• Fun Stuff,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter Launched

    Fun New Campaign… JUST LAUNCHED!!! We’re trying to get The Cold Poker Gang books into hardback. And I have a new novel in the series called BOTTOM PAIR coming out later this year. So if you want to get an early read of BOTTOM PAIR, you can do so through this Kickstarter Campaign. Plus limited edition signed hardback set of all eleven of The Cold Poker Gang novels. Plus a limited edition signed hardback of BOTTOM PAIR. And a very, very limited set of Cold Poker Gang chips, with the special decks of cards in a metal case. On top of all that, there is a special workshop that you…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Cool Deck of Cards

    Been Wanting to Do This For A Long Time… Finally, just tonight, after designing and ordering a nifty set of Cold Poker Gang chips in a nifty case last night, tonight I put together a Cold Poker Gang deck of cards. All eleven book covers randomly placed on 54 cards. Next week we are firing up a Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter campaign to help us get all eleven books into hardback and also to give fans of the series an early look at BOTTOM PAIR, the eleventh novel in the mystery series.  Plus we will have limited signed editions and a few limited poker chip sets and these decks of…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Busy Friday

    Nothing on the Surface to Show For It. Didn’t even get caught up on regular email. I will Saturday, so no worries if I have not responded yet on something. Kris and I spent some time in a furniture store today. Masks in place, and they were enforcing social distancing. So very safe.  We were there because of the standard Memorial Day Furniture sales here in the States. We shopped, found some things we wanted, then went to get take-out for lunch and called Allyson to confirm everything, then I went back to buy what we had found. We ended up with a fantastic table and chairs for the new…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    Two Bundles With StoryBundle.com

    I Have Stuff in Two Different Storybundles Right Now… In the Adventure SF bundle I actually have a Thunder Mountain novel, a collection I edited, and  the cover story in Writers of the Future #35. How fun is that? And the bundle is ending in just over a day!!! So don’t miss this one, for no other reason than to get Snot-Nosed Aliens Anthology from Pulphouse. Stories in there are as fun as they sound. And a Thunder Mountain novel from me and a Retrieval Artist novel from Kris. And, oh yeah, a bunch of other great sf writers like Kevin J. Anderson and Rick Wilber to name just two.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Some Misc. Stuff

    A Few Questions I Got Today… What made me think of a lot of people sending Kris birthday cards? Actually, it was thinking about how bummed I was about Kris not being able to have a lot of her friends around her on her 60th birthday. That’s a special day. But nothing at all I could do to change that fact this year. Then it struck me that if friends sent cards, I could stand the cards up on the table, and even though the friends were not there, they would be represented at the party. And that would be fun. And Kris was touched by the idea and likes…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Kris’s Birthday Party

    On June 4th Kris Turns 60… And wow were we going to have a party for her. But, as you may have guessed, past tense on that party. We will do it next year now, as many of you are doing as well for birthdays. But I had an idea. You see, Kris loves cards. Not those electronic type, but real paper birthday cards. So with her permission (since she had decided she didn’t want to do anything instead… but I promise you, that is not happening on a 60th birthday), I figured it would be really, really cool to have a party anyway, a sort of virtual party, not…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing

    Something Fun…

    Listen to Me Babble for 45 Minutes… Live… At 10 AM West Coast time, I will be on the Draft2Digital Spotlight talking publishing and writing with super writer and editor Mark Leslie Lefebvre, who also works for D2D. It will be live and could get silly, because Mark and I tend to get silly at times. For those of you who don’t know, for a number of years now, Mark has been our anchor at both the Master Business Class and the Anthology Workshop. His depth of knowledge of fiction and publishing and his willingness to help writers goes beyond any words I might say. And he likes beer. And…

  • Cave Creek,  Fun Stuff

    Cave Creek Kickstarter Live!!

    We’re Up and Going!! So anyone wants to see what this is all about, give it a check. And make sure you watch the really fun video that Gwyneth and I did (mostly her, I just talked.) Wow, this is a fun project. We have a gift card reward now, something that is limited and collectable and you can get all three anthologies on. And we added in retail discounts as well. And wow, are we giving away a lot of workshop stuff if this thing takes off. So pass the word and join the Shared Worlds class if you want to be a part of this. But first take…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Group of Writers

    From a Long, Long Time Ago… The picture below is of Kathy Oltion, Jerry Oltion, Kent Patterson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith, Robert J. Howe, Christina York, Steve York and Kij Johnson in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. We had all gone to that house for a weekend of writing short stories. The picture was posted by Nina and I think was about 1991 or so. I wrote “In the Shade of the Slowboat Man” at this weekend gathering along with two other stories. And yes, wow were we all young. Wonderful to see Kent Patterson again. He died from complications of polio just a fews years or so after this was taken. I am publishing a story by Kent, Jerry, Kris, and…

  • Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Visions of the Future

    New StoryBundle Just Launched… I put this one together and to be honest, I am damned proud of the books I got for this one. Some really, really amazing science fiction by some top writers. I will be back tomorrow with more, but might want to check it out at: Storybundle.com/scifi