• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine,  workshops

    Just 3 Days Left…

    That’s Right! Counting Down the Final Days!! The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter campaign is going great. We have hit enough stretch rewards now that all backers will get three crazy Pulphouse anthologies , two issues of Fiction River, a six issue subscription, and also a chance to submit a story in August, September, and October to Pulphouse. Understand, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is never open to submissions. But sometimes, in these subscription drives, if we get high enough, we open submissions of one per month per backer. And we are there. So please help us pass the word. More really cool stuff to get and more months to…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine,  workshops


    To Hit the Special Stretch Goal.. The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter campaign is going great. By hitting the third and fourth stretch rewards, all backers will get two crazy Pulphouse anthologies and also a chance to submit a story in both August and October to Pulphouse. Understand, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is never open to submissions. But sometimes, in these subscription drives, if we get high enough, we open submissions of one per month per backer. And we are there. So we have added in a Special Stretch reward. We are trying to hit 120 backers by late Sunday night… And we are only 3 backers away as…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Last 36 Hours of the Kickstarter

    And Yes, We Hit Two More Stretch Goals!!!   You can see all the details at Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2023 Kickstarter. So we have hit the third and fourth regular stretch goals and two special ones, so that means we open up Pulphouse Fiction Magazine to submissions for only the backers who help us on this subscription drive. That will be fun for me, the editor, to be honest. The magazine will never be open for general submissions. Not ever. I am too old for reading slush piles and now my eyes are too bad. But I will love reading stories from backers who believe in the magazine.…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Pulphouse Kickstarter Is Live!!!

    Just Started!! Pulphouse Fiction Magazine 2023 Subscription Campaign is now live on Kickstarter. Lots of great reading, lots of fun workshops for writers, and even a way for backers to send a story to Pulphouse if we reach high enough on the Stretch Rewards. And two very special and fun workshops only available on Kickstarter and no where else, ever. Plus some fun merchandise. Mugs, calendar, and even a pillow. So help us get to a monthly schedule. Check it out! Pulphouse Fiction Magazine 2023 Subscription Campaign Now Live!!

  • Challenge,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Keeping the Streak…

    Eleven Years Ago I Started This Blog Streak… Somehow, as of the first of August, I will have managed to not miss a night in all those years. Not one. I have no idea how I have managed that. So tonight I am tired, only surviving on 5 hours sleep and a nap, so I am posting this quick note to keep my streak alive. And I will be back here at noon West Coast time to tell you the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine 2023 Subscription Drive Kickstarter is launched. Pulphouse is going monthly. Need your help on the subscription drive to really get the new monthly off the ground. See…

  • Challenge,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Pulphouse Going Monthly

    New Kickstarter Starting Tuesday at Noon! I have been putting some final touches on the Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign and I added in a picture of me and Kris from 1988, the year after we started Pulphouse. Then it dawned on me that I had been involved in or around Pulphouse for 36 years. Of course, Kris and I shut down the company in 1996 and didn’t bring Pulphouse Fiction Magazine back until 2017, but still, that is a long time. You can get you name on the followers page to be notified when the campaign launches. Cick Here… And some great special workshops offered only twice and only through the…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Pulphouse Subscription Drive 2023…

    Coming Next Tuesday!! Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is going monthly! That’s right, after a short break to let my eye heal enough so that I could read again, we are coming back stronger than ever. Monthly! And we need your help to get subscriptions as we do every year in our subscription drive Kickstarter Campaign. Plus we have all sorts of great books and workshops and even some great merchandise this time. And as normal for us, no matter what product you back, you will get a six month subscription with it. The titles of the two special workshops really fit Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Known and Strange Things is one three…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Just Over 24 Hours Left!!!

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2022 Lots of great books, lots of great workshops, and a six issue Pulphouse subscription for every backer. For writers, there are two special workshops, one on Voice and one on Things Get Worse. These special workshops will never be offered again. Plus special deals on regular workshops, and the stretch reward Pop-Up classes. And, of course, great new anthologies filled with Pulphouse stories. If you have enjoyed Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, help us in the next 24 hours secure the next year of the magazine. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2022 Kickstarter. And thank you!

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Pulphouse Kickstarter is Live!!!

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2021 Just went live at Kickstarter. Check it out. Any magazine to survive needs subscribers and sales and Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is no exception. We have so far used these Kickstarters as a way of generating subscriptions. And we use the Pulphouse books to get authors more money than the professional rates we already pay. And to help promote as well. And the workshops we do in this also help fun the next year of the magazine. So take a look at Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2021.

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Book Ads and Workshops Going Classic

    Yup, We Do Ads! For anyone who has picked up the paper version of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, you notice a lot of ads for many WMG books and magazines. But you will also see 1/3 page ads for books from the author of a story in the magazine. That’s right, we give the author a free 1/3 page ad to put with their story to advertise another book of theirs. We can’t do it in the electronic editions, but we do it in the paper version. From industry standards, the black and white ad is valued about $300 for the third page. So for the , we are offering any…