF THIS CHALLENGE WE HAVE 167 BACKERS!) So we thought it would be fun that if we could reach 175 backers by Sunday at midnight, West Coast…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Fun Addition to FANTASIES COLLIDE!!

    Really Fun New Stretch Goal!! And a challenge…. The FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter is doing great at the moment. With 7 days left, we have 155 backers. (Thank you all!) So we thought it would be fun that if we could reach 175 backers by Sunday at midnight, West Coast time, we would add in another stretch goal. We are calling it a SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL and if we hit the number of 175 backers by the deadline, we will include it for all backers of any reward. What is this SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL? If this campaign reaches 175 Backers by Sunday at midnight, every backer of any reward will get…

  • Challenge,  Cover Fun,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Kickstarter Best Practices

    Finally Able To Do It Again… After two months of not being able to list Kickstarters from the writers on Kickstarter Best Practices free class because of my eye issues, I was able to do so tonight. Sorry about missing those of you who did  campaigns in the last two months. Just not able to do it with the eye issues. Those of you thinking about doing a Kickstarter campaign, give me a chance to look at it ahead of time to help you fund. Just email me the preview link and I’ll be glad to take a look. And yes, I listed my own campaign as well. A Make…