Website Challenge
Writing this short post to fill my challenge… Since the website at the moment is running stupidly slow and has already been fixed once this week. So not sure if I even have time to get this up to keep my seven-plus years of daily blogs going. Also wanted to stress once again that the Great Challenge for a weekly short story and the Great Novel Challenge would be great ways to get your new year started and both are still available to sign up for. On Teachable.
Workshop Details
A Number of Details on Workshops… First off, I have four more videos of a licensing holiday focus on the Licensing Transition workshop. Just a four-video idea is all. Something to think about. There will be more videos in that class before the end of the year. Second, the Licensing Transition and the Shared Worlds classes (that will continue on until July) will be closed for new sign-ups on the last day of this month. Two people have asked me to hold them open until then, but that’s it, so if you have been thinking about them, don’t delay now. Sign up on Teachable. And in a few days I…
New Regular Workshops
THE SCHEDULE THROUGH APRIL Here is the next four months of online regular workshops. January is available to sign up now on Teachable. I will also get up February and March fairly shortly as well for sign-ups. Three new workshops included. Starting in January: WRITING ROMANCE. Starting in February: FLOATING VIEWPOINTS Starting in March: MAKING A LIVING Here we go into 2020. Class #1… Jan 7th … WRITING ROMANCEClass #4… Jan 7th … Writing into the DarkClass #5… Jan 7th … Writing Sales CopyClass #6… Jan 8th … Depth in WritingClass #7… Jan 8th … Writing Short StoriesClass #9… Jan 8th… Writing with EmotionClass #10… Jan 8th… Advanced Depth Class…
And I Mean a Bunch!!… And some of these bundles would make fantastic holiday gifts for your writer friends. Or for yourself. And they are all less than buying each item on its own. And they can all be found on Teachable. So going to list them right here, just for fun. To start, there are four different Lifetime Subscriptions…. Workshops. Lectures. Study Along. Las Vegas. Then for the Pop-Ups, there are both 5 and 10 bundles. There is a bundle of the four Futures Workshops, maybe four of the best workshops we have done. There is a bundle of three Negotiations Lectures. And an Advanced Business Lectures bundle. And…
Fun New Workshops
New Pop-Up and A Romance Workshop Fun day today. I have two new workshops up and available, plus all of January Regular workshops are available for sign-up now. LOCKED ROOM MYSTERIES Pop-up #17 is now available. I love locked-room mysteries, but there is not enough about them to fill a six-week workshop without getting into extreme depth of topic, so tips on how to write locked-room mysteries fit perfectly in a Pop-Up. And it is also in the bundle of Pop-Ups #11-20. Second, I put up the new regular workshops for January, starting on the 7th. And the first workshop in January is Writing Romance. All are available right now.…
Anthology Workshop News and A Cat Picture
On Teachable Now for Assignments If you are in the anthology workshop and did not get a letter from me tonight (Sunday) on how to get into the anthology workshop on Teachable to get the third assignment, write me. ANOTHER RUN… Two in two days, although the Santa Run wasn’t much of a push because with that many people, running was almost impossible. Too much fun, anyway. But today was another matter. I was up before the sun came up and we were going off the starting line in Henderson at 8 am. Cold, wind in our faces, and uphill for exactly 1.5 miles. Without a break. Brutal. But I…
Licensing Transition Videos
And All December Workshops Started… That’s right, I have seven of the bunch of videos I will be doing this month in the Licensing Transition Class up. I emailed those in the group, but I noticed that a lot of those who signed up opted out of email notices, so nothing I can do on that. Most of these seven are just historical stuff about me and Kris and how looking at a decade is possible and impossible at the same time. Licensing takes time, got to learn how to think longer-term, something most writers find almost impossible to do. And also the December regular workshops have all started up.…
Tip of the Week Has Ended
Tonight I Posted the Last Five Weeks… And I opened up all the tips from January 1st, 2018 all the way through to those who are signed up right now. And killed the $10 per month charging fee. After two years of weekly tips, I am done in that format. I will be announcing something new and different for 2020 later this month which will have tips as well as much, much more. So anyone who is has been taking Tip of the Week now and was signed up now has access to all 104 writing tips. However, I had two people ask me if they could get all 104…
Workshops and More Workshops
Cyber Monday… Got a hunch everyone is shopping for all kinds of nifty things today online. But in that spirit, besides the fact that seven new Classic Workshops are now available and two Classic Workshop bundles available only for December, I wanted to remind those interested that the December workshops start Tuesday and Wednesday. Information on the Classic Workshop Bundles in yesterday’s post right below this. And all of you who got the special How to Write a Holiday Story workshop in the Kickstarter should have gotten a letter from me last week with the ability to pick which of the two sessions (December or January) you want to take…
Classic Workshops
And Two December Specials!!! All seven of the new classic workshops are now up and available. Classic workshops are workshops that have been moved from regular workshops to make more room and are half the original price ($150). But you do not turn in the assignments, just do them for yourself at your own pace. We now have 29 Classic Workshops available. And seven of them are newly in Classic status. So, for only the month of December, we put all seven in a bundle and reduced the price. You can still buy them one-at-a-time on Teachable for $150 each. But you can also get all seven in a bundle,…