• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Challenge Still Going

    Brain Still On Novels For example, tonight I wrote a 3,600 plus word Thunder Mountain story called “Lost Canyon.” (Saw the phrase on some woman’s sweatshirt tonight at dinner and figured it would be a good Thunder Mountain story. So I wrote it.) Story works great and I wrapped it into a short story just fine and dandy. And if you don’t look too closely after the cute ending, you don’t ask too many “But what happens next?” I sort of explained in the story what happens next, sort of. Or I pretended I did, but in the novel it wouldn’t work out that way, of course. But that wraps…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Crimes Collide Kickstarter

    Doing Fantastic! We funded in an hour and then in the first eight hours hit the first two stretch rewards. Amazing and thank you for helping us on this. I really hope we can get to all ten of those Pop-Ups in that series. That would be so cool. So since I just finished a short story that I started at 12:30 because the day did not allow me to get close to my writing computer before then, I am just going to give everyone here all the information again about the Crimes Collide campaign, plus the video. Mystery Collection of 100 Stories… Kris and I liked what happened last…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Crimes Collide Kickstarter Is Live!!

    Watch the Video! I have linked to it below here. Much fun and a ton of great workshop stuff for writers and a ton of great reading for readers. And since at times we do the half-price sales on workshops, we put some half-price workshops on the campaign as well since there is no telling when we will have another sale. And Crimes Collide is a really, really fun set of books. Kris and I are both very proud of it. Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign.

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    CRIMES COLLIDE Kickstarter

    Mystery Collection of 100 Stories… Kris and I liked what happened last year with COLLIDING WORLDS sf collection, so we are doing it again with mystery. Same format… twenty mystery stories per book, ten by her, ten by me, five big books total. Damn these are fun to do. And the Kickstarter has some really fun surprises. Lots and lots of books and stories for readers, of course. Every award included all five of the CRIMES COLLIDE books. Every reward, even the workshop rewards. And wow do we have some great stuff in this one for writers. Two Special three-week workshops like we have been doing. WRITING MYSTERY ENDINGS and…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Bundle and Kickstarter

    Two Things Happening At the Same Time! First off, a brand new Storybundle starting called VISIONS OF THE FUTURE. Ten great books and I curated it. Just started tonight and I will be back here in two days to talk a lot more about it. But here is a nifty image of all the covers of the books you can get for very little money in this Storybundle. Second… JUST TWO DAYS LEFT IN THE HOLIDAY KICKSTARTER with all its fantastic stories and books, all its amazing workshops, and 38 original holiday stories delivered one per day every day over the holidays. Lots of information in the last number of…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Only 60 Hours Left!!

    Just Hundreds Away From Next Stretch Goal!!! More free books and another free Pop-Up writers’ workshop when we hit it. And I think we can hit two or three more, actually. There are just 60 hours left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. But that is enough time. And the higher we go, the more free stuff every backer gets. And classes writers get. And remember the two special classes in this one. And discounts for other workshops. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st.  That is 38 original stories. Yes, original stories!! If you are going to…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Workshops Available in Holiday Spectacular Kickstarter

    There Are A Bunch of Workshops… And All Get You the Calendar!! We have two special workshops for writers in this campaign. And the only place you will ever be able to get either one is right here.  You can buy either one or you can buy them both together at a discount. No matter what you will also get the 2021 Holiday Calendar with 38 stories delivered to you daily. Both workshops are three weeks long, and the final week’s assignment for both workshops will be to write a short story that Kris will read for the 2022 Holiday Spectacular. We will offer both workshops twice. You have your choice of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Some Clean Up… And Writing Stuff

    Special Workshop Codes Are Out… First, if you signed up for a special workshop in the last Kickstarter, either Making Place a Character or How to Use the Rule of Three, the links and codes are out. If you were signed up for one or both of those workshops, and didn’t get a letter from me with the Subject Line “Special Workshop” (or Workshops), please check your spam filter over the next day or so. If not there, no worries, we have time. Write me and I will get you the codes when I get back later in the week. Second, refunds on the Diving Game are slow, and I…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Might Make Stretch Goal #7!

    Getting Close!! Stretch Goal #7 not only has a free copy of a great Fiction River anthology for everyone, but it also has a Pop-Up Class for writers that a number of writers have written me about. Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Pop-Up: Stamina and Strategies to Write a Lot. You wouldn’t think there would be a lot to learn about that, but this idea for a Pop-Up came about one afternoon as Kris and I were headed somewhere and we got talking about writing a lot and how we both do certain things that allow us to not only write a lot each day on a bunch of projects, but keep it…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Kickstarter Ends Thursday

    Don’t Miss This One… It has already funded and hit five stretch goals. Check it out at… Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Campaign. And remember there are two special workshops in this one that are going to be great. How to Make Place a Character in Your Story and also The Rule of Three and How to Use It. So many people write me wanting to get into these special workshops after the campaign is over and we just don’t allow it. Only way into these is through this campaign and there is only three days left!! Both workshops are three weeks and you can take them either starting October 26th or November…