• 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Couple Updates…

    Yes, I Am Still Reading… Over this last week I read a bunch of stories from the Monetize and Writing a Pulphouse Story workshops. And even made offers on two of them for Pulphouse. But since I am really working to give every story a fair shot, meaning my eye isn’t tired and I have time to read the entire story if need be, the process is slow. But I think I have about 15 stories left is all, so with luck by the end of the week. So hold on, folks. I will announce when I got them all. Tomorrow I will post here my 70@70 list and more.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    A New Challenge

    Working On It… Kris spent time with me today as I worked over a possible new challenge for next year. Not going to start anything from my birthday to my birthday again. The new challenge I am thinking about is going to take some build-up, so it will start on January 1st, 2022. And sorry, not yet going to say what the writing challenge is going to be because nothing is set. But I can say that to do this challenge, I need to lose about 20 pounds and be in shape for some distance running starting in January. Yes, losing the weight and being in shape again will make…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Filler Tonight

    Just to Keep the Blogging Streak Alive… Night like tonight I wonder why I bother, but this streak after nine-plus years of not missing a day doing a blog is so powerful, I have to acknowledge it. Annoying. Granted, I am writing here, but can’t begin to tell you how many times I wished this streak was nine-plus years of fiction writing without missing a day. Maybe that will be part of the new challenge for 2022. More than likely not. I have a few more chapters of the Wet Blanket Reality written, just don’t feel like putting them up right now, so will do so in the next week…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    What Next?

    Almost Done with 70@70 That’s the title that WMG Publishing has been calling my challenge of publishing 70 major books in my 70th year on the planet. 70@70 I kind of like it. And actually I am done with my part of the challenge, now just waiting for WMG to send the last four books out wide on Monday or Tuesday next week. Four final collections. I did the covers, all the introductions, table of contents, and so on. They were already proofed except for my introduction. So all ready to be put in Vellum and launched, which will happen on Monday or Tuesday to hit 70 in the year.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Visions of the Future Storybundle

    Introduction (Here is the introduction the Visions of the Future StoryBundle I wrote. It explains it pretty well. This is a good one.) Back almost two years ago, in February 2020, just before the pandemic started, I did a Storybundle with the title Visions of the Future. Thankfully, nothing about the last two years was in that bundle of great novels and stories. I don’t think many people, including the best science fiction writers, saw any of this coming in the way it did. So now I get a chance to find writers to look into the future again, only on the downward side of the pandemic. And there is…

  • Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Ends At 7PM West Coast Time Thursday!!!

    Only Hours Left… And we hit the 5th stretch goal, so more free books and another free Pop-Up writers’ workshop for all backers of any reward. As I write this there are just 20 hours left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. But that is enough time for you to back a reward and get everything, including the nifty 38 original stories calendar. And remember the two special classes in this one. And discounts for other workshops at the bottom. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st.  That is 38 original stories. Yes, original stories!! If you are…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Bundle and Kickstarter

    Two Things Happening At the Same Time! First off, a brand new Storybundle starting called VISIONS OF THE FUTURE. Ten great books and I curated it. Just started tonight and I will be back here in two days to talk a lot more about it. But here is a nifty image of all the covers of the books you can get for very little money in this Storybundle. Second… JUST TWO DAYS LEFT IN THE HOLIDAY KICKSTARTER with all its fantastic stories and books, all its amazing workshops, and 38 original holiday stories delivered one per day every day over the holidays. Lots of information in the last number of…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Only 60 Hours Left!!

    Just Hundreds Away From Next Stretch Goal!!! More free books and another free Pop-Up writers’ workshop when we hit it. And I think we can hit two or three more, actually. There are just 60 hours left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. But that is enough time. And the higher we go, the more free stuff every backer gets. And classes writers get. And remember the two special classes in this one. And discounts for other workshops. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st.  That is 38 original stories. Yes, original stories!! If you are going to…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Workshops Available in Holiday Spectacular Kickstarter

    There Are A Bunch of Workshops… And All Get You the Calendar!! We have two special workshops for writers in this campaign. And the only place you will ever be able to get either one is right here.  You can buy either one or you can buy them both together at a discount. No matter what you will also get the 2021 Holiday Calendar with 38 stories delivered to you daily. Both workshops are three weeks long, and the final week’s assignment for both workshops will be to write a short story that Kris will read for the 2022 Holiday Spectacular. We will offer both workshops twice. You have your choice of…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Hit Third Stretch Goal!!

    Almost Halfway to the Next One. Wow!! More free books and another free Pop-Up writers’ workshop. There are five days left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. And the higher we go, the more free stuff every backer gets. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st. 38 original stories. And yes, if you are going to give the calendar as a gift, it needs to be given early so the person who gets it will love it over the entire holiday season. But if you do give it late, we catch the person up by sending out what…