Updates On Workshops and Things
Lots of Updates… First off, everyone who signed up for the two special workshop in the Fey Kickstarter should have a letter from me with links to the workshops. If you did not get them and were signed up for either Writing Magical Systems or Combining Steampunk and Fantasy, check your spam filter and if not there, write me. Next, everyone who signed up for another workshop through the Fey Kickstarter should have a letter from me in one way or another as well. Next, the four Pop-Up give-away classes from the Pulphouse Kickstarter are still a couple weeks out. I’ll announce here when they are going out. (Everyone should…
2 Days Left In Fey Novel Kickstarter
Brand New Fey Novel Campaign In Final Days… Remember, there are two special workshops you can’t get anywhere else but in this campaign in the next two days. Brand New Fey Novel Kickstarter Campaign The Two Special Workshops are… HOW TO WRITE MAGIC SYSTEMS SPECIAL WORKSHOP Three weeks long, and you have the choice of starting either October 4th or November 1st. This is completely focused on how to create and write magic systems at all lengths, from epic fantasy short stories to major series like The Fey. If you have an interest in ever writing fantasy that involves magic of any kind, this is a workshop you will need. And…
Repeating Details About the Workshops In the Kickstarter
FOUR DAYS LEFT!!!! Yes, there is an amazing amount of great reading in the Brand New Fey Book Kickstarter campaign. We have already hit the fifth stretch goal, which means that every backer of any reward not only gets the first new Fey novel in 22 years, THE KIRILLI MATTER, but also five of Kris’s stories. And you can get all of the Fey original books in brand new editions with the fantastic covers. And more! But also in the Brand New Fey Book Kickstarter campaign, there are some great workshops. I talked about this a couple days back, but wanted to repeat it now that there are only four…
Just Started Half the September Workshops
Plus Three Collections Workshops… Also, those of you who are in the second session of the special workshops from the last Kickstarter, those are up as well now. I am going to have an easy September for assignments, from the looks of it. Five of the twelve workshops have no one in them. So could be fun for me. (grin) If you want to jump into a September workshop, you can find the list to the right and get to them on WMG Teachable. FEY KICKSTARTER STARTS AT NOON Pacific Time. It will only be up for 10 days. It is for the brand new Fey novel, the first in…
Lessons from the Writing of the Fey Videos
Now Up On Teachable… Kris has been writing on Fey novels solidly since she got everything cleaned up and going after the first Fey Kickstarter campaign ended. But it took her a while to record the ten videos of the Lessons from the Writing of the Fey, because, to be honest, she wanted a few books under her fingers before she looked back again. The book got out a number of months back and now tonight, on Teachable, I have posted the videos. I have written personally to everyone who backed the Kris videos on that first Fey Kickstarter and gave them the way to get to them on Teachable,…
What a Workshop Week
Insane, Actually… This last week we fired up and announced all six of the 2023 in person workshops. There are only two spots left in the January 2023 Fantasy Caper workshop. Write me if interested. Information is at www.wmgworkshops.com Click under the In-Person Vegas Workshops for the full list. Fantasy Thriller in July is filling fast along with Time Travel Romance in March. And one more note: The in-person workshops are $750 fee until September 1st. Then the price goes up to $1,000. We also started this week the Study Along workshops on Teachable for the six in-person classes that were added. If you can’t make Vegas, but love the…
September Workshops Now Available
Including new Applied Depth Workshop Yes, Applied Depth as been added to the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. And yes, just sign up for any of them on Teachable. Depth in Writing workshop is required to take the Applied Depth, plus it is suggested to take the Advanced Depth workshop before as well. Applied Depth Workshop takes the concepts of Basic Depth and then applies those concepts to all the major genres. Openings of stories and novels are different from genre to genre. And yes, basic depth tends to work, but there are techniques for each genre, reader expectations of opening for each genre, that will help you get readers of a…
Three Days Left… The Workshops
Going Over The Workshops in the Pulphouse Kickstarter Wow are there a lot of writer workshops available in this Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2022 Kickstarter Let me start with the two Special Workshops, only available for three more days. Both workshops are three-weeks long, are offered only twice, and the final weeks’ assignment for both workshops will be to write a short story that I will consider for Pulphouse (Not as submissions, just how I will look at the stories. If I thinks it will fit, he will tell you and you can send it to me if you want.) You have your choice of taking either three-week workshop starting…
Kickstarter Workshops
The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter Has Great Writing Perks! A lot of our different Kickstarter campaigns have writers workshops and class perks. Our current Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription 2020 Kickstarter seems to have some really great ones. For example, not only can you get two major Lifetime Subscriptions at half price, but you can also get 3 Regular Workshops, 3 Pop-Up classes, or 3 Classic Workshops at half price. And with each one you get a year’s subscription to Pulphouse. In the Stretch Rewards, if we make them all, you will get the following new Pop-Up Classes worth $150 each for no cost. Just for supporting the Pulphouse Magazine campaign…
Lifetime Subscribers Special Bonus
Lifetime Subscribers Should Have Gotten a Letter from Me… If you did not, chances are that means you have your email on Teachable turned off and are not getting any notices. Since we are not doing any full, site-wide half-price sales anymore, WMG Publishing thought it would be a nice gesture to offer those of you with Lifetime Subscriptions to any of our series a special Flash Sale. This is just for the lifetime subscribers. Sorry. And a one-time thing only good until Sunday night. So if you are a lifetime subscriber and are interested and didn’t get a letter from me, write me directly or message me here and…