• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing

    Something Fun…

    Listen to Me Babble for 45 Minutes… Live… At 10 AM West Coast time, I will be on the Draft2Digital Spotlight talking publishing and writing with super writer and editor Mark Leslie Lefebvre, who also works for D2D. It will be live and could get silly, because Mark and I tend to get silly at times. For those of you who don’t know, for a number of years now, Mark has been our anchor at both the Master Business Class and the Anthology Workshop. His depth of knowledge of fiction and publishing and his willingness to help writers goes beyond any words I might say. And he likes beer. And…

  • Cave Creek,  Fun Stuff

    Cave Creek Kickstarter Live!!

    We’re Up and Going!! So anyone wants to see what this is all about, give it a check. And make sure you watch the really fun video that Gwyneth and I did (mostly her, I just talked.) Wow, this is a fun project. We have a gift card reward now, something that is limited and collectable and you can get all three anthologies on. And we added in retail discounts as well. And wow, are we giving away a lot of workshop stuff if this thing takes off. So pass the word and join the Shared Worlds class if you want to be a part of this. But first take…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Group of Writers

    From a Long, Long Time Ago… The picture below is of Kathy Oltion, Jerry Oltion, Kent Patterson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith, Robert J. Howe, Christina York, Steve York and Kij Johnson in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. We had all gone to that house for a weekend of writing short stories. The picture was posted by Nina and I think was about 1991 or so. I wrote “In the Shade of the Slowboat Man” at this weekend gathering along with two other stories. And yes, wow were we all young. Wonderful to see Kent Patterson again. He died from complications of polio just a fews years or so after this was taken. I am publishing a story by Kent, Jerry, Kris, and…

  • Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Visions of the Future

    New StoryBundle Just Launched… I put this one together and to be honest, I am damned proud of the books I got for this one. Some really, really amazing science fiction by some top writers. I will be back tomorrow with more, but might want to check it out at: Storybundle.com/scifi

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing

    Kind of Fun Cat Video

    About Our Making Our Kickstarter Goal… Gwyneth at WMG Publishing did this for fun and I thought I would show it here. Nifty that we are past our goal, but we could use a bunch more help on getting the cat books, all 12 monthly anthologies, break even. And if anyone has any ideas for some rewards we hadn’t thought of, write me. Glad to consider just about anything. And by the way, if you are thinking about the mentor program with me, when this Kickstarter is over, that’s the end of them. I won’t offer them again. I’ll just keep working with the great writers I am working with…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Changed An Image

    I Tend To Do That At Times… Today was one of those times. I’m back running and losing weight and the temperature got up into the 70s today here, and I realized that I needed to get my hair taken care of since shortly it would be too warm to wear hats. So those of you watching new videos on the challenges or on the Shared Worlds or Licensing Transition, you will see a very different look. A before picture and an after picture. At almost 70, I’m just glad to have hair, to be honest. Let alone force a poor guy to spend an hour cutting it all off.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    The Demands of a Streak

    You Are Seeing It Tonight... It’s two hours into the new year and because of my blog streak of not missing a day in seven and a half years, I am typing this now. Now that is power. But I had a good New Year’s Eve. Got a bunch of things done earlier in the day, then Kris and I did a 5K fun run at 4 pm. Then more work in the evening, then we went to what is called the “wine deck” in our building that faces the Strip and watched the fireworks at midnight. (Our condo faces downtown.) So great fun, relaxing day while getting a bunch…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Some Pictures

    We Had A Great Holiday Season… So thought I would post some pictures of a couple of the events. First off, on Saturday, Kris and I were joined by Val and Steph and we did a 5k charity run. Cold, but turned sunny. I walked a large part of it to take care of a strained muscle. Then we headed for a wonderful breakfast. So that’s the first picture. Then on Christmas Eve, Kris and I went out for a special dinner and the concierge in our building took a photo of us. Wonderful meal. Today I cooked us a turkey and while it was in the oven we went…

  • Fun Stuff,  running

    Running Picture and Cat Picture

    After Laughing at a Beginning Writer’s Ego… In the last post, I figured I had better post two pictures. First one is of my hoping to the heavens after running over six miles that someone will meet me in about fifty steps on the other side of the finish line with a wheelchair. No one did. First 3.1 miles was all uphill. Oh, my… Second picture is of our cat Cheeps looking as handsome as ever.

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Promised Pictures of Craziness

    10,000 or More Santas… In one place. Running and walking 5K. At one point about four blocks into the run, I climbed up on some courthouse steps. As far as I could see in both lanes of Las Vegas Blvd, headed toward the Strip, were Santas. And as far as I could see, stretching back into downtown Las Vegas and Fremont Street, there were Santas. Kids in Santa suits, dogs in Santa suits, all sizes of humans in Santa Suits. We did this last year and that was one of the first moments I knew I was going to love this crazy city more than I already had over the…