Just Eight Hours Left!!
Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter Campaign… Almost to the fourth stretch goal. If we manage to hit that, everyone will get 5 extra books, plus $35o in lectures, Pop-Ups, and Classic Workshops. Plus, remember that the only place to get into the special Writing Mystery Series workshop is in this campaign. It is a three week workshop and the reward level is $150. You have your choice of taking it in July or August. And there are discounts on lectures and regular workshops as well. Ends at 6 PM tonight, West Coast Time, so not much time left. Here is the link to the campaign… Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter
Home and Exhausted
Assignments and Email Tomorrow… Long two-day drive from the Oregon Coast to Las Vegas. I had forgotten just how long, actually. But great to be home. Last twenty hours of Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter. And we are nearing the next stretch goal which adds another free book for everyone plus a choice of Pop-Up Writing Class worth $150. So sure hope we can make that. It would be very cool. And thank you, everyone, for the support of my series. Means a great deal. And one blast to the past. One of my most famous short stories, a story I have made over $20,000 on and counting is called “In…
Back in Boise
Headed Home to Vegas… Tomorrow, Wednesday… So I will be responding to assignments on Thursday in the workshops, but all of Week #3 workshops have been launched, a real feat from this iPad. (Grin) And wow, with almost two days left as I write this in the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter (links in posts below), we are gaining on the 4th stretch goal! That one has another one of my off-brand series books to read and a choice of a Pop-Up worth $150. So I sure hope we can get to that. Thanks for passing the word. Long day today. Spent three hours in the warehouse this morning with Allyson…
Headed Home Tomorrow
Tuesday…. I need to spend a few hours to pack the car tomorrow morning, then head out. It will take me two days to get back to Vegas. And then on Thursday I will be back in my office and answering letters and assignments. But give me some time to get caught up, please. Thanks! And wow, we went right past the third stretch goal with the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter (information in posts below) and are solidly on the way toward the 4th. Wonderful!! Again, thanks!! The big warehouse has gone from massive amounts of things to massive numbers of piles of boxes. But most things now have a…
Very Close To Third Stretch Goal!!
As I Write This… Only $90 away on the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter. (See posts below for links.) And when we hit that, everyone will get an electronic copy of my novel Death Takes a Partner: A Mary Jo Assassin novel. (Yes, I know, I write books no one has every heard of, but actually have two in that series and some short stories.) Also, you get your choice of a classic workshop. And still have three days left and if we can hit the next stretch goal, everyone will get a copy of my Earth Protection League novel, Life of a Dream. And your choice of any of the…
Another Day of Packing
Things Are Locked In… Got some minor stuff to find homes for, but for the most part I have given away just about everything. Still have about eight display cases to deal with, and get things ready to next month’s move to Vegas of the stuff we are putting in the new office in Vegas. Still creating a giant donation pile, and a pile for six other places. I’ve had great help every evening with Cameron (owner of a store here in town) coming in and doing some heavy lifting, Jo (the owner of my old store) helping with things, and Chris and Steve York making sure I am fed.…
One Scary Long Day
Started at 6:30 am… Made a ton of progress. Got homes for most everything. Picked up, packed, and moved a ton of boxes. Didn’t get back to the room here until 9:30, so 15 hours, a lot of steps, and a ton of exercise. Got some photos of what it looked like when I started. But had great help, Chis and Steve York brought me dinner, and talked with a ton of friends stopping by. I would have some pictures that I took today, but can’t get them to load. So will do that when I get back. Working on an iPad has limitations, especially when exhausted. Don’t forget there…
In a Suite On the Beach
In Lincoln City… Spent about three hours up in the warehouse tonight, some of that time talking with Steve and Chris York who stopped by. Wonderful to see them. Some time giving Kris a FaceTime tour. Ugly amounts of work. So much really good stuff. Like at one point I was moving a few boxes of toys and found an entire box of Lionel Train Track from the 1950s in great shape. Maybe a 100 pieces. Not a clue what to do with it. Boxes of stamps (my friend Bill collected stamps). One entire box was stamp collecting supplies. I will keep the US stamps to use (sold the older…
In Boise
At Homewood Suites… Love these places. Huge living room, nice kitchen, large bedroom and nice bathroom. I could live in this place without trouble. Got out of Vegas around 10 am and ten hours later, with three stops, pulled up in Boise. I went right up the middle of Nevada and it was no issue. Other than there wasn’t any places to get out and walk some and I ate far too much. I will be better now going forward. Did a couple mile walk once I got checked in here, but getting up very early for the drive to the coast, so not going to make my full steps…
Traveling… Oh, My….
Off to WMG Publishing Northern Offices… By the time most of you read this on Wednesday, I will be somewhere in the center of the Nevada desert, headed north. I will stay in a nice suite hotel in Boise, then on to Lincoln City, Oregon, on the coast, on Thursday. Then on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday all day, I will be in the WMG Publishing 7,000 square foot warehouse/office basically organizing things. This trip is organization and decisions on what I am going to be doing with a lot of things that fill that place. We first got that warehouse nine years ago when my friend Bill died and…