• Challenge,  Misc,  workshops

    Life Rolls…

    That Means “Life Events”… And so many different kinds of Life Rolls and different sizes and events. Health issues, family issues, money, job issues, publishing issues, and so on and so on. Major life events can stop you cold, like me falling last fall and smashing up my shoulder and being in a brace for a month after surgery and then nine months of PT.  (Quarterback of the Las Vegas Raiders just had that happen to him on Sunday, same injury.) You just never know what kind of life event will hit and what size and shape. Today, (Monday), Kris and I both had pretty busy days planned with writing…

  • Branding,  Challenge,  workshops

    Length of a Brand/Trademark

    I Was Surprised… I was working on an issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine tonight and mentioned in the introduction that Kris and I started Pulphouse in 1987 and it has been going along one way or another, making money as a brand and a business name for 37 years this coming year. And we have plans to expand the brand even more very shortly. I find it interesting that the older I get, the bigger the numbers get with different things I have been doing. My best friend and I have been close for sixty years this year. I sold my first short stories 50 years ago. And the Pulphouse…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Couple of Photos

    And A Cat Picture… We are in the final stage of moving, basically getting some boxes of books on shelves and putting up art. The art is taking some time because some of it we can’t put in some places because it is original signed art and we have far, far too much bright light. And we have a ton of concrete walls. One such concrete wall is between two massive windows on our main floor (our condo is two floors) in our main living room (we have three living room areas). So I managed to use a few hooks and such that had been put in to the concrete…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  News

    Cattitude Story Bundle

    Great Fun!!! A Cat Storybundle… And wow does it have cats in it. Lots and lots of cats. Get it at https://storybundle.com/cats Kris curated this one and it is named after a Pulphouse book Cattitude that I edited. I’ll let Kris describe the bundle here. Don’t miss this one!! ——— The 2021 Cattitude Bundle – Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch This bundle thrills me. Often, I curate StoryBundles filled with books I’ve read. Always, I curate with authors whose work I like. But as I curate them, I’m aware that I am a moody reader who rarely wants to read what’s prescribed. So, with the books I have only read…

  • Challenge

    Almost Normal

    Kris Gave Me A Pass on Killing Me… Because I wanted to bring home a new kitten. Cute 12 week old red-point Siamese. At first glance I thought it was a Birman, which we have been looking for. Close, very close in looks. But she gave me a pass at my attempt because I’m recovering from the nasty virus and not thinking clearly. (grin) So we still just have Cheeps (a Birman) and Gavin (a part Siamese). Pictures below. And another reason, Gavin, with his Siamese exposed, ran around the house the entire time I was sick yelling because a human had the bed. We do not need two opinionated…

  • Challenge

    It’s Late, So You Get A Cat Picture

    I Know, I Know…  …But I had to keep my daily blogging streak alive and I have to be up tomorrow morning for a Webinar and such. And I didn’t feel like finishing any of the writing blogs I have started. So cat picture was the best I could think of. So now you have Gavin…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    I Gave Kitten Pictures

    And Nobody Said a Word… That is stunning. Kittens and cats usually bring out the comments even more. (grin) I might have to try that again. How about a picture of Ashley and Thorne, named after Clark Ashton Smith and Thorne Smith? They were with us for over a decade each. Wonderful cats. (And yes, that is just a few of the digest collection behind them, but no idea what the cats are on.) Now, I have given you kittens and cats named after famous writers. What more can writers want? (grin) Monthly Regular Workshops… You can find them under Online Workshops to the right of this post. Sign up…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Headed Back To The Coast

    Flying This Time… Leaving Kris the van and two cats. Both cats seem to be getting used to the place. I’m going to be getting ready to fire up on the short-story-a-day challenge starting on Sunday. That’s just part one of this coming challenge. Plus I have an entire house to pack and get cleared. So starting Sunday these blogs will get longer as I talk about how to focus on a challenge and writing and production in the middle of a pretty intense life roll. Moving, they say, is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. So figure this short story per day for April will…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Me and The Cats Made It

    26 Hours… I stopped and rested for a few hours in a hotel room around 5 in the morning, took a shower, then stopped every 45 minutes after that for the next six hours to rest and drink water and some caffeine. Left at 12:30 p.m. from Lincoln City and got in here to our condo in Las Vegas at 2:30. Had dinner in Boise with a friend along the way as well. Cats never said a word. I had them in a massive dog carrier that took help from Josh at WMG to get into the van. They had pillows and a blanket and they didn’t make a sound…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    A Filler Because I Am In A Car With Cats

    That’s right, two cats… I am writing this ahead and will post it from my iPad as I grab something to eat in the middle of the night somewhere along the way. I am taking two cats in a large dog carrier from the Oregon Coast to Las Vegas. So wish me luck… And this is yet again an example of the power of a streak with this blog. If I can post a blog while driving two cats non-stop for over twenty hours, anything is possible. (grin)