Of My Own Stories… I have 51 Issues of Smith’s Monthly published and #52 turned in. Those are, in a way, collections, since it is all my work. Novels, nonfiction, short stories, and so on. But I have also been maintaining a spread sheet of all the short stories I have published in Smith’s Monthly. The spread sheet is so I don’t duplicate any story and I have about 240 stories on that spread sheet. (Found a Poker Boy story tonight not published in there, but in one of my two Poker Boy collections.) Yes, I have two Poker Boy collections. They are called PLAYING A HUNCH and LUCK BE…
A Success!
Support for a Lot of Writers… That’s what the success of the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive means. A lot of writer’s stories get published over the next year in six issues of the magazine, and in six different collections as well. In total, over the next year ,we will publish about 180 short stories from top fiction writers. And more readers get to read the writer’s work. Maybe find it for the first time. Another win for the writers. Let me give you just a basic breakdown of costs. Each issue costs around $4,000 in just author costs. Let me repeat that… Just author costs… Sometimes a little more,…
Last Day!!
And We Are Close to Next Stretch Goal! Just $900 away. If we hit that, all backers get another fun book of stories, plus another Pop-Up Workshop for writers. So please help us pass the word. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2021. We finish at 7pm this evening, WEST COAST TIME. And the success of this subscription drive really gives Pulphouse Fiction Magazine a secure future for the next year. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am about that and relieved. The magazine has always been my baby, in both incarnations. So thank you, everyone, for the support. Now, if we can just hit that last stretch…
40 Hours Left As I Write This!! As I said last night, this Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign is turning out to be great for both writers and readers. For writers, there are two special three week workshops that you can only get through this campaign, and in 60 hours or so, we will never offer those workshops again. They are HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY and HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. They are $150 each and you will have a story assignment for the last assignment in each. Or you can get both for $250. You can take them starting September 7th or October 5th. Your choice. You also get…
Pulphouse Kickstarter Workshops
Great for Writers… And Readers… This Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign is turning out to be great for both writers and readers. For writers, there are two special three week workshops that you can only get through this campaign, and in 60 hours or so, we will never offer those workshops again. They are HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY and HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. They are $150 each and you will have a story assignment for the last assignment in each. Or you can get both for $250. You can take them starting September 7th or October 5th. Your choice. You also get a year’s Pulphouse Fiction Magazine subscription with…
Gaining Quickly on Stretch Goal #6
Three Days to Go… I’m betting we will hit the 6th stretch goal shortly and have a decent run at the 7th. The sixth stretch goal adds in a really fun book of holiday stories from Pulphouse called JINGLE MY BELLS. I am so going to love editing that one. And it also adds in a Pop-Up class for writers called “Can I Sell Without Promotion.” So the countdown is on to the end of this. Three days left. Pass the word if you can so we can maybe get to that really cool seventh stretch goal. And give Pulphouse Fiction Magazine a great boost into the year ahead. Pulphouse…
Three Updates…
Three Important Projects Going… I almost need the cats from Kris’s promotion central on Facebook to help with this, but sadly at this time of the night they are all asleep. — First Project, last night I talked about the six new and really fun In-Person and Study Along workshops Kris and I are going to do starting in March 2022 and going until January 2023. And that we also cancelled the Anthology workshop because of Covid. All the details are in the last post. And the six workshops all have lots of spots left as well as the Study Along workshops for all six. In interested in the In-Person…
Starting March 2022… First, before I tell you about the new Vegas writing workshops, I have to announce that the Anthology Workshop is officially cancelled. I have sent letters to everyone who is signed up, so if you did not get the letter and thought you were signed up, just write me directly. We just could not risk putting over 40 writers in the same room for four days, plus in a party room at night in this environment. But 15 vaccinated writers in a meeting room with great ventilation at a later time is another matter. So Kris and I came up with some really, really fun four day…
Update on Kickstarter Campaign… 7 Days Left…
Getting Close to 5th Stretch Goal… With seven days left, that means we might hit the 6th Stretch Goal as well. So when we do hit the 5th in a few days, I will add in a 7th Stretch Reward with a new Pulphouse collection of stories and a new Pop-Up class as well. So if anyone has any ideas of a Pop-Up class topic they would love to have Kris and I talk about that I could put in the 7th stretch goal, please send the suggestion in the next day or so. I have a number of fun ideas, but figured this would be a good time to…
A Couple of Photos
And A Cat Picture… We are in the final stage of moving, basically getting some boxes of books on shelves and putting up art. The art is taking some time because some of it we can’t put in some places because it is original signed art and we have far, far too much bright light. And we have a ton of concrete walls. One such concrete wall is between two massive windows on our main floor (our condo is two floors) in our main living room (we have three living room areas). So I managed to use a few hooks and such that had been put in to the concrete…