Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

Kickstarter Ends Thursday

Don’t Miss This One…

It has already funded and hit five stretch goals. Check it out at… Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Campaign.

And remember there are two special workshops in this one that are going to be great. How to Make Place a Character in Your Story and also The Rule of Three and How to Use It.

So many people write me wanting to get into these special workshops after the campaign is over and we just don’t allow it. Only way into these is through this campaign and there is only three days left!!

Both workshops are three weeks and you can take them either starting October 26th or November 23rd. Your choice!

Also, since we have hit five stretch goals, there are now 4 Pop-Up writer’s classes that everyone will get just for backing the campaign. Each class is worth $150.

Plus we are halfway toward the next stretch reward, so another class if we get there.

And more books for readers. Lots of extra books for readers.

So check it out. Only three days left.

Spade/Paladin Ten Little Fen novel campaign. Check it out!!

And watch Kris’s video for even more information.