• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing,  workshops

    Wow!! What a Store!!

    WMG Publishing Started a New Diving Universe Store And right now it is having a grand opening sale.  Go to www.divingintothewreck.com and browse around. Imagine the store without all the Grand Opening sales stuff. And imagine something like it as your own author web site. Yes, Shopify can do all kinds of looks and blogs and anything a regular web site can do and so much more.  I loved the Pulphouse Shopify Store and our main WMG Books store we call “the mothership.” But when I saw how Stephanie Writt had built this store, the first thing I thought of was an author web site. It would be one of…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Hit Special Stretch Goal!

    Now All Backers Get Two Writing Classes… And we are gaining on the next stretch goal with another Kris story and another writing class. So check it out at IVORY TREES: A Diving Universe Novel Kickstarter. And check out the two special workshops. They are only offered for the next three days on this Kickstarter. They will be fun and great learning. Also, the Aces’ game this afternoon was great and not close, which made it even more fun. They have now advanced to the semifinals. Kris on her facebook page put pictures. I can’t even begin to imagine the cost of those towels. For two different games. Wow. Watching…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Aces Game Tonight…

    First Game of the Playoffs… Kris and I and Lisa Collins went to the Ace’s game tonight after some great pizza. The Aces are defending world champions and also seeded #1 in the playoffs after a record-breaking season. They are fantastically fun to watch. They were playing tonight, for one night only, at the T-Mobile Area, the home of the Stanley Cup winning Golden Knights. (Yeah, fun sports in this town.) The Aces were playing the Chicago Sky and Chicago never stood a chance. At one point the Aces were ahead by over 30 points. And not because the Sky were not playing well, the Aces are just a machine.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Paperback Writer…

    I Loved the Beatles Song “Paperback Writer”… When I came into publishing almost fifty years ago, what dominated as far as fiction distribution was the mass market paperback. In 1977 I opened a bookstore called “The Paperback Exchange” and did really well, changing the name to “Twice Sold Tales” after I bought a comic store and the towns only album store and moved them all in together. It was a fun place. As a writer, all I ever wanted to be was a paperback writer. And then as the world changed in the early part of this century, trade paperbacks started taking the place of mass market paperbacks and now…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Reporting Writing Challenge…

    Started April 1st… Over five months ago. Started off slow and still slow for me, but I have now been pretty consistent over 20,000 words per week as of late. Slow for me. But firing up on a new personal writing challenge on September 15th that I hope to hold until December 15th. I would like to write a story per day during that time. 91 stories. If I hit that I got a hunch I will go on and make it an even hundred by the end of the year. (I did over that number for the first four months of 2022.) That and working on other projects of…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Aces Game Tonight…

    Way Too Much Fun… Even with the Aces being tired and sloppy after a long road trip, they still pulled out a win. That was win #31, the most ever in any season by a WMBA team. We got playoff tickets today as well. That should be great fun. Here are some pictures from the game. Kris will have more tomorrow on her Facebook page, as normal.

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Fun Concert…

    Saw Beatlejuice Musical Tonight… Really fun and really good and the music was great. And I got to sit for the first time in my season ticket seat for all the Broadway shows coming through over this next year. I have to suffer in with my seat because it is in the box on the right side closest ti the stage and my seat is against the railing closest to the stage. In other words, one of the best in the entire place. I am just above eye level of the stage and within six paces. (If I could walk through the air.) Thank you, Kris, for finding and getting…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Thanks for the Responses

    Both In the Comments and Email… I just really think that block of notes, 700 note pages it seems, would be fun with the art from one of my Seeders’ novels on it. Someone also sent me a place where you can bulk oder them. 100 of them minimum at a time. Can you imagine the shipping of that much solid paper? Yikes… But the one place everyone found does them POD. Have not figure out that price yet, but will. Thanks!! We got some Pulphouse Fiction Magazine products in today and Kris had me film her doing an “unboxing” of two of them. I guess that is a thing.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Why Do Streaks?

    Day #4,031 of This Blog… Never missed, as I said yesterday. So why do this, or any other writing streak for that matter? The answer is simple… FOR YOURSELF You do it for yourself. Last year I wrote over 100 short stories in 100 days. Why? Because I wanted to. Thought it would be fun, and it was. Over the last few years WMG has had challenges we offer to writers on Teachable. A no-lose challenge. If they miss, they get what they paid in credit in workshops, if they hit the challenge, they get a lifetime subscription of their choice. Story a week, novel every two months, novella a…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    11 Years Plus…

    Twelve Years Ago Bill Trojan Died… He was a sf and mystery fan, a collector, a hoarder, and a great friend. I spent most of a year taking care of his stuff after he died and settling his estate. 11 years ago on August 1st I started a blog streak, saying something here every night. 11 Years Have Gone By… I have never missed. Power failures, internet failures, computer crashes, being in the hospital, I never missed a blog.  As of today, this is blog 4,030 in a row. I was 60 years old when I started this. In the last 11 years I have also written about 14 million…