• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Some Publishing History

    I Tried And Mostly Failed… To get the importance of publishing history across to the young fiction writers at Writers of the Future. Here is a tiny part of what I said in a rushed fashion, I am sure I was skipping parts. Note: I am only talking about commercial FICTION!! Note: I am only talking about distribution and business structure of commercial FICTION!! In general, fiction publishing distribution patterns and delivery systems tend to run in 50 year cycles. Post Civil War (in this country) was the Penny Dreadfuls, Dime Novels, and Journals. They were slowly being replaced with pulp magazines around 1900 and were mostly gone (with few…

  • Challenge

    Home Safe…

    Took About Six Hours… Lots of traffic slowdowns and stops, I went about 15 miles out of my way at one point, and I had three long rest stops for food and drinks and snacks. So not a bad time at all from downtown Hollywood, over the hill and through Burbank, then on the freeway. Have I said before how much I hate driving in California, especially the LA area? Ugh… But the conference was fun. I will do a long blog post about the topic I talked to the winners about. And I had a blast sitting between Tim Powers and Nancy Kress at the ceremony Friday night. Great…

  • Challenge

    Headed Home

    Writers of the Future Awards Went Smoothly Been a fun few days. Lots of talk with great friends and new writers. But I am going to be glad to be home and back into a routine writing again. So headed out of Hollywood in the morning. I will be off this tiny print and back to answering emails tomorrow evening. Thanks for the great support on the Kickstarter. So off to get some sleep.                              

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Writing in Public

    Last Hours Of Kickstarter

    Enjoying Writers of the Future Second full day here at Writers of the Future. Ended up doing a presentation today with Tim Powers and Jody Lyne Nye on the topic of Hollywood, which considering we are sitting in the middle of Hollywood sort of ironic. Had dinner with Rob Sawyer. Great time sitting in the bar talking with writers later. Fun day. Tomorrow is the big event, so if you want to see me and Larry Elmore help each other across a stage to present awards in Tux’s, tune into the he live stream on writers of the future.com Also still got a Kickstarter going for a few more hours.…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    One Day Left On Kickstarter

    WRITER’S OF THE FUTURE First full day here at Writers of the Future. My talk with the writers was standard blunt. Just me., Still can barely see the letters on the small screen of this iPad. So going to be short again. Also still got a Kickstarter going… So here is the information… CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Only one day left. Ends Friday evening at 7 pm. I really want to again remind you of the two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST MODERN Special Workshop…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Two Days Left On Kickstarter

    WRITER’S OF THE FUTURE Just drove in from Vegas to Hollywood today and already got to see and talk with some old friends, Tomorrow I talk to the writers.  Pardon my typing here. Can barely see the letters on the small screen of this iPad. Also still got a Kickstarter going… So here is the information… CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Only two days left. Ends Friday evening at 7 pm. I really want to remind you of the two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Get a Masters in Publishing

    That’s Right, A Real Master’s Degree From a real university. Western Colorado University. New York Times bestselling writer Kevin J. Anderson teaches it with the help of WMG Publishings publisher Allyson Longueira. Kevin and Rebecca Moesta also own Wordfire Press.  They also have a ton of guest speakers at times, including me, Mark Leslie from Draft to Digital, and so many more. You never know who is going to show up online in a class any given week. Stunning amount of knowledge and hands-on experience. You want to learn how to be a publisher in 2023, this is the class for you. Plus you get a real live Masters Degree…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Fours Days Left on Kickstarter

    CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Only four days left. Ends Friday evening at 7 pm. I really want to remind you of the two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST MODERN Special Workshop Might be the two best special workshops we have done through a Kickstarter. You can only get them for four more days. Plus we are gaining on the next stretch goal after making the Special Stretch goal by over a day ahead of schedule. Thanks, everyone. Get the workshops and some great reading…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops!

    These All Start In Just Over a Week!! Yes I know, what in the world happened to April? And to make that worse, the May workshops are starting up on the 2nd. A week from Tuesday. Yikes!! But good news is that there are some really nifty classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops


    And Thanks For the Feedback… I will give the new look a bunch more thought and maybe test something else down the road. But tonight I wanted to remind you of the Special Stretch Goal. If the campaign can reach 125 backers on CASE CARD KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN by Sunday Midnight, April 23rd, we will add in a special stretch goal. (We are at 116 backers as I type this on Friday night, so only nine more backers to go.) If the campaign reaches 125 backers by Sunday Midnight, April 23rd, every backer of any reward at $5 and up will get a free ebook copy of my mystery collection THE…