Finished the Half Marathon
Not Fast, but Finished… I purposely made myself keep a slower pace because I am still overweight from my running weight and have been so stupidly busy over the last three weeks I haven’t trained at all. My goal with the scar on the bottom of my foot was to just finish. (Scar ended up not bothering me at all.) So started off with so much traffic around the closed Strip, I just gave up getting too close and parked about 1.2 miles away from the finish exist and it was another two miles to get from my car to the starting line. So total for the day just right…
Cattatude Story Bundle
Don’t You Just Love Cats? I have always been owned by cats. Actually all my adult life except for a few years when I was traveling too much. I love cats, so I did a bundle with all cat stories in it and a bunch of really great cat writers. This is my blog for that bundle at https://storybundle.com/cats Being a writer, it seems being owned by cats is almost like a requirement for the job description. What do you do for a living? Fiction Writer. Owned by cats? Yup. And one of the great elements of cats and writers is that writers tend to write stories with cats in…
Books Published 4th Quarter
Wonder Why I Don’t Announce Publications of My Books… I get that all the time from early stage writers, wondering why I don’t promote my books better. Besides not caring that much, let me show you why. Allyson, the publisher at WMG Publishing, sent me the list of books I published in the fourth quarter of 2021. She sends the list of books Kris published in each quarter as well. And she sends along the links to get to the books on their pages in WMG Publishing in case I do want to promote something. All of these are for sale on the WMG Publishing store as well. So, in…
A Fun Ad
For the Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign… Gwyneth at WMG Publishing took the video that Kris and I recorded for the Crimes Collide Kickstarter and added all the nifty music and books and such. Then today for an ad promoting the campaign, she did a nifty video that is even more fun than the original video, all from the original video and dealing with mystery and crime, the focus of the campaign. This is the kind of thing that can be done when you are not afraid to try things and have fun and play. Think of this as an example of the billions of ways to promote a book or…
Crimes Collide Kickstarter Is Live!!
Watch the Video! I have linked to it below here. Much fun and a ton of great workshop stuff for writers and a ton of great reading for readers. And since at times we do the half-price sales on workshops, we put some half-price workshops on the campaign as well since there is no telling when we will have another sale. And Crimes Collide is a really, really fun set of books. Kris and I are both very proud of it. Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign.
Challenge Works
Challenge Tonight Forced Me To Write a Story… No chance in hell would I have written and finished a story tonight without the challenge. I wouldn’t even have gone to my writing computer. You see, I became a real person for a short time today, actually took five hours off of computers and publishing and writing and placed my old body on my couch and watched an entire football game, with yelling and everything that bothered Kris’s writing upstairs. If you didn’t yell at the Raiders/Chargers game today, you don’t know football or have died a few days ago and no one has buried you yet. Kris even came down…
General Stuff… And Story Challenge
Five Stories So Far… Everything going fine. 3 stories in the 2,500 word range, two stories in the 4,000 word range. I got jammed today building a new Kickstarter, so didn’t get the stories uploaded to Patreon or the rest of what I was going to do there, but will shortly. And will do a challenge complete update here shortly as well, including how the days are working out as far as timing. Workshop Sale will finally end today (Thursday in the evening). Use code YearEnd if you want to grab one last class on 50% off sale. I have been holding up on my calorie limits and hitting my…
What Did I Do On My Holiday?
Got That Question a Number of Times… Answer is basically the same thing I do every normal day of the year. I worked on getting the workshop sale up and going. You can read all about that in the last two blogs. 50% off until January 4th on everything on Teachable. (Just put in the code YearEnd after you hit purchase.) I worked with Kris at lunches on more classes. I will record those soon. And I did a bunch of recording as well including the Motivational Monday I just put up a bit ago. I wore a red shirt to record those because I recorded them on Christmas. (Does…
Odds and Ends
Just Some Quick Misc Stuff Tonight… — Kris’s Fey novella is really, really good. All of us have been waiting over 20 some years for Kris to go back to the Fey. And now there is a promise of another novel or two or three. But last night I got to read a Fey novella, and all I can say was it is great. And Fey. I want to thank everyone who supported the Fey Kickstarter to give her a boost back. It worked and I will be updating everyone next week there. — Update on Master Business Class. I will email the entire class when the next eight or…
A Great Reason For Almost Missing This Blog…
I Was Reading a New Fey Novella… And I got caught up in it and suddenly realized as I stood to go to the rest room that I hadn’t written a blog yet. Yes, this novella is the one for the Kickstarter, and I’ll do an update through Kickstarter as to when those of you who backed that will get the novella. And the workshop and stuff. Kris tells me she is close to also finishing at least one new Fey novel. (Yes, she writes more than one book at a time.) And all this on our anniversary. Fun day. Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go…