Less Than 40 Hours Left in Crimes Collide
I Am Very Proud of These Books… Last year we did Colliding Worlds, where Kris and I each put ten science fiction short stories into a book and did six books for a total of 120 stories. This year in CRIMES COLLIDE we put ten mystery stories from me and ten from Kris into a book. Five books for a total of 100 stories. 50 from me, 50 from Kris. Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign No matter what reward you take, you will get all five volumes of CRIMES COLLIDE. Plus we have some amazing stretch rewards as we hit certain goals along the way. Right now we have gone by…
Only Two Days Left In Crimes Collide Kickstarter
Mystery Collection of 100 Stories… 5 Books This had just gone past the sixth stretch goal and we have time to hit more if everyone can help us pass the word. Every backer gets all five books. Here is how to get to it… Crimes Collide Kickstarter. Remember, there are two Special three-week workshops like we have been doing. WRITING MYSTERY ENDINGS and WRITING CROSS-GENRE MYSTERY. I am really, really looking forward to both of those. You can get one or both. And either way you get the five mystery books full of 100 short stories as well. But this time we did something really nuts with the stretch rewards…
Six Weeks of Motivational Mondays…
I’m Having Fun With Them… And the “Pithy Comment” each week as well. Six weeks so far since I started back in December. 3 videos plus the comment each week. So each quarter there should be 39 videos and 13 Pithy Comments. (More this first quarter since I started early.) You can jump into them at any point. I hope those of you in there are enjoying them. So tonight, for the 23rd story this month, I did another Bryant Street story and for the first time in the hundred or so Bryant Street stories I have written, this is the first one that could easily be a novel and…
Patreon, Master Class, and More
A Bunch of Stuff… First off, for those of you who are supporting my Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/deanwesleysmith, I have attempted to put up in raw form the first two stories from the challenge with covers. No clue if it worked and if only the correct tiers can see the posts. I will be putting up some Smith’s Monthly issues shortly for all supporters. But tonight trying to learn the ropes on this. If some of you who are familiar with Patreon would let me know how I did, that would be appreciated. Thanks!! Master Business Class Finally it has all 13 of the first basic foundation classes up. That is…
A Day In The Life…
A Challenge Day… People ask me at times to detail out my days, so figured I could do it quickly tonight. I won’t do this every night because I would bore myself to tears, but this is what I did today. Rolled out around 11 am after going to bed at 3:30 am. Thankfully the construction in the condo beside us was light and let me sleep. Working on changing my eating habits to more healthy food, so actually made myself a couple waffles this morning instead of my normal breakfast bar (that is awful) and tomorrow I will switch to oatmeal and almond milk for breakfast with a little…
Getting Tired of People Dying
Meat Loaf Just Died. 74… If I had a favorite musician, it was Meat Loaf. Never met him. Still… Dave Wolverton’s (Farland) funeral is today a couple hours from here. Good friend for 37 years. Not sure when Ron and Scott’s funerals are. More than likely about now. I don’t go to funerals. I didn’t even go to my mother’s funeral. (There were other reasons as well.) Seemingly 2022 is just going on like the last two years. Oh, joy… But I did get the 20th story done. The third Bryant Street story in a row. Watched some old Twilight Zone last night, got Rod’s voice stuck in my head,…
Another Bryant Street Story Tonight
Both Upbeat… Sort of… Kris read the Bryant Street story from last night and said, “Wow, an upbeat Bryant Street story. I actually hadn’t noticed that it was. It was just twisted like all Bryant Street stories are. And in fact, last night’s story you could just see Rod Serling standing off to one side of the garage saying… For your consideration, a man in a house he hates, a marriage that broke years ago, trying desperately to find a way out. Blocking his exit, an old car, left abandoned for years in a field, now full of the twisted hopes and dreams that can only be found on Bryant…
A Fun Ad
For the Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign… Gwyneth at WMG Publishing took the video that Kris and I recorded for the Crimes Collide Kickstarter and added all the nifty music and books and such. Then today for an ad promoting the campaign, she did a nifty video that is even more fun than the original video, all from the original video and dealing with mystery and crime, the focus of the campaign. This is the kind of thing that can be done when you are not afraid to try things and have fun and play. Think of this as an example of the billions of ways to promote a book or…
A List of Stories So Far
Even Though No Covers Yet… Thought I would list the short stories I have finished. The titles and their series, if any. I think the first 17 are all in series, so clearly had some stories to tell in my series, although one is a brand new series. More than likely in a few months, I will be telling non-series stories as well, plus maybe even some new series as they come up. All titles came from my title sheets to start, a few got changed as I went along. So here are the 17 stories as of the one I finished a bit ago. Jan 1st… The Curious Reasons…
Challenge Still Going
Brain Still On Novels For example, tonight I wrote a 3,600 plus word Thunder Mountain story called “Lost Canyon.” (Saw the phrase on some woman’s sweatshirt tonight at dinner and figured it would be a good Thunder Mountain story. So I wrote it.) Story works great and I wrapped it into a short story just fine and dandy. And if you don’t look too closely after the cute ending, you don’t ask too many “But what happens next?” I sort of explained in the story what happens next, sort of. Or I pretended I did, but in the novel it wouldn’t work out that way, of course. But that wraps…