Challenge,  workshops

Last Day of the Workshop Sale

Ends Late Tonight… Tuesday Night

Everything on WMG Teachable is half price. Just hit purchase on what you want, then put in the code:


And you can get it for half price.

Starting right now are the Regular January Workshops. February Regular Workshops are also available for the sale, but the January ones are starting right now. They are normally $300, but for the sale they are $150 with the code. They last six weeks and take about three hours a week at your own time. The dates are the starting dates. Start with Depth in Writing if you have not taken one before.

Class #1… Jan 4th … Covers 101
Class #2… Jan 4th … Making a Living With Novels
Class #3… Jan 4th … Publishing 101
Class #4… Jan 4th … Writing into the Dark
Class #5… Jan 4th … Writing Sales Copy
Class #6… Jan 5th … Depth in Writing
Class #7… Jan 5th … Writing Short Stories
Class #8… Jan 5th … Killing Critical Voice
Class #9… Jan 5th … Power Words
Class #10… Jan 5th … Advanced Depth

Class #11… Feb 1st … Covers 101
Class #12… Feb 1st … Making a Living with Novels
Class #13… Feb 1st … Publishing 101
Class #14… Feb 1st … Writing with Speed
Class #15… Feb 1st … Teams in Fiction
Class #16… Feb 2nd … Depth in Writing
Class #18… Feb 2nd … Increasing to Pulp Speed
Class #19… Feb 2nd … Power Words
Class #20… Feb 2nd… Killing Critical Voice


Second year of Collection Classes are starting up. They are nine weeks long and you write five new short stories plus publish the collection by the end. And in bundles you can get all six of the first year classes to take in the second year, or you can get all six of the new collection classes. Both are bundles.

The three collection classes that started today are Pets Collection, Private Eye Collection and Portals Collection. All of that is half price for one more day.


There are 56 of them, with three close to posting, but will not be up by tomorrow, but there is a bundle of the last five you can get, including the three that are not posted just yet. Remember the choice of 56 Pop-Up topics to pick from, all half price.


Six new of those are posted, plus an add-one novella class for each. And there is a lifetime subscription to those that has all the old ones as well in it. Great deal, especially at half price.

And so much more in lectures, classic workshops, and larger classes. Any questions, feel free to write me. Lots and lots of learning to start the new year.

WMG Publishing Teachable

Hit purchase on anything you want, then on the next page put in the code:


To get it at half price.

Sale ends late on Tuesday evening.




  • Cheryl

    Firstly, to fellow readers of this post.
    (Sorry for shouting. It’s just that it’s turning out to be a great investiment.)

    Secondly, to Dean.
    Sorry for popping a seemingly random question in here, but can you remind me what works for you as far as writing sprint times. What I mean is like, it’s not great to sit for hours, right? Need to get up and move around for a few minutes every now and again during writing periods. Thanks for your thoughts on this.

    • dwsmith

      I manage to write for about 45 to 55 minutes, then get up to get a drink, use the rest room. Breaks are about five to ten minutes. I have so trained that in that I can’t write past that 50 minutes length. I just grind to a halt and get up. The moment I have a short break, I’m back at full speed. Why I get so much done and don’t hurt myself.

      Been doing that with running as well. Run a distance, walk some, run more, walk some. Chews up milage and keeps me feeling fine.

  • E. R. Paskey

    First, I second the advice to get the Motivational Monday package. It’s been fantastic so far! I am so pumped about the rest of the year.

    Second, Dean and Kris, thank you so much for doing a year-end sale. It is much appreciated!

    Finally, Dean, congrats on a great start to your new challenge. I’m excited to follow along and see how it all goes. Thanks for being willing to show the world the daily life of a professional fiction writer.