A Planned Miss
I Has Been Hoping… I had on my schedule a planned miss tonight, knowing there would be too much to do and I would be too tired since the Fantasy workshop ended today here at the coast. But since I have had two unplanned misses, I had been hoping to actually be able to do a story tonight. Nope. The planning was accurate. So now I have five missed days and nine days to do 14 stories. Well, that will be fun. (grin) Not at all impossible, but certainly interesting. So going to keep this short tonight since I have webinars to have fun with tomorrow morning. ————– IF YOU…
A Lot of Paint and a Story
Up Way Early… I got up early for me, like at 9 a.m., to go out where our two south stores are and help the landlord of the complex there do some painting. We are taking another building there in the complex for an apartment for me and Kris when we come back up to Lincoln City. And the front part will be an area we will use to sort collections that come in and a large porch area will be our 4th store. So the landlord was painting the inside and going above and beyond the call of duty to seal the place for Kris and her allergies. So…
Digging the Hole Deeper
Just Decided to Take the Night Off… I decided that because I am getting up silly early tomorrow morning to help with some stuff on this move we are doing, (in essence, help get a place ready to move stuff into from here) I would take the night off. And get a full night’s sleep for the first time in a while. Go figure. So no story. And I have some assignments I have not gotten to and some email I will try to work on tomorrow afternoon and evening, as things finally settle back out here after a wild and crazy ten days. Sorry for the delay on that.…
Some Questions About the New Workshop Location
Got some Great Questions About the New In-Person Workshops in Las Vegas. Let me just list the questions and then below I have copied the announcement again. Question: Room Rate the Same for Both Early Bird and those who pay later? Answer: Yes. We will have the room block set for each workshop and will send those who are paid the code to the room block to get the discounts. We will send out those hotel codes as soon as you pay for the workshop. If the block fills, those who get in late will most likely end up paying a little more. We will try to solve that if…
Had To Happen
I Committed Novel… I am still counting it as a short story, and will put it in the final book for this challenge if I make it to the end. But in my mind I have no doubt this does not wrap as a short story. First off, it is paced wrong. Paced like a novel and I didn’t pay any attention until I got about 2,000 words in and went “Oh, oh…” Second, what my devious creative voice was setting up was a great romance in my Thunder Mountain series. So I also didn’t realize I had jumped viewpoint on a break until about 2,000 words in. “Oh, oh…”…
Another Miss… Down Three
Not Going Like Other Challenges… I had expected this challenge this month to be nuts to even try, but I knew if I didn’t push, I wouldn’t write a word the entire month and then wonder what happened. Yeah, we have all had those sort of months, huh? (grin) So I planned on having two misses along the way and then writing two stories a day for a couple days toward the end to get back on target. Still planning to do that, but now it needs to be three. Normally my challenges are all a story a day through the entire month. I knew this one wouldn’t be like…
In-Person Workshops Moving to Las Vegas!!!
Starting in October… That’s right, after this summer Series Workshop here in Lincoln City, all “coast workshops” will be held in Las Vegas. That’s right, after almost twenty years here (first was in 1999), we are graduating the in-person workshops up to the next level. I will be writing those signed up for the two workshops coming up, the Business Master Class in October and the Anthology Workshop in early March to confirm if you still want to attend or not. Or you can contact me. Either way is fine. There are slight changes to format and schedule which will make this better for everyone. (We talked to a lot…
Story Fourteen and Cats
Another Fun Day… I didn’t get much packing in today because of meetings and the workshop going on here and so on. But I did spend a bunch of time clearing out a ton of things that could be tossed away. It was garbage day and recycling day and I found a bunch of stuff. So that was sort of moving today. The Day Got up around eleven and made it to WMG around 1 p.m. to help get the Fantasy Workshop started. Then meetings on the topic of the next blog. Then I did the stores and banking running around, then back to work in my office and eat…
Thirteen and Back On Pace
A Really Fun Day… I did my first two webinars today, about three hours total between them. I had fun and I hope they were interesting for others listening in and asking questions. One was on selling short fiction and the other on writing space opera. The Day Got up around nine-thirty because I had to be live on camera at 11 a.m. Webinars lasted until 2:15 and then the session of the coast workshop started at 2:30. By 4:30 I had lunch and I was home and packing boxes and such. Then a nap and back to the office for the evening workshop session at 7 p.m. Home after…
Skip Second Day… Not Worried
Another Long and Fun Day… I didn’t even think about moving over to the writing computer to write tonight. Started off this morning with movers helping me move stuff from first the offices, then this house, then from the bookstore. A massive move-around that needed to be done to stage the next step in this move. Many hours and physically draining, even though they were doing most of the lifting. Remember, this challenge is to write 30 stories in 30 days while moving. Today was not only the start of the Fantasy workshop here at the coast, but a massive moving day. So no thought of writing tonight. Not even…